Self-Hosted Chatbot Focuses On Privacy

Large language models (LLMs) have been all the rage lately, assisting from all kinds of tasks from programming to devising Excel formulas to shortcutting school work. They’re also relatively easy to access for the most part, but as the old saying goes, if something on the Internet is free the real product is you (and your data). Luckily there are ways of hosting LLMs on your own to avoid your personal data getting harvested, as well as taking advantage of open-source solutions, but building these systems takes a little bit of effort. [Stephen] and a team from Mozilla walk us through this process and show us a number of options currently available.

Working from the ground up, the group first decides on hosting, which (unsurprisingly) involves using Mozilla hosting services. The choice of runtime environment was a little bit more challenging. The project was time constrained, so they looked at two options here: Hugging Face and llama.cpp. Eventually deciding to move forward with llama.cpp largely due to its ability to run on more consumer-oriented hardware (especially Apple silicon) and the fact that it doesn’t need a powerful GPU, the next task was to choose the model. Settling on the LLaMa model that Facebook recently open-sourced, this model works well with the runtime environment and is essentially the only one that does.

From there, the team at Mozilla wanted to make sure their chat bot would be able to provide other Mozilla employees with information more readily pertinent to their jobs, so they trained their model with some internal Mozilla data as well as other more generic information. This doesn’t mean the job is done, though, there are a number of other factors that went in to designing this system before it was finally complete. Even then, since they built this in a week it’s not perfect; there are some issues with non-permissive licensing of some of the components and many of the design choices may not have been ideal. It’s impressive what’s out there if you’re hosting your own system, though, and while this might be a little more advanced for a self-hosted project, take a look at some other more beginner-friendly projects you can try if you’re just starting out on the self-hosted path.

The Right Benchmark For GPT

Dan Maloney wanted to design a part for 3D printing. OpenSCAD is a coding language for generating 3D objects. ChatGPT can write code. What could possibly go wrong? You should go read his article because it’s enlightening and hilarious, but the punchline is that it ran afoul of syntax errors, but also gave him enough of a foothold that he could teach himself enough OpenSCAD to get the project done anyway. As with many people who have asked the AI to create some code, Dan finds that it’s not as good as asking someone who knows what they’re doing, but that it’s also better than nothing.

And this is where I start grumbling. When you type your desires into the word-follower machine, your alternative isn’t nothing. Your alternative is to fire up a search engine instead and type “openscad tutorial”. That, for nearly any human endeavor, will get you a few good guides, written by humans who are probably expert in the subject in question, and which are aimed at teaching you the thing that you want to learn. It doesn’t get better than that. You’ll be up and running with your design in no time.

Indeed, if you think about the relevant source material that the LLM was trained on, it’s exactly these tutorials. It can’t possibly do better than the best of them, although the resulting average tutorial might be better than the worst you’ll find. (Some have speculated on what happens when the entire Internet is filled with these generated texts – what will future AIs learn from?)

In Dan’s case, though, he didn’t necessarily want to learn OpenSCAD – he just wanted the latch designed. But in the end, he had to learn enough OpenSCAD to get the AI code compiling without error. He spent an hour learning OpenSCAD and now he’s good to go on his next project too.

So the next time you hear someone say that they got an answer back from a large language model that wasn’t perfect, but it was “better than nothing”, think critically if “nothing” is really the right benchmark.

Do you really want to learn nothing? Do you really have no resources to get started with? I would claim that we have the most amazing set of tutorial resources the world has ever known at our fingertips. Compared to the ability to teach millions of humans to achieve their own goals, that makes the LLM party tricks look kinda weak, in my opinion.

GETMusic Uses Machine Learning To Generate Music, Understands Tracks

Music generation guided by machine learning can make great projects, but there’s not usually much apparent control over the results. The system makes what it makes, and it’s an achievement if the results are not obvious cacophony. But that’s all different with GETMusic which allows for a much more involved approach because it understands and is able to create music by tracks. Among other things, this means one can generate a basic rhythm and melody first, then add additional elements to those existing ones, leaving the previous elements unchanged.

GETMusic can make music from scratch, or guided from examples, and under the hood uses a diffusion-based approach similar to the method behind AI image generators like Stable Diffusion. We’ve previously covered how Stable Diffusion works, but instead of images the same basic principles are used to guide the model from random noise to useful tracks of music.

Just a few years ago we saw a neural network trained to generate Bach, and while it was capable of moments of brilliance, it didn’t produce uniformly-listenable output. GETMusic is on an entirely different level. The model and code are available online and there is a research paper to accompany it.

You can watch a video putting it through its paces just below the page break, and there are more videos on the project summary page.

Continue reading “GETMusic Uses Machine Learning To Generate Music, Understands Tracks”

Text-to-Speech Model Can Do Music, Background Noises, And Sound Effects

Bark is a universal text-to-audio model that can not only create realistic speech, it can incorporate music, background noises, and sound effects. It can even include non-speech sounds like laughter, sighs, throat clearings, and similar elements. But despite the fact that it can deliver such complex results, it’s important to understand some of the peculiarities.

The model takes a prompt and generates the resulting sound from scratch. Results might sometimes be unexpected.

Bark is not a conventional text-to-speech program, and how it works has a lot more in common with large language model AI chatbots. This means that results can deviate from expectations, and outputs aren’t necessarily going to be studio-quality speech. As the project’s README points out, “(generated outputs can) be anything from perfect speech to multiple people arguing at a baseball game recorded with bad microphones.” That being said, there is some support for voice presets as a way to help guide the model with some consistency.

Bark was designed by a company called Suno for research purposes and is available under the MIT License. It can be installed and run locally, and has some demos available as well as an online implementation.

The ability to install and run Bark locally is promising territory for incorporating it into projects. And should you be more interested in speech-to-text instead, don’t forget about this plain C/C++ implementaion of AI-powered speech recognition.

When Is Open Source AI Not Open Source AI?

The world of AI is abuzz, or at least parts of it are, at the news of Meta’s release of Llama 2. This is an AI text model which is thought to surpass ChatGPT in capabilities, and which the social media turned VR turned own all your things company wants you to know is open to all. That’s right, the code is open source and you can download the model, and Meta want you to feel warm and fuzzy about it. Unfortunately all is not as it seems, because of course the model isn’t open-source and is subject to a licensing restriction which makes it definitely not free of charge for larger users. This is of course disappointing to anyone hoping for an AI chatbot without restrictions, but we’re guessing Meta would prefer not to inadvertently enable a competitor.

Happily for the open source user large or small who isn’t afraid of a little work there’s an alternative in the form of OpenLLaMA, but we understand that won’t be for all users. Whichever LLM you use though, please don’t make the mistake of imagining that it possesses actual intelligence.

Thanks to the CoupledAI team for the tip!

Reviving Interlisp With The Medley Interlisp Project

Within the Artificial Intelligence and natural language research communities, Lisp has played a major role since 1960. Over the years since its introduction, various development environments have been created that sought to make using Lisp as easy and powerful as possible. One of these environments is Interlisp, which saw its first release in 1968, and its last official release in 1992. That release was Medley 2.0, which targeted various UNIX machines, DOS 4.0, and the Xerox 1186. Courtesy of the Interlisp open source project (GitHub), Medley Interlisp is available for all to use, even on modern systems.

The documentation contains information on how to install Medley on Linux but also Mac and Windows (via WSL1 or WSL2). For those just curious to give things a swing, there’s also an online version you can log into remotely. What Medley Interlisp gets you is an (X-based) GUI environment in which you can program in Lisp, essentially an IDE with a debugger and the (in)famous auto-correction tool for simple errors such as typos, known as the DWIM (Do What I Mean), which much like the derived version in Emacs seeks to automatically fix simple issues like misspellings without forcing the developer to fix it and restart the compilation.

Thanks to [Pixel_Outlaw] for the tip and for also telling us about a project they wrote using Medley Interlisp for the Spring Lisp Game Jame 2023 titled Interlisp Fifteen Puzzle.

3D Audio Imaging With A Phased Array Microphone

Remember the scene from Blade Runner, where Deckard puts a photograph into a Photo Inspector? The virtual camera can pan and move around the captured scene, pulling out impossible details. It seems that [Ben Wang] discovered how to make that particular trick a reality, but with audio instead of video. The secret sauce isn’t a sophisticated microphone, but a whole bunch of really simple ones. In this case, it’s 192 of them, arranged on long PCBs working as the spokes of a wall-art wheel. Quite the conversation piece.

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