So What Is A Supercomputer Anyway?

Over the decades there have been many denominations coined to classify computer systems, usually when they got used in different fields or technological improvements caused significant shifts. While the very first electronic computers were very limited and often not programmable, they would soon morph into something that we’d recognize today as a computer, starting with World War 2’s Colossus and ENIAC, which saw use with cryptanalysis and military weapons programs, respectively.

The first commercial digital electronic computer wouldn’t appear until 1951, however, in the form of the Ferranti Mark 1. These 4.5 ton systems mostly found their way to universities and kin, where they’d find welcome use in engineering, architecture and scientific calculations. This became the focus of new computer systems, effectively the equivalent of a scientific calculator. Until the invention of the transistor, the idea of a computer being anything but a hulking, room-sized monstrosity was preposterous.

A few decades later, more computer power could be crammed into less space than ever before including ever higher density storage. Computers were even found in toys, and amidst a whirlwind of mini-, micro-, super-, home-, minisuper- and mainframe computer systems, one could be excused for asking the question: what even is a supercomputer?

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Relativity Space Changes Course On Path To Orbit

In 2015, Tim Ellis and Jordan Noone founded Relativity Space around an ambitious goal: to be the first company to put a 3D printed rocket into orbit. While additive manufacturing was already becoming an increasingly important tool in the aerospace industry, the duo believed it could be pushed further than anyone had yet realized.

Rather than assembling a rocket out of smaller printed parts, they imagined the entire rocket being produced on a huge printer. Once the methodology was perfected, they believed rockets could be printed faster and cheaper than they could be traditionally assembled. What’s more, in the far future, Relativity might even be able to produce rockets off-world in fully automated factories. It was a bold idea, to be sure. But then, landing rockets on a barge in the middle of the ocean once seemed pretty far fetched as well.

An early printed propellant tank.

Of course, printing something the size of an orbital rocket requires an exceptionally large 3D printer, so Relativity Space had to built one. It wasn’t long before the company had gotten to the point where they had successfully tested their printed rocket engine, and were scaling up their processes to print the vehicle’s propellant tanks. In 2018 Bryce Salmi, then an avionics hardware engineer at Relatively Space, gave a talk at Hackaday Supercon detailing the rapid progress the company had made so far.

Just a few years later, in March of 2023, the Relativity’s first completed rocket sat fueled and ready to fly on the launch pad. The Terran 1 rocket wasn’t the entirely printed vehicle that Ellis and Noone had imagined, but with approximately 85% of the booster’s mass being made up of printed parts, it was as close as anyone had ever gotten before.

The launch of Terran 1 was a huge milestone for the company, and even though a problem in the second stage engine prevented the rocket from reaching orbit, the flight proved to critics that a 3D printed rocket could fly and that their manufacturing techniques were sound. Almost immediately, Relativity Space announced they would begin work on a larger and more powerful successor to the Terran 1 which would be more competitive to SpaceX’s Falcon 9.

Now, after an administrative shakeup that saw Tim Ellis replaced as CEO, the company has released a nearly 45 minute long video detailing their plans for the next Terran rocket — and explaining why they won’t be 3D printing it.

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You Know Pi, But Do You Really Know E?

Pi Day is here! We bet that you know that famous constant to a few decimal points, and you could probably explain what it really means: the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter. But what about the constant e? Sure, you might know it is a transcendental number around 2.72 or so. You probably know it is the base used for natural logarithms. But what does it mean?

The poor number probably needed a better agent. After all, pi is a fun name, easy to remember, with a distinctive Greek letter and lots of pun potential. On the other hand, e is just a letter. Sometimes it is known as Euler’s number, but Leonhard Euler was so prolific that there is also Euler’s constant and a set of Euler numbers, none of which are the same thing. Sometimes, you hear it called Napier’s constant, and it is known that Jacob Bernoulli discovered the number, too. So, even the history of this number is confusing.

But back to math, the number e is the base rate of growth for any continually growing process. That didn’t help? Well, consider that many things grow or decay through growth. For example, a bacteria culture might double every 72 hours. Or a radioactive sample might decay a certain amount per century. Continue reading “You Know Pi, But Do You Really Know E?”

Pixel Watch 3’s Loss Of Pulse Detection: The Algorithms That Tell Someone Is Dying

More and more of the ‘smart’ gadgets like watches and phones that we carry around with us these days come with features that we’d not care to ever need. Since these are devices that we strap onto our wrists and generally carry in close proximity to our bodies, they can use their sensors to make an estimation of whether said body is possibly in the process of expiring. This can be due to a severe kinetic event like a car crash, or something more subtle like the cessation of the beating of one’s heart.

There is a fairly new Loss of Pulse Detection (LoPD) feature in Google’s Pixel Watch 3 that recently got US FDA approval, allowing it to be made available in the US after previously becoming available in over a dozen European countries following its announcement in August of 2024. This opt-in feature regularly polls whether it can detect the user’s pulse. If not found, it cascades down a few steps before calling emergency services.

The pertinent question here is always whether it is truly detecting a crisis event, as nobody wants to regularly apologize for a false alert to the overworked person staffing the 911 or equivalent emergency line. So how do you reliably determine that your smart watch or phone should dial emergencies forthwith?

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TrapC: A C Extension For The Memory Safety Boogeyman

In the world of programming languages it often feels like being stuck in a Groundhog Day-esque loop through purgatory, as effectively the same problems are being solved over and over, with previous solutions forgotten and there’s always that one jubilant inventor stumbling out of a darkened basement with the One True Solution™ to everything that plagues this world beset by the Unspeakable Horror that is the C programming language.

As the latest entry to pledge its fealty at the altar of the Church of the Holy Memory Safety, TrapC promises to fix C, while also lambasting Rust for allowing that terrible unsafe keyword. Of course, since this is yet another loop through purgatory, the entire idea that the problem is C and some perceived issue with this nebulous ‘memory safety’ is still a red herring, as pointed out previously.

In other words, it’s time for a fun trip back to the 1970s when many of the same arguments were being rehashed already, before the early 1980s saw the Steelman language requirements condensed by renowned experts into the Ada programming language. As it turns out, memory safety is a miniscule part of a well-written program.

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Inexpensive Repairable Laptops, With Apple Style

Despite a general lack of real-world experience, many teenagers are overly confident in their opinions, often to the point of brashness and arrogance. In the late 90s and early 00s I was no different, firmly entrenched in a clichéd belief that Apple computers weren’t worth the silicon they were etched onto—even though I’d never actually used one. Eventually, thanks to a very good friend in college, a bit of Linux knowledge, and Apple’s switch to Intel processors, I finally abandoned this one irrational belief. Now, I maintain an array of Apple laptops for my own personal use that are not only surprisingly repairable and hacker-friendly but also serve as excellent, inexpensive Linux machines.

Of course, I will have ruffled a few feathers suggesting Apple laptops are repairable and inexpensive. This is certainly not true of their phones or their newer computers, but there was a time before 2016 when Apple built some impressively high quality, robust laptops that use standard parts, have removable batteries, and, thanks to Apple dropping support for these older machines in their latest operating systems, can also be found for sale for next to nothing. In a way that’s similar to buying a luxury car that’s only a few years old and letting someone else eat the bulk of the depreciation, a high quality laptop from this era is only one Linux install away from being a usable and relatively powerful machine at an excellent bargain. Continue reading “Inexpensive Repairable Laptops, With Apple Style”

Open Source Hardware, How Open Do You Want It To Be?

In our wider community we are all familiar with the idea of open source software. Many of us run it as our everyday tools, a lot of us release our work under an open source licence, and we have a pretty good idea of the merits of one such document over another. A piece of open source software has all of its code released under a permissive licence that explicitly allows it to be freely reproduced and modified, and though some people with longer beards take it a little too seriously at times and different flavours of open source work under slightly different rules, by and large we’re all happy with that.

When it comes to open hardware though, is it so clear cut?  I’ve had more than one rant from my friends over the years about pieces of hardware which claim to be open-source but aren’t really, that I think this bears some discussion.

Open Source Hardware As It Should Be Done

To explore this, we’ll need to consider a couple of open source hardware projects, and I’ll start close to home with one of my own. My Single 8 home movie cartridge is a 3D printable film cartridge for a defunct format, and I’ve put everything necessary to create one yourself in a GitHub repository under the CERN OHL. If you download the file and load it into OpenSCAD you can quickly create an STL file for your slicer, or fiddle with the code and make an entirely new object. Open source at its most efficient, and everyone’s happy. I’ve even generated STLs ready to go for each of the supported ISO values. Continue reading “Open Source Hardware, How Open Do You Want It To Be?”