This QR Code Leads To Two Websites, But How?

QR codes are designed with alignment and scaling features, not to mention checksums and significant redundancy. They have to be, because you’re taking photos of them with your potato-camera while moving, in the dark, and it’s on a curved sticker on a phone pole.  So it came as a complete surprise to us that [Christian Walther] succeeded in making an ambiguous QR code.

Nerd-sniped by [Guy Dupont], who made them using those lenticular lens overlays, [Christian] made a QR code that resolves to two websites depending on the angle at which it’s viewed. The trick is to identify the cells that are different between the two URLs, for instance, and split them in half vertically and horizontally: making them into a tiny checkerboard. It appears that some QR decoders sample in the center of each target square, and the center will be in one side or the other depending on the tilt of the QR code.

Figuring out the minimal-difference QR code encoding between two arbitrary URLs would make a neat programming exercise. How long before we see these in popular use, like back in the old days when embedding images was fresh? QR codes are fun!

Whether it works is probably phone- and/or algorithm-dependent, so try this out, and let us know in the comments if they work for you.

Thanks [Lacey] for the tip!


A Ribbon Microphone Is Harder Than You Think

There’s a mystique around ribbon microphones due to their being expensive studio-grade items, which has led more than one experimenter down the rabbit hole of making one. [Catherine van West] has posted her experiments in the field, and it makes for an interesting read.

The recipe for a ribbon microphone is very simple indeed — suspend a corrugated ribbon of foil in a magnetic field, and take the voltage across the ribbon. But that simplicity hides some significant issues, as the foil is much thinner than the stuff you might roast your turkey under. Such lightweight foil is extremely fragile, and the signwriters leaf used here proved to be difficult to get right.

Then when the microphone is built there’s still the exceptionally low impedance and small voltage across the ribbon to contend with. The choice here is a transformer rather than a FET preamp, which surprised us.

The result is by all accounts a decent sounding microphone, though with some hum pickup due to difficulty with shielding. Should you give one a try? Maybe not, but that hasn’t stopped others from giving it a go.

Putting Cheap Motorcycle Tachometers To Work

With so much data being thrown at our eyeballs these days, it’s worryingly easy for the actually important stuff to slip by occasionally. So when [Liam Jackson] wanted a way to visualize the number of test failures popping up in the continuous integration system at work, he went with a novel but effective solution — universal motorcycle tachometers.

It turns out these little gauges can be had for under $10 a piece from the usual overseas retailers, and are very easy to drive with a microcontroller. As [Liam] explains, all you need to do other than providing them with 12 volts, is feed them a PWM signal. Even though the gauges are designed for a 12 V system, they apparently don’t have any problem responding to the 5 V logic level from the Arduino’s pins.

As for the frequency he says that 1,000 RPM corresponds to 16.66 Hz, so you can just multiply up from there to show whatever number you wish. That said, [Liam] warns that the gauges draw several hundred milliamps once the needle gets into the two digit range, so keep that in mind. Conveniently, those number happen to be in red anyway…

For his particular application, [Liam] put three of the gauges together to create a very handsome dashboard. If you want to recreate his setup exactly he’s made the STLs available for the gauge cluster housing. Note the small OLED at the center, this offers a way to show a bit more context than the three analog gauges alone can express, especially if you’ve got an application where you might be switching between multiple data sources.

Over the years we’ve seen several projects that repurposed analog gauges of various types, often for showing computer performance, but they generally involved having to drive the galvanometers directly. That these tachometers can simply be fed a simple digital signal should make implementing them into your project much easier.

Math On A Checkerboard

The word “algorithm” can sometimes seem like a word designed to scare people away from math classes, much like the words “calculus”, “Fourier transform”, or “engineering exam”. But in reality it’s just a method for solving a specific problem, and we use them all the time whether or not we realize it. Taking a deep dive into some of the ways we solve problems, especially math problems, often leads to some surprising consequences as well like this set of algorithms for performing various calculations using nothing but a checkerboard.

This is actually a demonstration of a method called location arithmetic first described by [John Napier] in 1617. It breaks numbers into their binary equivalent and then uses those representations to perform multiplication, division, or to take the square root. Each operation is performed by sliding markers around the board to form certain shapes as required by the algorithms; with the shapes created the result can be viewed directly. This method solves a number of problems with other methods of performing math by hand, eliminating other methods like trial-and-error. The video’s creator [Wrath of Math] demonstrates all of these capabilities and the proper method of performing the algorithms in the video linked below as well.

While not a “hack” in the traditional sense, it’s important to be aware of algorithms like this as they can inform a lot of the way the world works on a fundamental level. Taking that knowledge into another arena like computer programming can often yield some interesting results. One famous example is the magic number found in the code for the video game Quake, but we’ve also seen algorithms like this used to create art as well.

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A Foil Tweeter, Sound From Kitchen Consumables

The world of audio has produced a variety of different loudspeaker designs over the last century, though it’s fair to say that the trusty moving coil reigns supreme. That hasn’t stopped plenty of engineers from trying new ways to make sound though, and [R.U.H] is here with a home-made version of one of them. It’s a foil tweeter, a design in which a corrugated strip of foil is held in a magnetic field, and vibrates when an audio frequency current is passed through it.

He shows a couple of takes on the design, both with neodymium magnets but with different foils and 3D printed or wooden surrounds. They both make a noise when plugged into an amplifier, and unsurprisingly the thicker foil has less of the high notes.

We can see that in there is the possibility for a high quality tweeter, but we can’t help having one concern. This device has an extremely low impedance compared to the amplifier, and thus would probably be drawing far too much current. We’d expect it to be driven through a transformer instead, if he had any care for not killing the amplifier.

Happily there are other uses for a ribbon, they are far better known as microphones.

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A Mechanical Calculator For The Modern Age

There was a brief period through the 1960s into the 1970s when the last word in electronics was the calculator. New models sold for hundreds of dollars, and owning one made you very special indeed. Then the price of the integrated circuit at their heart fell to the point at which anyone could afford one, and a new generation of microcomputers stole their novelty for ever. But these machines were by no means the first calculators, and [What Will Makes] shows us in detail the workings of a mechanical calculator.

His machine is beautifully made with gears hand-cut from plywood, and follows a decimal design in which the rotation of a gear with ten teeth represents the numbers 0 to 9. We’re taken through the mechanical processes behind addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, showing us such intricacies as the carry lever or a sliding display mechanism to implement a decimal equivalent of a bitwise shift multiplication.

We have to admit to be particularly impressed by the quality of the work, more so because these gears are hand made. To get such a complex assembly to work smoothly requires close attention to tolerance, easy with a laser cutter but difficult by hand. We heartily recommend watching the video, which we’ve placed below the break.

Meanwhile if you’d like more mechanical calculators, take a look at one of the final generation of commercial models.

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A Twenty-Segment Display, Artistically

We all know and love the humble seven-segment display, right? And if you want to make characters as well as numbers, you can do an okay job with sixteen segments off the shelf. But if you want something more art-deco, you’ll probably want to roll your own. Or at least, [Ben] did, and you can find his designs up on GitHub.

Taking inspiration from [Posy]’s epic investigation of segmented displays, [Ben] sat down with a sketchpad and created his own 20-segment font that displays numbers and letters with some strange, but frankly lovely, segment shapes. There is no center line, so letters like “T” and numbers like “1” are a little skewed, but we think it’s charming.

We’ve seen about a bazillion takes on the seven-segment idea over the years here. Most recently, we fell in love with this 21-segment beauty, but honestly the original eight(!) segment patent version is charming as well. Anyway, picking a favorite segmented display at Hackaday is like picking your favorite child, if you have a few hundred children. We love them all.

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