Fighting To Keep Bluetooth Thermometers Hackable

Back in 2020, we first brought you word of the Xiaomi LYWSD03MMC — a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) temperature and humidity sensor that could be had from the usual sources for just a few dollars each. Capable of being powered by a single CR2032 battery for up to a year, the devices looked extremely promising for DIY smart home projects. There was only one problem, you needed to use Xiaomi’s app to read the data off of the things.

Enter [Aaron Christophel], who created an open source firmware for these units that could easily be flashed using a web-based tool from a smartphone in BLE range and opened up all sorts of advanced features. The firmware started getting popular, and a community developed around it. Everyone was happy. So naturally, years later, Xiaomi wants to put a stop to it.

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Nice PDF, But Can It Run DOOM? Yup!

DOOM is a classic game to implement on a variety of platforms, but doompdf by [ading2210] is one we didn’t see coming. It runs a bit slow and controls are a little awkward but it does run. Entirely within a PDF file, at that.

How is this possible? PDFs are technically capable of much more than just displaying static content, and support JavaScript with their own library of functions. Adobe Acrobat implements the full spec, but modern web browsers implement at least a subset of the functionality in a sandboxed JavaScript runtime environment. Input and output are limited to things one might expect from a fancy PDF form (text input boxes, clickable buttons, things of that nature) but computation-wise, just about anything goes.

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Procedurally Generated Terrain In OpenSCAD

We’re big fans of OpenSCAD here at Hackaday — it’s free and open source software, runs on pretty much anything, and the idea of describing objects via code seems like a natural fit for producing functional parts. Rather than clicking and dragging elements on the screen, you can knock out a quick bracket or other simple component with just a few lines of code. But one of the things we don’t often get a chance to showcase is the incredible potential of generating 2D and 3D objects algorithmically.

In a recent Reddit post, [ardvarkmadman] dropped an extremely impressive snippet of OpenSCAD code that he calls TerrainGen. In fewer than fifteen lines of code, it’s able to create randomized “islands” which range from simple plateaus to craggy mountain ranges. After dropping the code in the OpenSCAD editor, you can just keep hitting F5 until you get a result that catches your eye. This seems like an excellent way to generate printable terrain elements for gaming purposes, but that’s just one possibility.

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Bad Apple But It’s 6,500 Regex Searches In Vim

In the world of showing off, there is alongside ‘Does it play Doom?’ that other classic of ‘Does it play Bad Apple?’. Whereas either would be quaint in the context of the Vim editor, this didn’t deter [Nolen Royalty] from making Vim play the Bad Apple video. As this is a purely black and white video, this means that it’s possible to convert each frame into a collection of pixels, with regular expression based search and custom highlighting allowing each frame to be rendered in the Vim window.

The fun part about this hack is that it doesn’t require any hacking or patching of Vim, but leans on its insane levels of built-in search features by line and column, adjusting the default highlight features and using a square font to get proper pixels rather than rectangles. The font is (unsurprisingly) called Square and targets roguelike games with a specific aesthetic.

First 6,500 frames are fed through ffmpeg to get PNGs, which are converted these into pixel arrays using scripts on the GitHub project. Then the regex search combined with Vim macros allowed the video to be played at real-time speed, albeit at 120 x 90 resolution to give the PC a fighting chance. The highlighting provides the contrast with the unlit pixels, creating a rather nice result as can be seen in the embedded video.

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Tactility; The ESP32 Gets Another OS

Doing the rounds this week is a new operating system for ESP32 microcontrollers, it’s called Tactility, and it comes from [Ken Van Hoeylandt]. It provides a basic operating system level with the ability to run apps from an SD card, and it has the choice of a headless version or an LVGL-based touch UI.

Supported devices so far are some Lillygo and M5Stack boards, with intriguingly, support in the works for the Cheap Yellow Display board that’s caught some attention recently. The term “ESP32” is now a wide one encompassing Tensilica and RISC-V cores and a range of capabilities, so time will tell how flexible it is for all branches of the family.

We find this OS to be interesting, both in its own right and because it joins at least two others trying to do the same thing. There’s [Sprite_TM]’s PocketSprite mini console, and the operating system used by the series of Netherlands hacker camp badges,  We’ll be trying to get a device running it, in order to give you a look at whether it’s suitable for your projects. If it runs well on the cheaper hardware, it could be a winner!

Regular (Expression) Chess

[Nicholas Carlini] found some extra time on his hands over the holiday, so he decide to do something with “entirely no purpose.” The result: 84,688 regular expressions that can play chess using a 2-ply minmax strategy. No kidding. We think we can do some heavy-duty regular expressions, but this is a whole other level.

As you might expect, the code to play is extremely simple as it just runs the board through series of regular expressions that implement the game logic. Of course, that doesn’t count the thousands of strings containing the regular expressions.

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Nottingham Railway departure board in Hackspace

All Aboard The Hack Train: Nottingham’s LED Revival

Hackerspaces are no strangers to repurposing outdated tech, and Nottingham Hackspace happens to own one of those oddities one rarely gets their hands on: a railway departure board. Left idle for over a decade, it was brought back to life by [asjackson]. Originally salvaged around 2012, it remained unused until mid-2024, when [asjackson] decided to reverse-engineer it. The board now cycles between displaying Discord messages and actual train departures from Nottingham Railway Station every few minutes. The full build story can be found in this blog post.

The technical nitty-gritty is fascinating. Each side of the board contains 4,480 LEDs driven as two parallel chains. [asjackson] dove into its guts, decoding circuits, fixing misaligned logic levels, and designing custom circuit boards in KiCAD. The latest version swaps WiFi for a WizNet W5500 ethernet module and even integrates the Arduino Uno R4 directly into the board’s design. Beyond cool tech, the display connects to MQTT, pulling real-time train data and Discord messages via scripts that bridge APIs and custom Arduino code.

This board is a true gem for any hackerspace, even more so now it’s working. It waited for the exact mix of ingredients why hackerspaces exist in the first place: curiosity, persistence, and problem-solving. Nottingham Hackspace is home to a lot more, as we once wrote in this introductory article.If you don’t have room for the real thing, maybe set your sights a bit smaller.

Do you have a statement piece this cool in your hackerspace or your home? Tip us!

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