WiFi Meets LoRa For Long Range

What do you get when you cross WiFi and LoRa? Researchers in China have been doing this, and they call the result WiLo. They claim to get reliable connections over about half a kilometer. Typical WiFi runs 40 to 60 meters, barring any Pringle’s cans or other exotic tricks.

According to [Michelle Hampson] writing in IEEE Spectrum, the researchers manipulated Wi-Fi’s OFDM multiplexing to emulate LoRa’s chirp-spreading signal. The advantage is that existing WiFi hardware can use the protocol to increase range.

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This Bluetooth GATT Course Is A Must Watch

Bluetooth is a backbone technology for innumerable off-the-shelf and hacker devices. You should know how to work with it – in particular, nowadays you will certainly be working at the Bluetooth GATT (Generic Attribute) layer. This two-part project by [V. Hunter Adams] of Cornell fame spares no detail in making sure you learn Bluetooth GATT for all your hacking needs – not only will you find everything you could want to know, you also get example GATT server and client application codebases to use in your projects, designed to work with the commonly available Pi Pico W!

What’s better than a visual demonstration? The video below shows the GATT server running on a Pico W – handling six different parameters at once. [Hunter] pokes at the server’s characteristics with a smartphone app – sending string data back and forth, switching an LED, and even changing parameters of audio or video color output by the Pico. Flash the server code into your Pico W, play with it, read through it, and follow the tutorial to learn what makes it tick.
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A 1930s Ham Station

[Mikrowave1] wanted to build an authentic 1930s-style ham radio station that was portable. He’s already done a regenerative receiver, but now he’s starting on a tube transmitter that runs on batteries. He’s settled on a popular design for the time, a Jones push-pull transmitter. Despite the tubes, it will only put out a few watts, which is probably good for the batteries which, at the time, wouldn’t have been like modern batteries. You can see the kickoff video below.

According to the video, these kinds of radios were popular with expeditions to exotic parts of the world. He takes a nostalgic look back at some of the radios and antennas used in some of those expeditions.

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Wardriving Tools In The Modern Era

When WiFi first came out, it was a super exciting time. The technology was new, and quite a bit less secure back then—particularly if not configured properly. That gave rise to the practice of wardriving—driving around with a computer, looking for unsecured networks, often just for the fun of it. [Simon] has been examining this classic practice from a modern perspective. 

He’s been at the game for a long time—from back in the days when you might head out with a thick old laptop, a bunch of PCMCIA cards, and dangly antennas. It’s much more advanced these days, given we’ve got WiFi on all different bands and Bluetooth devices to consider to boot. Heck, even Zigbee, if you’re hunting down a rogue house full of Internet of Things gadgets.

Today, when he’s out researching the wireless landscape, he uses devices like the Flipper Zero, the Raspberry Pi, and a Google Pixel 5 running the WiGLE WiFi Wardriving app. [Simon] notes that the latter is the easiest way to get started if you’ve got an Android phone. Beyond that, there’s software and hardware out there these days that can do amazing things compared to the simple rigs of yesteryear.

If you’re out looking for free internet these days, wardriving might be a bit pointless given it’s available in practically every public building you visit. But if you’re a wireless security researcher, or just curious about what your own home setup is putting out, it might be worth looking at these tools! Happy hunting.

Australia Didn’t Invent WiFi, Despite What You’ve Heard

Wireless networking is all-pervasive in our modern lives. Wi-Fi technology lives in our smartphones, our laptops, and even our watches. Internet is available to be plucked out of the air in virtually every home across the country. Wi-Fi has been one of the grand computing revolutions of the past few decades.

It might surprise you to know that Australia proudly claims the invention of Wi-Fi as its own. It had good reason to, as well— given the money that would surely be due to the creators of the technology. However, dig deeper, and you’ll find things are altogether more complex.

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Decoding Meshtastic With GNU Radio

Meshtastic is a way to build mesh networks using LoRa that is independent of cell towers, hot spots or traditional repeaters. It stands to reason that with an SDR and GNU Radio, you could send and receive Meshtastic messages. That’s exactly what [Josh Conway] built, and you can see a video about the project, Meshtastic_SDR, below. The video is from [cemaxecuter], who puts the library through its paces.

For hardware, the video uses a Canary I as well as the WarDragon software-defined radio kit which is an Airspy R2 and a mini PC running Dragon OS — a Linux distribution aimed at SDR work —  in a rugged case. GNU Radio, of course, uses flows which are really just Python modules strung together with a GUI.

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Screenshot of the blog post, showing how you can optimize your battery level measurement resistor dividers, among many other things

Making Your Wireless Keyboard Truly Low-Power

The basics of keyboard design are tried and true at this point, but there are still a few aspects yet unconquered. One of them is making your keyboards wireless. You might think it’s easy, but if you just slap a wireless-enabled microcontroller onto your board, you’ll soon be left with a dead battery. Rejoice – [Pete Johanson], creator of ZMK, tells all that you want to know about making your keyboard low-power.

In a lengthy blog post, he goes through everything that a typical keyboard consists of, and points out factor after factor that you never knew could cause a spike in power consumption. Are you using muxes or config options that will force your MCU to always stay alert? Is your voltage regulator’s quiescent current low enough, and can the same be said about other parts you’re using? Does your MCU have to work extra hard transmitting bytes because you’ve put a copper fill under its antenna? Most importantly, is the firmware you’re using designed to optimize power consumption at its core?

If you’ve ever thought about designing low-power keyboards, hell, any low-power device, you seriously should read this post – it will set you at ease by giving you a checklist of things to do, and it also links to quite a few other useful resources, like the ZMK power profiler. Perhaps, if you’re building a wireless keyboard or just creating battery-powered device, you should consider ZMK, as it sure seems to be written with energy efficiency in mind.

Want to learn more about what it takes to build a low-power device? Our 2023 Low-Power Contest attracted a wide range of entrants, and they’ve shared a flurry of methods and tricks you can use to build any sort of battery-juice-sipping gadget.