Going Minimal: 64×4, The Fun In Functional Computing

If you’ve ever wondered what makes a computer tick, the Minimal 64×4 by [Slu4] is bound to grab your attention. It’s not a modern powerhouse, but a thoughtfully crafted throwback to the essence of computing. With just 61 logic ICs, VGA output, PS/2 input, and SSD storage, this DIY wonder packs four times the processing power of a Commodore 64.

What sets [Slu4]’s efforts apart is his refusal to follow the beaten track of CPU development. He imposes strict complexity limits on his designs, sticking to an ultra-minimalist Von Neumann architecture. His journey began with the ‘Minimal Ur-CPU’, a logic-chip-based computer that could crunch numbers but little else. Next came the ‘Minimal 64’, featuring VGA graphics and Space Invaders-level performance. The latest ‘Minimal 64×4’ takes it further, adding incredible speed while keeping the design so simple it’s almost ridiculous. It’s computing stripped to its rawest form—no fancy sound, no dazzling graphics, just raw resourcefulness.

For enthusiasts of retro-tech and DIY builds, this project is a treasure trove. From text editors to starfield simulations to Sokoban, [Slu4] proves you don’t need complexity to make magic. Continue reading “Going Minimal: 64×4, The Fun In Functional Computing”

Regular (Expression) Chess

[Nicholas Carlini] found some extra time on his hands over the holiday, so he decide to do something with “entirely no purpose.” The result: 84,688 regular expressions that can play chess using a 2-ply minmax strategy. No kidding. We think we can do some heavy-duty regular expressions, but this is a whole other level.

As you might expect, the code to play is extremely simple as it just runs the board through series of regular expressions that implement the game logic. Of course, that doesn’t count the thousands of strings containing the regular expressions.

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High Performance RISC-V

From the Institute of Computing Technology division of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Peng Cheng Laboratory comes a high-performance and well-documented RISC-V core called XiangShan.

In the Git repository, you’ll find several branches including at least two stable branches: Yanqihu and Nanhu. The currently developed architecture, Kunminghu, is impressive, with a sophisticated instruction fetch unit, a reorder buffer, and a register renaming scheme.

The point of these types of circuits in a CPU is to allow multiple instructions to process at once. This also implies that instructions can be executed out of order. A cursory glance didn’t show any branch prediction logic, but that may be a limitation of the documentation. If there isn’t one, that would be an interesting thing to add in a fork if you are looking for a project.

On the computing side, the processor contains an integer block, a floating point unit, and a vector processor. Clearly, this isn’t a toy processor and has the capability to compete with serious modern CPUs.

There is a separate GitHub for documentation. It looks like they try to keep documentation in both Mandarin and English. You can also find some of the academic papers about the architecture there, too.

We love CPU design, and this is an interesting chance to contribute to an open CPU while there are still interesting things to do. If you need to start with something easier, plenty of small CPUs exist for educational purposes.

RISC CPU Lives In Excel

Last time we checked in on [Inkbox], he had made a 16-bit CPU in Excel. Impressive, but not really practical. Presumably, his latest project isn’t any more practical, but we suspect an 8-bit RISC CPU was easier to implement in Excel and probably runs faster, too. The new machine uses a stack architecture with a simplified instruction set of ten instructions. You can follow along with his Excel adventure in the video below.

If you think about it, you may decide that doing something like this in Excel is easy because you could just script it and use Excel as the user interface. That’s true, but that’s not how [Inkbox] does it. He won’t use scripts or IF statements in a cell. That makes things much harder.

Continue reading “RISC CPU Lives In Excel”

Close-up of a CPU

Register Renaming: The Art Of Parallel Processing

In the quest for faster computing, modern CPUs have turned to innovative techniques to optimize instruction execution. One such technique, register renaming, is a crucial component that helps us achieve the impressive multi-tasking abilities of modern processors. If you’re keen on hacking or tinkering with how CPUs manage tasks, this is one concept you’ll want to understand. Here’s a breakdown of how it works and you can watch the video, below.

In a nutshell, register renaming allows CPUs to bypass the restrictions imposed by a limited number of registers. Consider a scenario where two operations need to access the same register at once: without renaming, the CPU would be stuck, having to wait for one task to complete before starting another. Enter the renaming trick—registers are reassigned on the fly, so different tasks can use the same logical register but physically reside in different slots. This drastically reduces idle time and boosts parallel tasking. Of course, you also have to ensure that the register you are using has the correct contents at the time you are using it, but there are many ways to solve that problem. The basic technique dates back to some IBM System/360 computers and other high-performance mainframes.

Register renaming isn’t the only way to solve this problem. There’s a lot that goes into a superscalar CPU.

Continue reading “Register Renaming: The Art Of Parallel Processing”

Tridora: A Full-Custom CPU Designed For Pascal

[Sebastian Lederer] has created Tridora: an unusual stack-based CPU core intended for FPGA deployment, co-developed with its own Pascal compiler. The 32-bit word machine is unusual in that it has not one but three stacks, 16-bit instruction words, and a limited ISA, more like those of the 8-bit world. No multiply or divide instructions will be found in this CPU.

The design consists of about 500 lines of Verilog targeting the Digilent Arty-A7 FPGA board, which is based around the Xilinx Artix-7 FPGA line. [Sebastian] plans to support the Nexys A7 board, which boasts a larger FPGA array but has less RAM onboard. The CPU clocks in at 83 MHz with four clock cycles per instruction, so over 20 MIPS, which is not so shabby for a homebrew design. Wrapped around that core are a few simple peripherals, such as the all-important UART, an SD card controller and a VGA display driver. On the software side, the Pascal implementation is created from scratch with quite a few restrictions, but it can compile itself, so that’s a milestone achieved. [Sebastian] also says there is a rudimentary operating system, but at the moment, it’s a little more than a loader that’s bundled with the program image.

The Tridora Gitlab project hosts the Verilog source, an emulator (written in Golang, not Pascal) and a suite of example applications. We see quite a few custom CPUs, often using older or less popular programming languages. Here’s an FPGA-based Forth machine to get you started. Implementing programming languages from scratch is also a surprisingly common hack. Check out this from-scratch compiler for the Pretty Laughable Programming language.

A Robust Guide To The Xbox 360 Glitch Hack

The Xbox 360 was a difficult console to jailbreak. Microsoft didn’t want anyone running unsigned code, and darn if they didn’t make it difficult to do so. However, some nifty out of the box thinking and tricky techniques cracked it open like a coconut with a crack in it. For the low down, [15432] has a great in-depth article on how it was achieved. The article is in Russian, so you’ll want to be armed with Google Translate for this one.

The article gets right into the juice of how glitch attacks work—in general, and with regards to the Xbox 360. In the specific case of the console, it was all down to the processor’s RESET line. Flicker it quickly enough, and the processor doesn’t actually reset, but nonetheless its behavior changes. If you time the glitch right, you can get the processor to continue running through the bootloader’s instructions even if a hash check instruction failed. Of course, timing it right was hard, so it helps to temporarily slow down the processor.

From there, the article continues to explore the many and varied ways this hack played out against Microsoft’s copy protection across multiple models and revisions of the Xbox 360. The bit with the BGA ball connections is particularly inspired. [15432] also goes even deeper into a look at how the battle around the Xb0x 360’s DVD-ROM drive got heated.

We seldom talk about the Xbox 360 these days, but they used to grace these pages on the regular. Video after the break.

Continue reading “A Robust Guide To The Xbox 360 Glitch Hack”