Forget Ship In A Bottle, How About Joule Thief In A Fuse Tube?

We love close-up pictures of intricate work, and [w] hits the spot with a tiny joule thief in a fuse case (social media post, embedded below) powered by an old coin cell from a watch. It’s so tiny!

Ethernet transformers contain tiny coils.

A joule thief is a sort of minimum-component voltage booster that can suck nearly every last drop of energy from even seemingly-drained batteries, and is probably most famously used to light LEDs from cells that are considered “dead”.

Many joule thief designs feature hand-wound coils, which is great for junk box builds but certainly becomes more of a challenge for a tiny build like this one.

We really like that [w] salvaged a miniscule coil from an Ethernet transformer, most of which look like blocky SMD components from the outside but actually contain tiny coils.

The joule thief has been the basis of plenty of hacks over the years, and it’s always nice to see new twists on the concept.

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The First Real Sputnik

Americans certainly remember Sputnik. At a time when the world was larger and scarier, the Soviets had a metal basketball flying over the United States and the rest of the world. It made people nervous, but it was also a tremendous scientific achievement. However, it wasn’t the plan to use it as the first orbiter, as [Scott Manley] explains in a recent video that you can see below.

The original design would become Sputnik 3, which, as [Scott] puts it, was the first Soviet satellite that “didn’t suck.” The first one was essentially a stunt, and the second one had an animal payload and thermal problems that killed the canine occupant, [Laika].

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Vintage Crystal Radio Draws The Waves

The classic crystal radio was an oatmeal box with some wire and a few parts. [Michael Simpson] has something very different. He found an assembled Philmore “selective” radio kit. The simple kit had a coil, a germanium diode, and a crystal earphone.

We were sad when [Michael] accidentally burned a part of the radio’s coil. But–well–in the end, it all worked out. We’ll just say that and let you watch for yourself. The radio is simplicity itself, built on a wooden substrate with a very basic coil and capacitor tuned circuit. Continue reading “Vintage Crystal Radio Draws The Waves”

FLOSS Weekly Episode 795: Liferay, Now We’re Thinking With Portals

This week Jonathan Bennett and Doc Searls chat with Olaf Kock and Dave Nebinger about Liferay! That’s a Java project that started as an implementation of a web portal, and has turned into a very flexible platform for any sort of web application. How has this Open Source project turned into a very successful business? And how is it connected to most iconic children’s educational show of all time? Listen to find out!

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Compiling Four Billion If Statements

With modern tools, you have to try very hard to do something stupid, because the tools (rightly) recognize you’re doing something stupid. [Andreas Karlsson] can speak to that first hand as he tried to get four billion if statements to compile.

You may ask what state space requires four billion comparisons to evaluate? The answer is easy: the range of an unsigned 32-bit integer. The whole endeavor started with a simple idea: what if instead of evaluating whether an integer is even or odd with a modulo or bit mask, you just did an if statement for every case? Small ranges like 0-10 are trivial to write out by hand, but you reach for more automated solutions as you pass 8 bits and move towards 16. [Andreas] wrote some Python that outputs a valid C program with all the comparisons. For 16 bits, the source only clocks in at 130k lines with the executable less than 2 MB.

Of course, scaling to 32 bits is a very different problem. The source file balloons to 330 GB, and most compilers barf at that point. Undeterred, [Andreas] modified the Python to output x86_64 assembly instead of C. Of course, the executable format of Windows (PE) only allows executables up to 4 GB, so a helper program mapped the 40 GB generated executable and jumped into it.

What’s incredible about this whole journey is how performant the program is. Even large numbers complete in a few seconds. Considering that it has to thrash 40 GB of an executable through memory, we can’t help but shake our heads at how even terrible solutions can work. We love seeing someone turn a bad idea into an interesting one, like this desoldering setup.

On Carbon Fiber Types And Their Carcinogenic Risks

Initially only seeing brief popular use as the filament in incandescent lighting, carbon fibers (CF) experienced a resurgence during the 20th century as part of composite materials that are lighter and stronger than materials like steel and aluminium, for use in aircraft, boats and countless more applications. This rising popularity has also meant that the wider population is now exposed to fragments of CF, both from using CF-based products as well as from mechanically processing CF materials during (hobby) projects.

It is this popularity that has also led to the addition of short CF sections to FDM 3D printing filaments, where they improve the mechanical properties of the printed parts. However, during subsequent mechanical actions such as sanding, grinding, and cutting, CF dust is created and some fraction of these particles are small enough to be respirable. Of these, another fraction will bypass the respiratory system’s dust clearing mechanisms, to end up deep inside the lungs. This raises the question of whether CF fragments can be carcinogenic, much like the once very popular and very infamous example of asbestos mineral fibers.

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An ESP Makes A Bicycle Odometer

If you’d like to measure the speed of your cycling then it’s easy enough to buy a cycle computer, but as [Clovis Fritzen] has done it’s also an option to build one. The result of his work is a smart PCB on which the speed is indicated with a row of LEDs.

The sensor is a straightforward affair, a reed switch with a magnet on a wheel, which is sensed by an ESP8266. The six LEDs are charlieplexeed over three lines. To keep the supply voltage correct for the ESP from the uncertain state of a lithium battery, a small buck-boost module is used. Sadly the code doesn’t seem to make the speed available via the wireless part of the processor, but we’re guessing that a bit of extra software work could fix that.

The result when put in a box on the handlebars, is a smart but simple instrument that would aid any bike. It’s by no means the first one we’ve brought you and we doubt it will be the last.