Pong In A Petri Dish: Teasing Out How Brains Work

Experimental setup for the EAP hydrogel free energy principle test. (Credit: Vincent Strong et al., Cell, 2024)
Experimental setup for the EAP hydrogel free energy principle test. (Credit: Vincent Strong et al., Cell, 2024)

Of the many big, unanswered questions in this Universe, the ones pertaining to the functioning of biological neural networks are probably among the most intriguing. From the lowliest neurally gifted creatures to us brainy mammals, neural networks allow us to learn, to predict and adapt to our environments, and sometimes even stand still and wonder puzzlingly how all of this even works. Such puzzling has led to a number of theories, with a team of researchers recently investigating one such theory, as published in Cell. The focus here was that of Bayesian approaches to brain function, specifically the free energy principle, which postulates that neural networks as inference engines seek to minimize the difference between inputs (i.e. the model of the world as perceived) and its internal model.

This is where Electro Active Polymer (EAP) hydrogel comes into play, as it features free ions that can migrate through the hydrogel in response to inputs. In the experiment, these inputs are related to the ball position in the game of Pong. Much like experiments involving biological neurons, the hydrogel is stimulated via electrodes (in a 2 x 3 grid, matching the 2 by 3 grid of the game world), with other electrodes serving as outputs. The idea is that over time the hydrogel will ‘learn’ to optimize the outputs through ion migration, so that it ‘plays’ the game better, which should be reflected in the scores (i.e. the rally length).

Based on the results some improvement in rally length can be observed, which the researchers present as statistically significant. This would imply that the hydrogel displays active inference and memory. Additional tests with incorrect inputs resulted in a marked decrease in performance. This raises many questions about whether this truly displays emergent memory, and whether this validates the free energy principle as a Bayesian approach to understanding biological neural networks.

To the average Star Trek enthusiast the concept of hydrogels, plasmas, etc. displaying the inklings of intelligent life would probably seem familiar, and for good reason. At this point, we do not have a complete understanding of the operation of the many billions of neurons in our own brains. Doing a bit of prodding and poking at some hydrogel and similar substances in a dish might be just the kind of thing we need to get some fundamental answers.

Always Something New Under The Sun

Some of the entries we got into the Tiny Games Contest have been really mind-blowing. Just as you think you’ve seen it all, for instance, alnwlsn comes along and mills the DIP-package ATtiny84 and embeds a complete Simon game in the space normally wasted by all that plastic overmolding. It’s the tiniest, and most gonzo, circuit-sculpture Simon we’ve ever seen.

Soldering fine wires to the leadframe of an ATtiny84 in a DIP-14 package.Now, our judges are hard at work ranking all 80 of the entries, and we have a fantastic range of entries all around, so I’m not calling any winners yet. But have you ever seen a project milled into a chip before? Nope, me neither.

What’s amazing is that this happens every time we run a contest. The second you put limitations on a project, there’s always someone out there who says “Hold my beer” and blows the limits out of the water. Indeed, the frequency with which we see someone pull off the impossible on Hackaday makes me wish I were buying more lottery tickets. You all really are stupendous.

We hope that feats like this are as inspirational to you as they are to us. No idea is too bonkers to not at least give it a try. Who knows, it might work! And when it does, please write it up and let us know. Keep the cycle of inspiration going!

Soldering, Up Close And Personal

A word of warning before watching this very cool video on soldering: it may make you greatly desire what appears to be a very, very expensive microscope. You’ve been warned.

Granted, most people don’t really need to get this up close and personal with their soldering, but as [Robert Feranec] points out, a close look at what’s going on when the solder melts and the flux flows can be a real eye-opener. The video starts with what might be the most esoteric soldering situation — a ball-grid array (BGA) chip. It also happens to be one of the hardest techniques to assess visually, both during reflow and afterward to check the quality of your work. While the microscope [Robert] uses, a Keyence VHX-7000 series digital scope, allows the objective to swivel around and over the subject in multiple axes and keep track of where it is while doing it, it falls short of being the X-ray vision you’d need to see much beyond the outermost rows of balls. But, being able to look in at an angle is a huge benefit, one that allows us a glimpse of the reflow process.

More after the break

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A 1930s Ham Station

[Mikrowave1] wanted to build an authentic 1930s-style ham radio station that was portable. He’s already done a regenerative receiver, but now he’s starting on a tube transmitter that runs on batteries. He’s settled on a popular design for the time, a Jones push-pull transmitter. Despite the tubes, it will only put out a few watts, which is probably good for the batteries which, at the time, wouldn’t have been like modern batteries. You can see the kickoff video below.

According to the video, these kinds of radios were popular with expeditions to exotic parts of the world. He takes a nostalgic look back at some of the radios and antennas used in some of those expeditions.

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Player Ukulele Pulls Your Strings

Automated musical instruments aren’t a new idea. From water chimes to player pianos, they’ve been around for a while. But we can’t remember the last time we saw a player ukulele. [Zeroshot] shows us one, though, and it uses an Arduino. You can see and hear it in the video below.

Honestly, with all the stepper motors, linear rails, and belts, we thought it looked like a 3D printer, at least up at the business end. [Zeroshot] thought it would be easier to build a robot than to actually learn to play the instrument. We aren’t sure we agree.

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Supercon 2024: Last Call For Display Tech Exhibit

During this year’s Hackaday Supercon, the Supplyframe DesignLab will be playing host to a unique exhibit that catalogs the evolution of display technology. That means showcasing the best and most interesting examples they can find, from the vintage to the ultra-modern. Where are all these wonderful toys coming from, you might ask? Why, the Hackaday community, of course.

This is a rare chance to show off your prized gadgetry to a captive audience of hackers and makers. Whether it’s a custom display you’ve created or some gonzo piece of hardware you’ve been holding onto for years, now’s the time to haul it out. However, there are only a few days left to submit your display for potential inclusion, so if you’ve got something you want the Hackaday community to see, make sure you fill out the form before the September 16th deadline. That’s Monday, if you were wondering.

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Pulling Apart An Old Satellite Truck Tracker

Sometimes there’s nothing more rewarding than pulling apart an old piece of hardware of mysterious origin. [saveitforparts] does just that, and recently came across a curious satellite system from a surplus store. What else could he do, other than tear it down and try to get it humming? 

The device appeared to be satellite communication device for a tracking unit of some sort, complete with a long, thick proprietary cable. That led to a junction box with a serial port and an RJ45 port, along with some other interfaces. Disassembly of the unit revealed it contained a great deal of smarts onboard, including some kind of single-board computer. Comms-wise, it featured a cellular GPRS interface as well as an Orbcomm satellite modem. It also packed in GPS, WiFi, Xbee, Ethernet, and serial interfaces. It ultimately turned out to be a Digi ConnectPort X5 device, used as a satellite tracking system for commercial trucks.

What’s cool is that the video doesn’t just cover pulling it apart. It also dives into communicating with the unit. [saveitforparts] was able to power it up and, using the manufacturer’s software, actually talk to the device. He even found the web interface and tested the satellite modem.

Ultimately, this is the kind of obscure industry hardware that most of us would never come into contact with during our regular lives. It’s neat when these things show up on the secondary market so hackers can pull them apart and see what makes them tick. Video after the break.

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