Water cooler talk at the office usually centers around movies, sports, or life events. Not at Hackaday. We have the oddest conversations and, this week, we are asking for your help. It is no secret that we have a special badge each year for Supercon. Have you ever wondered where those badges come from? Sometimes we do too. We can’t tell you what the badge is going to be for Supercon 2023, but here’s a chance for you to contribute to its design.
What I can tell you is that at least part of the badge is analog. Part, too, is digital. So we were discussing a seemingly simple question: How do we best generate a bipolar power source for the op amps on a badge? Like all design requests, this one is unreasonable. We want:
- Ideally, we’d like a circuit to give us +/- 9 V to +/- 12 V at moderately low current, say in the tens of milliamps. Actual values TBD.
- Low noise: analog circuitry, remember?
- Lightweight: it is going on a badge
- Battery operated: the badge thing again
- Cheap: we only have a couple bucks in the budget for power
- Available in quantity: we’ll need ~600 of these
Continue reading “Ask Hackaday: Split Rail Op Amp Power Supply”