Beyond The Basics: Exploring More Exotic Scope Trigger Modes

Last time, we looked at some powerful trigger modes found on many modern scopes, including the Rigol DHO900 series we used as an example. Those triggers were mostly digital or, at least, threshold-based. This time, we’ll look at some more advanced analog triggers as well as a powerful digital trigger that can catch setup and hold violations. You can find the Raspberry Pi code to create the test waveforms online.

In addition to software, you’ll need to add some simple components to generate the analog waveform. In particular, pin 21 of the Pi connects to  2uF capacitor through a 10K resistor. The other side of the capacitor connects to ground. In addition, pin 22 connects directly to the capacitor, bypassing the 10K resistor. This allows us to discharge the capacitor quickly. The exact values are not especially important.

Runt Triggers

A runt pulse is one that doesn’t have the same voltage magnitude as surrounding pulses. Sometimes, this is due to a bus contention, for example. Imagine if you have some square waves that go from 0 to 5V. But, every so often, one pulse doesn’t make it to 5V. Instead, it stops at 3V.

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Hackaday Links: December 24, 2023

Back near the beginning of the current Solar Cycle 25, we penned an article on what the whole deal is with solar cycles, and what could potentially lie in store for us as the eleven-year cycle of sunspot population developed. Although it doesn’t really come across in the article, we remember being somewhat pessimistic about things, thinking that Solar Cycle 25 would be somewhat of a bust in terms of increased solar activity, given that the new cycle was occurring along with other, longer-period cycles that tend to decrease solar output. Well, looks like we couldn’t have gotten that more wrong if we tried, since the Sun lashed out with a class X solar flare last week that really lit things up. The outburst came from a specific sunspot, number 3514, and clocked in at X2.8, the most powerful flare since just before the end of the previous solar cycle. To put that into perspective, X-class flares have a peak X-ray flux of 10-4 watts/m², which when you think about it is a lot of energy. The flare resulted in a strong radio blackout; pretty much everything below 30 MHz was unusable for a while.

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Hardware: It’s Made Of Software!

We had the opportunity to add a new feature to our lineup: the FLOSS Weekly podcast. It’s a very long running series that covers the goings on in the free, libre, and open-source software world. It’s been co-hosted by our own [Jonathan Bennett] for quite a while now, and when This Week in Tech announced that they wanted to cancel it, [Jonathan] asked if he could keep it running over here at Hackaday.

Hackaday is hardware, though. Why would we be hosting a podcast on open software? It’s no secret that a bunch of us are open-source software fans in general here at Hackaday, but take a quick inventory of the various open projects that you use to make and hack your hardware. We use open-source compilers, libraries, and flashing tools to handle the firmware we write on open-source text editors. Heck, half of the time we even program microcontrollers in the open-source MicroPython. We design PCBs in the open-source KiCAD, do CAD/CAM in FreeCAD, and don’t even get me started in the open-source software and firmware underlying the entire 3D printing ecology. Reverse engineering? Free software, from Wireshark straight through to Ghidra.

All of this is to say, that even while we’re making or breaking hardware, we’re using open-source software to do it. So, if you’re interested in peeking behind the curtain, give the FLOSS Weekly a listen.

Hackaday Podcast Episode 249: Data By Laser And Parachute, Bluetooth Hacks, Google’s Gotta Google

‘Twas the podcast before Christmas, and all through the house, the best hacks of the week are dancing around Elliot and Tom’s heads like sugar-plums. Whatever that means.

I’d just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as Christmas is, in fact, Happy/Holidays.

Before settling their brains in for a long winter’s nap, they’ll talk about the open source software podcast that now calls Hackaday home, the latest firmware developments for Google’s Stadia controller, high-definition cat videos from space, and upgrades for the surprisingly old-school battery tech that powers the Toyota Prius.

Out on the lawn, expect a clatter about the the state-of-the-art in DIY camera technology, the acoustic properties of hot chocolate, and a storage media from the 1990s that even Al Williams had never heard of.

Finally, after tearing open the shutters and throwing up the sash, the episode wraps up with a discussion about wiring techniques that let you leave the soldering iron at home, and the newest chapter in the long history of transferring data via parachute. Miniature sleigh and eight tiny reindeer sold separately.

Download the gift you really want this year: this week’s podcast in DRM-free MP3.

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This Week In Security: Terrapin, Seized Unseized, And Autospill

There’s a new SSH vulnerability, Terrapin (pdf paper), and it’s got the potential to be nasty — but only in an extremely limited circumstance. To understand the problem, we have to understand what SSH is designed to do. It replaces telnet as a tool to get a command line shell on a remote computer. Telnet send all that text in the clear, but SSH wraps it all inside a public-key encrypted tunnel. It was designed to safely negotiate an unfriendly network, which is why SSH clients are so explicit about accepting new keys, and alerting when a key has changed.

SSH uses a sequence counter to detect Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) shenanigans like packet deletion, replay, or reordering. That sequence isn’t actually included in the packet, but is used as part of the Message Authentication Check (MAC) of several encryption modes. This means that if a packet is removed from the encrypted tunnel, the MAC fails on the rest of the packets, triggering a complete connection reset. This sequence actually starts at zero, with the first unencrypted packet sent after the version banners are exchanged. In theory, this means that an attacker fiddling with packets in the pre-encryption phase will invalidate the entire connection as well. There’s just one problem.

The innovation from the Terrapin researchers is that an attacker with MitM access to the connection can insert a number of benign messages in the pre-encryption phase, and then silently drop the first number of messages in the encrypted phase. Just a little TCP sequence rewriting for any messages between, and neither the server nor client can detect the deception. It’s a really interesting trick — but what can we do with it?

For most SSH implementations, not much. The 9.6 release of OpenSSH addresses the bug, calling it cryptographically novel, but noting that the actual impact is limited to disabling some of the timing obfuscation features added to release 9.5.

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Displays We Love Hacking: SPI And I2C

I’ve talked about HD44780 displays before – they’ve been a mainstay of microcontroller projects for literal decades. In the modern hobbyist world, there’s an elephant in the room – the sheer variety of I2C and SPI displays you can buy. They’re all so different, some are LCD and some are OLED, some have a touchscreen layer and some don’t, some come on breakouts and some are a bare panel. No matter which one you pick, there are things you deserve to know.

These displays are exceptionally microcontroller-friendly, they require hardly any GPIOs, or none extra if you already use I2C. They’re also unbelievably cheap, and so tiny that you can comfortably add one even if you’re hurting for space. Sure, they require more RAM and a more sophisticated software library than HD44780, but with modern microcontrollers, this is no problem at all. As a result, you will see them in almost every project under the sun.

What do you need for those? What are the requirements to operate one? What kind of tricks can you use with them? Let’s go through the main aspects.

Continue reading “Displays We Love Hacking: SPI And I2C”

FLOSS Weekly Episode 762: Spilling The Tea

Editor’s Note: We’re excited to announce that Hackaday is the new home of FLOSS Weekly, a long-running podcast about free, libre, and open-source software! The TWiT network hosted the podcast for an incredible seventeen years, but due to some changes on their end, they recently had to wind things down. They were gracious enough to let us pick up the torch, with Jonathan Bennett now taking over hosting duties.

Tune in every Wednesday for a new episode, featuring interviews with developers and project leaders, coverage of the free/libre software you use everyday (maybe without even knowing it), and the latest Open Source news.

This week Jonathan Bennett and Simon Phipps talk with Neal Gompa of Fedora, CentOS, openSUSE and more. The conversation starts off with asking Neal how he went from working on a minor project 11 years ago, to being the lead of KDE on Fedora. How does a company properly sponsor Open Source development? Neal speaks from his experience at Red Hat and other places, to give some really interesting answers.

The crew move on to what happened at Red Hat with CentOS, and why just maybe it was a good thing. Is the age of a company a good indicator of how they will treat Open Source? Is CentOS Stream the best thing to happen to Red Hat Enterprise Linux? What was it like to be at Red Hat during that time? How does a company manage the tension between sales and engineering? We cover this and more!

Continue reading “FLOSS Weekly Episode 762: Spilling The Tea”