Pushing your circuit boards around the bench while trying to solder the components is a fools game. Clamp that board in place with a Stickvise you won from Hackaday! This week we’ll choose 65 projects to receive one of these PCB clamps. You must submit your project as a Hackaday Prize entry to be eligible. Do it now and you’ll be considered for our weekly prizes all summer long — they total $50,000 that we’re putting into your hands.
We’re particularly proud of the Stickvise story. It was posted as a project on Hackaday.io and immediately caught our eye as an interesting idea. We worked with [Alex Rich] as he made his way through the process of getting it ready for manufacturing and it just became available in the Hackaday Store.
Regarding your entry to win one: find a problem facing your community and start a project that helps to solve it. We’ve seen many great entries so far, but with so many prizes your chances of winning are still really good! We recommend adding a project log each week that discusses your progress and perhaps mentions what you would use the Stickvise for while progressing toward a working prototype. Even if you don’t think your idea can win one of the big prizes, a great idea and solid write up is definitely a contender for our $50k in Play weekly prizes. Just look at the projects that won last week:
Last Week’s 20 Winners of a Bulbdial Clock Kit
Congratulations to these 20 projects who were selected as winners from last week. You will receive a Bulbdial Clock Kit. It takes the concept of a sundial and recreates it using different colors of LEDs for each hand of the clock. This is our favorite soldering kit. It ventures a bit away from our mission of awarding tools and supplies to help with your entry, but sometimes you just need to have some fun!
Each project creator will find info on redeeming their prize as a message on Hackaday.io.
- Tact-Tiles
- Reverse Vending Machine
- Binary Pomodoro Timer
- 8-bit binary/hex/braille keyboard
- Chocometer
- Reagent Robot
- A tiny scientific calculator
- Turbidity Sensor
- Iridium Eye: A 3d Mapping Drone
- TeensyGLCD
- Ultra-Portable Sustainable Electric Generator
- Light Electric Utility Vehicle
- Sunburn Monitor
- Squirco Smart Home System – Hub + Thermostat
- Open source two stroke diesel engine
- Open Source Industrial Smart Camera
- Ultrasonic range finder for the visually impaired
- Modular Vertical Farming
- Indoor air pollution reduction
- UV-badge