Magic Eye Images In Your Spreadsheet

Ah, the 1990s. It was a simpler time, when the web was going to be democratic and decentralised, you could connect your Windows 95 PC to the internet without worrying much about it being compromised, and freely download those rave music MP3s. Perhaps you had a Global Hypercolor T-shirt and spent a summer looking like the sweaty idiot you were, and it’s certain you desperately squinted at a magic eye image in a newspaper (remember newspapers?) trying to see the elephant or whatever it was. If you’d like to relive that experience, then [Dave Richeson] has a magic eye image generator for Microsoft Excel.

Unfortunately a proportion of the population including your scribe lack the ability to see these images, a seemingly noise-like pattern of dots on the page computationally generated to fool the visual processing portion of your brain to generate a 3D image. The Excel sheet allows you to create the images, but perhaps most interesting is the explanation of the phenomenon and mathematics which go along with it. Along with a set of test images depicting mathematical subjects, it’s definitely worth a look.

You can download a template and follow the instructions, and from very limited testing here we can see that LibreOffice doesn’t turn its nose up at it, either. Give it a go, and learn afresh the annoyance of trying to unfocus your eyes.

Silicon Carbide May Replace Zirconium Alloys For Nuclear Fuel Rod Cladding

Since the construction of the first commercial light water nuclear power plants (LWR) the design of their fuel rods hasn’t changed significantly. Mechanically robust and corrosion-resistant zirconium alloy (zircalloy) tubes are filled with ceramic fuel pellets, which get assembled into fuel assemblies for loading into the reactor.

A 12' SiGa fuel assembly, demonstrating the ability to scale to full-sized fuel rods. (Credit: DoE)
A 12′ SiGa fuel assembly, demonstrating the ability to scale to full-sized fuel rods. (Credit: DoE)

Now it seems that silicon carbide (SiC) may soon replace the traditional zirconium alloy with General Atomics’ SiGa fuel cladding, which has been tested over the past 120 days in the Advanced Test Reactor at Idaho National Laboratory (INL). This completes the first of a series of tests before SiGa is approved for commercial use.

One of the main advantages of SiC over zircalloy is better resistance to high temperatures — during testing with temperatures well above those experienced with normal operating conditions, the zircalloy rods would burst while the SiC ones remained intact (as in the embedded video). Although normally SiC is quite brittle and unsuitable for such structures, SiGa uses a SiC fiber composite, which allows it to be used in this structural fashion.

Although this development is primarily part of the Department of Energy’s Accident Tolerant Fuel Program and its focus on melt-down proof fuel, the switch to SiC could also solve a major issue with zirconium, being its use as a catalyst with hydrogen formation when exposed to steam. Although with e.g. Fukushima Daiichi’s triple meltdown the zircalloy fuel rods were partially destroyed, it was the formation of hydrogen gas inside the reactor vessels and the hydrogen explosions during venting which worsened what should have been a simple meltdown into something significantly worse.

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Hackaday Links: December 8, 2024

For some reason, we never tire of stories highlighting critical infrastructure that’s running outdated software, and all the better if it’s running on outdated hardware. So when we learned that part of the San Francisco transit system still runs on 5-1/4″ floppies, we sat up and took notice. The article is a bit stingy with the technical details, but the gist is that the Automatic Train Control System was installed in the Market Street subway station in 1998 and uses three floppy drives to load DOS and the associated custom software. If memory serves, MS-DOS as a standalone OS was pretty much done by about 1995 — Windows 95, right? — so the system was either obsolete before it was even installed, or the 1998 instance was an upgrade of an earlier system. Either way, the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) says that the 1998 system due to be replaced originally had a 25-year lifespan, so they’re more or less on schedule. Replacement won’t be cheap, though; Hitachi Rail, the same outfit that builds systems that control things like the bullet train in Japan, is doing the job for the low, low price of $212 million.

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Front view of blue bicycle with Raspberry Pi webserver

Pedaling Your Mobile Web Server Across The Globe

We tinkerers often have ideas we know are crazy, and we make them up in the most bizarre places, too. For example, just imagine hosting a website while pedaling across the world—who would (not) want that? Meet [Jelle Reith], a tinkerer on an epic cycling adventure, whose bicycle doubles as a mobile web server. [Jelle]’s project,, will from the 6th of December on showcase what he’s seeing in real time, powered by ingenuity and his hub dynamo. If you read this far, you’ll probably guess: this hack is done by a Dutchman. You couldn’t be more right.

At the heart of [Jelle]’s setup is a Raspberry Pi 4 in a watertight enclosure. The tiny powerhouse runs off energy generated by a Forumslader V3, a clever AC-to-DC converter optimized for bike dynamos. The Pi gets internet access via [Jelle]’s phone hotspot, but hosting a site over cellular networks isn’t as simple as it sounds. With no static IP available, [Jelle] routes web traffic through a VPS using an SSH tunnel. This crafty solution—expanded upon by Jeff Geerling—ensures seamless access to the site, even overcoming IPv6 quirks.

The system’s efficiency and modularity exemplify maker spirit: harnessing everyday tools to achieve the extraordinary. For more details, including a parts list and schematics, check out [Jelle]’s project page.

New Tullomer Filament Claims To Beat PEEK

Recently a company called Z-Polymers introduced its new Tullomer FDM filament that comes with a lofty bullet list of purported properties that should give materials like steel, aluminium, and various polymers a run for their money. Even better is that it is compatible with far lower specification FDM printers than e.g. PEEK. Intrigued, the folks over at All3DP figured that they should get some hands-on information on this filament and what’s it like to print with in one of the officially sanctioned Bambu Lab printers: these being the X1C & X1CE with manufacturer-provided profiles.

The world of engineering-grade FDM filaments has existed for decades, with for example PEEK (polyether ether ketone) having been around since the early 1980s, but these require much higher temperatures for the extruder (360+℃) and chamber (~90℃) than Tullomer, which is much closer (300℃, 50℃) to a typical high-performance filament like ABS, while also omitting the typical post-process annealing of PEEK. This assumes that Tullomer can match those claimed specifications, of course.

One of the current users of Tullomer is Erdos Miller, an engineering firm with a focus on the gas and oil industry. They’re using it for printing parts (calibration tooling) that used to be printed in filaments like carbon fiber-reinforced nylon (CF-PA) or PEEK, but they’re now looking at using Tullomer for replacing CF-PA and machined PEEK parts elsewhere too.

It’s still early days for this new polymer, of course, and we don’t have a lot of information beyond the rather sparse datasheet, but if you already have a capable printer, a single 1 kg spool of Tullomer is a mere $500, which is often much less or about the same as PEEK spools, without the requirement for a rather beefy industrial-strength FDM printer.

ATTiny NFC Thermometer keychain with keys

Tiny NFC-Powered Keychain Thermometer

What if your keychain could tell you the temperature, all while staying battery-free? That’s the essence of this innovative keychain ‘NFC_temp’ by [bjorn]. This nifty gadget harnesses energy from an NFC field—like the one created by your smartphone—to power itself just long enough to take a precise temperature reading. Using components like an ATTiny1626 microcontroller, a TMP117 thermometer, and an RF430CL330H NFC IC, NFC_temp cleverly stores harvested power in a capacitor to function autonomously.

The most impressive part? This palm-sized device (18×40 mm) uses a self-designed 13.56 MHz antenna to draw energy from NFC readers. The temperature is then displayed on the reader, with an impressive accuracy of ±0.1 °C. Creator [bjorn] even shared challenges, like switching from an analog sensor due to voltage instability, which ultimately led to his choice of the TMP117. Android phones work best with the tag, while iOS devices require a bit more angling for reliable detection.

Projects like NFC_temp underscore the creativity within open source. It’s a brilliant nod to the future of passive, wireless, energy-efficient designs. Since many of us will all be spending a lot of time around the Christmas tree this month, why not fit it in a bauble?

The Audiophile Carrot

The widely quoted carrot factoid that the vegetable’s orange colour is the result of patriotic Dutch farmers breeding them that way may be an urban myth, but it’s certainly true that they can pass an audio signal in a time of need. [Julian Krause] follows up on a Reddit meme of a carrot being used to join two phono plugs, and appears to find the organic interconnect to be of good quality.

We had to admit a second look at a calendar to be sure that it’s not April 1st, but while his manner is slightly tongue in cheek it seems he’s really characterising the audio performance of a carrot. What he finds is a bit of attenuation, some bass cut, and an intrusion of RF interference pickup, but surprisingly, not a bad distortion figure.

Of course, we’re guessing the real point of the exercise is to poke fun at the world of excessive hi-fi equipment, something we’ve been only too glad to have a go at ourselves from time to time. But if the tests are to be taken at face value it seems that in a pinch, a carrot will do as a means to hook together line level audio cables, no doubt lending a sweet and crunchy overtone to the result. The video is below the break, for your entertainment.

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