What’s New In 3D Scanning? All-In-One Scanning Is Nice

3D scanning is important because the ability to digitize awkward or troublesome shapes from the real world can really hit the spot. One can reconstruct objects by drawing them up in CAD, but when there isn’t a right angle or a flat plane in sight, calipers and an eyeball just doesn’t cut it.

Scanning an object can create a digital copy, aid in reverse engineering, or help ensure a custom fit to something. The catch is making sure that scanning fits one’s needs, and isn’t more work than it’s worth.

I’ve previously written about what to expect from 3D scanning and how to work with it. Some things have changed and others have not, but 3D scanning’s possibilities remain only as good as the quality and ease of the scans themselves. Let’s see what’s new in this area.

All-in-One Handheld Scanning

MIRACO all-in-one 3D scanner by Revopoint uses a quad-camera IR structured light sensor to create 1:1 scale scans.

3D scanner manufacturer Revopoint offered to provide me with a test unit of a relatively new scanner, which I accepted since it offered a good way to see what has changed in this area.

The MIRACO is a self-contained handheld 3D scanner that, unlike most other hobby and prosumer options, has no need to be tethered to a computer. The computer is essentially embedded with the scanner as a single unit with a touchscreen. Scans can be previewed and processed right on the device.

Being completely un-tethered is useful in more ways than one. Most tethered scanners require bringing the object to the scanner, but a completely self-contained unit like the MIRACO makes it easier to bring the scanner to the subject. Scanning becomes more convenient and flexible, and because it processes scans on-board, one can review and adjust or re-scan right on the spot. This is more than just convenience. Taking good 3D scans is a skill, and rapid feedback makes practice and experimentation more accessible.

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A Lunar Lander-meets-Flappy-Bird game where you must rescue puppies from a Moon base, on an OLED display.

2024 Tiny Games Contest: Save The Stranded Puppies Of Moon Base P!

Usually, if something is tiny, it’s probably pretty cute to boot. [Luke J. Barker]’s lunar navigation game is no exception to this unwritten rule. And as far as contest rules go, this one seems to fit rather nicely, as it is tiny on more than one level.

Moon Base P (for Puppies) is built upon a XIAO ESP32-C3, an SSD1306 OLED display, and a single button to keep the BOM tidy. In this riveting side-scroller which sort of marries Lunar Lander and Flappy Bird, the top bar is always yellow and displays fuel and such, and the bottom is a rough, blue lunar surface over which you must maneuver your lunar lander. Keep pressing the button to stay up and avoid mountains, or let off the gas to cool the engine.

Fly that thing over the terrain, avoiding stray meteors and picking up free fuel, and then land gently at Moon Base P to save the stranded puppies. But you must keep flying — touch down anywhere but where you’re supposed to, and it’s game over! Once you’ve picked up the puppies, you must fly them safely onward to the rescue pod in order to win. Don’t miss the walk-through and demo after the break.

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Raspberry Has A New Pico, Built With The New RP2350

Raspberry Pi’s first foray into the world of microcontrollers, the RP2040, was a very interesting chip. Its standout features were the programmable input/output units (PIOs) which enabled all sorts of custom real-time shenanigans. And that’s not to discount the impact of the Pi Pico, the $4 dev kit built around it.

Today, they’re announcing a brand-new microcontroller: the RP2350. It will come conveniently packaged in the new Pi Pico 2, and there’s good news and bad news. The good news is that the new chip is better in every way, and that the Pico form factor will stay the same. The bad news? It’s going to cost 25% more, coming in at $5. But in exchange for the extra buck, you get a lot.

For starters, the RP2350 runs a bit faster at 150 MHz, has double the on-board RAM at 520 kB, and twice as much QSPI flash at 4 MB. And those sweet, sweet PIOs? Now it has 12 instead of just 8. (Although we have no word yet if there is more program space per PIO – even with the incredibly compact PIO instruction set, we always wanted more!)

Two flavors on the same chip: Arm and RISC

As before, it’s a dual-core chip, but now the cores are Arm Cortex M33s or RISC-V Hazard3s. Yes, you heard that right, there are two pairs of processors on board. Raspberry Pi says that you’ll be able to select which style of cores runs either by software or by burning one-time fuses. So it’s not a quad core chip, but rather your choice of two different dual cores. Wild!

Raspberry Pi is also making a big deal about the new Arm TrustZone functionality. It has signed boot, 8 kB of OTP key-storage memory, SHA-256 acceleration, a hardware RNG, and “fast glitch detectors”. While this is probably more aimed at industry than at the beginning hacker, we’re absolutely confident that some of you out there will put this data-safe to good use.

There is, as of yet, no wireless built in. We can’t see into the future, but we can see into the past, and we remember that the original Pico was wireless for a few months before they got the WiFi and Bluetooth radio added into the Pico W. Will history repeat itself with the Pico 2?

We’re getting our hands on a Pico 2 in short order, and we’ve already gotten a sneak peek at the extensive software toolchain that’s been built out for it. All the usual suspects are there: Picotool, TinyUSB, and OpenOCD as we write this. We’ll be putting it through its paces and writing up all the details next week.

Creating 1 Um Features The Hacker Way

[Breaking Taps] has done some lithography experiments in the past, including some test patterns and a rudimentary camera sensor. But now, it’s time to turn it up a notch with 1µm garage semiconductor ambitions.

The e-beam lithography he’s done in the past can achieve some impressive resolutions, but they aren’t very fast; a single beam of electrons needs to scan over the entire exposure area, somewhat like a tiny crayon. That’s not very scalable; he needed a better solution to make 1µm semiconductors.

Test patterns from the first attempt

In his quest, he starts by trying to do maskless photolithography, using a literal projector to shine light on the target area all at once. After hacking a projector devkit apart, replacing blue with ultraviolet and adding custom optics, it’s time for a test. The process works for the most part but can’t produce fine details the way [Breaking Taps] needs. Unfortunately, fixing that would mean tearing the whole set-up apart for the umpteenth time.
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Programming Tiny Blinkenlight Projects With Light

[mitxela] has a tiny problem, literally: some of his projects are so small as to defy easy programming. While most of us would probably solve the problem of having no physical space on a board to mount a connector with WiFi or Bluetooth, he took a different path and gave this clever light-based programming interface a go.

Part of the impetus for this approach comes from some of the LED-centric projects [mitxela] has tackled lately, particularly wearables such as his LED matrix earrings or these blinky industrial piercings. Since LEDs can serve as light sensors, albeit imperfect ones, he explored exactly how to make the scheme work.

For initial experiments he wisely chose his larger but still diminutive LED matrix badge, which sports a CH32V003 microcontroller, an 8×8 array of SMD LEDs, and not much else. The video below is a brief summary of the effort, while the link above provides a much more detailed account of the proceedings, which involved a couple of false starts and a lot of prototyping that eventually led to dividing the matrix in two and ganging all the LEDs in each half into separate sensors. This allows [mitxela] to connect each side of the array to the two inputs of an op-amp built into the CH32V003, making a differential sensor that’s less prone to interference from room light. A smartphone app alternately flashes two rectangles on and off with the matrix lying directly on the screen to send data to the badge — at a low bitrate, to be sure, but it’s more than enough to program the badge in a reasonable amount of time.

We find this to be an extremely clever way to leverage what’s already available and make a project even better than it was. Here’s hoping it spurs new and even smaller LED projects in the future.

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This Week In Security: EvilVideo, Crowdstrike, And InSecure Boot

First up this week is the story of EvilVideo, a clever telegram exploit that disguises an APK as a video file. The earliest record we have of this exploit is on June 6th when it was advertised on a hacking forum.

Researchers at ESET discovered a demo of the exploit, and were able to disclose it to Telegram on June 26th. It was finally patched on July 11. While it was advertised as a “one-click” exploit, that’s being a bit generous, as the ESET demo video shows. But it was a clever exploit. The central trick is that an APK file can be sent in a Telegram chat, and it displays what looks like a video preview. Tap the “video” file to watch it, and Telegram prompts you to play it with an external player. But it turns out the external player in this case is Android itself, which prompts the target to install the APK. Sneaky.

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End Of An Era: Sony Cuts Production Of Writable Optical Media

The 1990s saw a revolution occur, launched by the CD burner. As prices of writeable media and drives dropped, consumers rushed to duplicate games, create their own mix CDs, and backup their data on optical disc. It was a halcyon time.

Fast forward to today, and we’re very much on downward curve when it comes to optical media use. Amidst ever-declining consumer interest, Sony has announced it will cut production of writeable optical media. Let’s examine what’s going on, and explore the near future for writable optical discs.

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