Suc Aims To Replace Slack In Five Lines Of Bash

The design philosophy of Unix is fairly straightforward. Software should do one thing as simply as possible, and do that one thing only. As a design principle this is sound advice even well outside of the realm of Unix, and indeed software in general, but that doesn’t stop modern software packages from being too large for their own good. So, if you’re tired of bloated chat programs like Slack or Mattermost with their millions of lines of code, you might instead favor something like Simple Unix Chat (suc).

The idea is that suc can perform almost all modern chat functions in only five lines of Bash, supporting rich-text chat, file sharing, access control, and encryption. These five lines, though, only perform the core function of suc — which is to write text to a file on the system. Indeed, suc makes liberal use of plenty of other Unix services which do not add to the line counts, such as the use of SSH to handle authentication. It also relies on some other common Unix system features to handle things like ownership and access for the text files that host the text for the chat.

As channels are simply text files, it makes writing bots or other tools exceptionally simple. You can also easily pipe the output of commands directly into suc with one-liners that can do things like dump the output of make into a specific channel if compilation fails.

While it’s not likely that everyone will ditch tools like Slack to switch to something like this, it’s still an impressive demonstration of what can be done when designing around the Unix philosophy and taking advantage of system tools that already exist rather than reinventing the wheel and re-programming all of those tools into the application. Practices like this might decrease development time and increase the ease of developing cross-platform applications but they often also produce a less than desirable user experience.

Reviving Interlisp With The Medley Interlisp Project

Within the Artificial Intelligence and natural language research communities, Lisp has played a major role since 1960. Over the years since its introduction, various development environments have been created that sought to make using Lisp as easy and powerful as possible. One of these environments is Interlisp, which saw its first release in 1968, and its last official release in 1992. That release was Medley 2.0, which targeted various UNIX machines, DOS 4.0, and the Xerox 1186. Courtesy of the Interlisp open source project (GitHub), Medley Interlisp is available for all to use, even on modern systems.

The documentation contains information on how to install Medley on Linux but also Mac and Windows (via WSL1 or WSL2). For those just curious to give things a swing, there’s also an online version you can log into remotely. What Medley Interlisp gets you is an (X-based) GUI environment in which you can program in Lisp, essentially an IDE with a debugger and the (in)famous auto-correction tool for simple errors such as typos, known as the DWIM (Do What I Mean), which much like the derived version in Emacs seeks to automatically fix simple issues like misspellings without forcing the developer to fix it and restart the compilation.

Thanks to [Pixel_Outlaw] for the tip and for also telling us about a project they wrote using Medley Interlisp for the Spring Lisp Game Jame 2023 titled Interlisp Fifteen Puzzle.

The Other Way To Fight Software Rental

It’s been a distressing trend over the last decade, that of taking commercial software from a paid-for licence model and moving into the cloud and onto a rental model. In out line, we’ve seen this with CAD packages and notably with EAGLE PCB CAD, but it’s hit other sectors in exactly the same way. The art and design communities, in particular, are feeling the pinch from Adobe Suite going towards a rental model, and now the artist and perennial thorn in the side of anyone who seeks to own a colour, [Stuart Semple] is doing something about it. He’s launching a competing suite called provocatively, Abode, which will follow an affordable paid-for licence model. It’s a development that raises interesting questions for the open source community, so it’s definitely worth a second look from that perspective.

Taking on software rental can only be a good thing, and we hope that the new package gains a foothold for that reason. But since we’re sure that there will be open-source enthusiasts asking the question: why are the established open-source equivalents such as GIMP and Inkscape not the obvious alternatives to the Adobe suite? In there may be some uncomfortable moments of soul searching for the software libre world around usability and interfaces.

Whatever your take on open source versus paid software, it’s extremely encouraging to have somebody mount a high-profile challenge to the software rental model. We hope that Abode makes it to market and that it succeeds in making the graphics software market a little more open. Meanwhile, we’ve mentioned [Stuart Semple] before for his colour activism over the blackest of blacks, and for previously taking on Adobe over Pantone pricing.

Pratt Parsing For Algebraic Expressions

Parsing algebraic expressions is always a pain. If you need to compute, say, 2+4*2, the answer should be the same as (2 + (4 *2)), not ((2 + 4) * 2) — in other words, the right answer is 10, not 12. The classic way to do this is to use two stacks and a table of precedences for the operators. However, [Martin Janiczek] prefers to use Pratt Parsers and wants to show you how they work.

The parser is named after [Vaughn Pratt]. The algorithm works with a table of precedence where operators with higher precedence have higher numbers. It then builds a left and right portion of a string, using recursion. So if you consider 2+4*2, you wind up, on the first pass, with (2+ parse(4*2)). The second parse returns a full expression to produce: (2+(4*2)).

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Four jumper wires with white heatshrink on them, labelled VCC, SCL, SDA and GND

Three Pitfalls In I2C Everyone Wishes Weren’t There

The best part of I2C is that it is a bus that is available just about anywhere, covering a vast ecosystem of devices that offer it as a hardware-defined interface, while being uncomplicated enough that it can also be implemented purely in software on plain GPIO pins. Despite this popularity, I2C is one of those famous informal standards that feature a couple of popular implementations, while leaving many of the details such as exact timing, bus capacitance and other tedious details to the poor sod doing the product development. Thus it is that we end up with articles such as a recent one on the tongue-twisting [pair of pared pears] blog, covering issues found while implementing an I2C slave.

As with any shared bus, whether multi-master or not, figuring out when the bus is clear is a fun topic, yet one which can cause endless headaches. One issue here comes from a feature that the SMBus version of I2C calls quick read/write. This allows for the rapid transfer of some data. Still, depending on the data returned by the slave, it may appear to the master that nothing is happening yet, since SDA is being held low by the slave until the stop condition, essentially locking the bus.

I2C hold times example.
I2C hold times example.

Where things get even more exciting comes generally in the form of what logic analyzers love to traumatically call a ‘spurious start/stop condition’. This refers to the behavior of SDA and SCL, with SDA going low before SCL indicating an error. This can occur due to a hold time that’s too low, causing other devices on the bus to miss the transition. Here SMBus defines a transition time of 300 ns, while I2C calls for 0 seconds, but it’s now suggested to delay calling a start/stop condition until a delay of 300 ns has passed. Essentially, it would seem that implementing a hold time is the way forward until evidence to the contrary appears.

The third pitfall pertains to the higher-speed modes of I2C, including Fast-Mode (FM) and Fast-Mode Plus (FM+). Backward compatibility with these higher speed versions is absent to spotty. Although FM+ (introduced by NXP in 2007) is supposed to be backward compatible with slower speeds, effectively the timing requirement differences between the FM+ and FM standards are too large to compensate for. At least in the current versions of the standards, but one of the joys of I2C is that there’s always another new set of revisions to look forward to.

Computer Speed Gains Erased By Modern Software

[Julio] has an older computer sitting on a desk, and recorded a quick video with it showing how fast this computer can do seemingly simple things, like open default Windows applications including the command prompt and Notepad. Compared to his modern laptop, which seems to struggle with even these basic tasks despite its impressive modern hardware, the antique machine seems like a speed demon. His videos set off a huge debate about why it seems that modern personal computers often appear slower than machines of the past.

After going through plenty of plausible scenarios for what is causing the slowdown, [Julio] seems to settle on a nuanced point regarding abstraction. Plenty of application developers are attempting to minimize the amount of development time for their programs while maximizing the number of platforms they run on, which often involves using a compatibility layer, which abstracts the software away from the hardware and increases the overhead needed to run programs. Things like this are possible thanks to the amount of computing power of modern machines, but not without a slight cost of higher latency. For applications developed natively, the response times would be expected to be quite good, but fewer applications are developed natively now including things that might seem like they otherwise would be.  Notepad, for example, is now based on UWP.

While there are plenty of plausible reasons for these slowdowns in apparent speed, it’s likely a combination of many things; death by a thousand cuts. Desktop applications built with a browser compatibility layer, software companies who are reducing their own costs by perhaps not abiding by best programming practices or simply taking advantage of modern computing power to reduce their costs, and of course the fact that modern software often needs more hardware resources to run safely and securely than equivalents from the past.

A Browser Approach To Parsing

There are few rites of programmer passage as iconic as writing your first parser. You might want to interpret or compile a scripting language, or you might want to accept natural-language-like commands. You need a parser. [Varunramesh] wants to show you parser combinators, a technique used to make practical parsers. But the demonstration using interactive code cells in the web page is nearly as interesting as the technique.

Historically, you parse tokens, and this technique can do that too, but it can also operate directly on character streams if you prefer. The idea is related to recursive descent parsing, where you attempt to parse certain things, and if those things fail, you try again.

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