Launching Model Airplanes With A Custom Linear Induction Motor

Launching things with electromagnetism is pretty fun, with linear induction motors being a popular design that finds use from everywhere in hobby designs like [Tom Stanton]’s to the electromagnetic launchers on new US and Chinese aircraft carriers. Although the exact design details differ, they use magnetic attraction and repulsion to create a linear motion on the propulsive element, like the sled in [Tom]’s design. Much like the electromagnetic catapults on a Gerald R. Ford-class carrier, electrical power is applied to rapidly move the sled through the channel, akin to a steam piston with a steam catapult.

Model airplane sparking its way through the launcher’s channel. (Credit: Tom Stanton, YouTube)

For [Tom]’s design, permanent magnets are used along both sides of the channel in an alternating north/south pole fashion, with the sled using a single wound coil that uses brushes to contact metal rails along both sides of the channel. Alternating current is then applied to this system, causing the coil to become an electromagnet and propel itself along the channel.

An important consideration here is the number of turns of wire on the sled’s coil, as this controls the current being passed, which is around 90 A for 100 turns. Even so, the fastest sled design only reached a speed of 44 mph (~71 km/h), which is 4 mph faster than [Tom]’s previous design that used coils alongside the channels and a sled featuring a permanent magnet.

One way to increase the speed is to use more coils on the sled, with a two-coil model launching a light-weight model airplane to 10.2 m/s, which is not only a pretty cool way to launch an airplane, but also gives you a sense of appreciation for the engineering challenges involved in making an electromagnetic catapult system work for life-sized airplanes as they’re yeeted off an aircraft carrier and preferably not straight into the drink.

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You Can 3D Print Yourself Some Simple Magnetic Switches

Permanent magnets aren’t typically switchable. They’re always doing their magnet thing. However, if you align them with a bunch of other magnets in just the right way, you can create a permanent magnet that you can effectively switch on and off. [Andrew Klein] has done just that with his 3D-printed magnetic switch design.

The concept is simple enough. The design consists of a 3D-printed housing in two parts, top and bottom. When set into one orientation, the housing holds two arrays of magnets in opposite orientations. This effectively cancels out their magnetic fields and allows you to move the assembly around as if it’s pretty much not magnetic at all. However, rotate the device to its alternative orientation, and the magnets poles are aligned. This effectively combines their magnetic fields and makes the assembly act as one big large magnet.

These devices are useful if you want to create magnetic clamps or fixtures that can be attached and detached at will from ferrous surfaces. Being able to effectively “switch the magnet off” is much easier than trying to wrench a powerful magnet from a metal plate, after all.

You can do something similar with electromagnetic techniques, too! Video after the break.

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Laser Fault Injection On The Cheap

One can only imagine the wonders held within the crypto labs of organizations like the CIA or NSA. Therein must be machines of such sophistication that no electronic device could resist their attempts to defeat whatever security is baked into their silicon. Machines such as these no doubt bear price tags that only a no-questions-asked budget could support, making their techniques firmly out of reach of even the most ambitious home gamer.

That might be changing, though, with this $500 DIY laser fault injection setup. It comes to us from Finnish cybersecurity group [Fraktal], who have started a series of blog posts detailing how they built their open-source reverse-engineering rig. LFI is similar to other “glitching” attacks we’ve covered before, such as EMP fault injection, except that a laser shining directly on a silicon die is used to disrupt its operation rather than a burst of electromagnetic energy.

Since LFI requires shining the laser very precisely on nanometer-scale elements of a bare silicon die, nanopositioning is the biggest challenge. Rather than moving the device under attack, the [Fraktal] rig uses a modified laser galvanometer to scan an IR laser over the device. The galvo and the optical components are all easily available online, and they’ve started a repo to document the modifications needed and the code to tire everything together.

Of course, this technique requires the die in the device under study to be exposed, but [Fraktal] has made that pretty approachable too. They include instructions for milling away the epoxy from the lead-frame side of a chip, which is safer for the delicate structures etched into the top of the die. The laser can then shine directly through the die from the bottom. For “flip-chip” packages like BGAs, the same milling technique would be done from the top of the package. Either way, we can imagine a small CNC mill making the process safer and quicker, even though they seem to have done pretty well with a Dremel.

This looks like a fantastic reverse engineering tool, and we’re really looking forward to the rest of the story.
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Custom Pneumatic Cylinders Lock This Monitor Arm In Place

Few consumer-grade PCs are what you’d categorize as built to last. Most office-grade machines are as likely as not to give up the ghost after ingesting a few too many dust bunnies, and the average laptop can barely handle a few drops of latte and some muffin crumbs before croaking. Sticking a machine like that in the shop, especially a metal shop, is pretty much a death sentence.

And yet, computers are so useful in the shop that [Lucas] from “Cranktown City” built this neat industrial-strength monitor arm. His design will look familiar to anyone with a swing-arm mic or desk light, although his home-brew parallelogram arm is far sturdier thanks to the weight of the monitor and sheet-metal enclosure it supports. All that weight exceeded the ability of the springs [Lucas] had on hand, which led to the most interesting aspect of the build — a pair of pneumatic locks. These were turned from a scrap of aluminum rod and an old flange-head bolt; when air pressure is applied, the bolt is drawn into the cylinder, which locks the arm in place. To make it easy to unlock the arm, a pneumatic solenoid releases the pressure on the system at the touch of a button. The video below has a full explanation and demonstration.

While we love the idea, there are a few potential problems with the design. The first is that this isn’t a fail-safe design, since pressure is needed to keep the arm locked. That means if the air pressure drops the arm could unlock, letting gravity do a number on your nice monitor. Second is the more serious problem [Lucas] alluded to when he mentioned not wanting to be in the line of fire of those locks should something fail and the piston comes flying out under pressure. That could be fixed with a slight design change to retain the piston in the event of a catastrophic failure.

Problems aside, this was a great build, and we always love [Lucas]’ seat-of-the-pants engineering and his obvious gift for fabrication, of which his wall-mount plasma cutter is a perfect example.

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Radio Apocalypse: HFGCS, The Backup Plan For Doomsday

To the extent that you have an opinion on something like high-frequency (HF) radio, you probably associate it with amateur radio operators, hunched over their gear late at night as they try to make contact with a random stranger across the globe to talk about the fact that they’re both doing the same thing at the same time. In a world where you can reach out to almost anyone else in an instant using flashy apps on the Internet, HF radio’s reputation as somewhat old and fuddy is well-earned.

Like the general population, modern militaries have largely switched to digital networks and satellite links, using them to coordinate and command their strategic forces on a global level. But while military nets are designed to be resilient to attack, there’s only so much damage they can absorb before becoming degraded to the point of uselessness. A backup plan makes good military sense, and the properties of radio waves between 3 MHz and 30 MHz, especially the ability to bounce off the ionosphere, make HF radio a perfect fit.

The United States Strategic Forces Command, essentially the people who “push the button” that starts a Very Bad Day™, built their backup plan around the unique properties of HF radio. Its current incarnation is called the High-Frequency Global Communications System, or HFGCS. As the hams like to say, “When all else fails, there’s radio,” and HFGCS takes advantage of that to make sure the end of the world can be conducted in an orderly fashion.

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A finger points at a diagram of a battery with two green bars. Above it is another battery with four smaller green bars with a similar area to the first battery's two. The bottom batter is next to a blue box with a blue wave emanating from it and the top battery has a red box with a red wave emanating from it. Below the red wave is written "2x wavelength" and below the top battery is "1/2 energy in a photon."

What Are Photons, Anyway?

Photons are particles of light, or waves, or something like that, right? [Mithuna Yoganathan] explains this conundrum in more detail than you probably got in your high school physics class.

While quantum physics has been around for over a century, it can still be a bit tricky to wrap one’s head around since some of the behaviors of energy and matter at such a small scale aren’t what we’d expect based on our day-to-day experiences. In classical optics, for instance, a brighter light has more energy, and a greater amplitude of its electromagnetic wave. But, when it comes to ejecting an electron from a material via the photoelectric effect, if your wavelength of light is above a certain threshold (bigger wavelengths are less energetic), then nothing happens no matter how bright the light is.

Scientists pondered this for some time until the early 20th Century when Max Planck and Albert Einstein theorized that electromagnetic waves could only release energy in packets of energy, or photons. These quanta can be approximated as particles, but as [Yoganathan] explains, that’s not exactly what’s happening. Despite taking a few classes in quantum mechanics, I still learned something from this video myself. I definitely appreciate her including a failed experiment as anyone who has worked in a lab knows happens all the time. Science is never as tidy as it’s portrayed on TV.

If you want to do some quantum mechanics experiments at home (hopefully with more luck than [Yoganathan]), then how about trying to measure Planck’s Constant with a multimeter or LEGO? If you’re wondering how you might better explain electromagnetism to others, maybe this museum exhibit will be inspiring.

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The Atomic Gardener Of Eastbourne

Pity the video team at a large hacker camp, because they have a huge pile of interesting talks in the can but only the limited resources of volunteers to put them online. Thus we often see talks appearing from past camps, and such it is with one from Electromagnetic Field 2022. It’s from [Sarah Angliss], and as its subject it takes the extraordinary work of [Muriel Howorth], a mid-20th-century British proponent of irradiated seeds as a means to solve world hunger.

Today we are used to genetic modification in the context of plants, and while it remains a controversial subject, the science behind it is well known. In the period following the Second World War there was a different approach to improving crops by modifying their genetics: irradiating seeds in a scattergun approach to genetic modification, in the hope that among thousands of duds there might be a mutant with special properties.

To this came Muriel Howorth, at first charged with telling the story of atomic research for the general public. She took irradiated seeds from Oak Ridge in the USA, and turned them into a citizen science program, with an atomic gardening society who would test these seeds and hopefully, find the supercrops within. It’s a wonderfully eccentric tale that might otherwise be the plot of a Wallace and Gromit movie, and but for a few interested historians of popular science it might otherwise have slipped into obscurity. We’re sorry we didn’t catch this one live back when we attended the event.

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