Ethernet For Hackers: The Very Basics

Ethernet is ubiquitous, fast, and simple. You only need two diffpairs (four wires) to establish a 100Mbit link, the hardware is everywhere, you can do Ethernet over long distances easily, and tons of the microcontrollers and SoCs support it, too. Overall, it’s a technology you will be glad to know about, and there’s hundreds of scenarios where you could use it.

If you need to establish a high-bandwidth connection between two Linux boards in your project, or maybe a Linux board and a powerful MCU, maybe make a network between microcontrollers, Ethernet’s your friend. It also scales wonderfully – there’s so much tech around Ethernet, that finding cables, connectors or ICs tends to be dead easy. Plus, the world of Ethernet is huge beyond belief. Ethernet as most of us know it is actually just the consumer-facing versions of Ethernet, and there’s a quite a few fascinating industrial and automotive Ethernet standards that flip many of our Ethernet assumptions upside down.

Now, you might be missing out on some benefits of Ethernet, or perhaps misunderstanding how Ethernet works at all. What does it mean when a microcontroller datasheet says “has Ethernet interface”? If you see five pins on an SBC and the manufacturer refers to them as “Ethernet”, what do you even do with them? Why does the Raspberry Pi 4 SoC support Ethernet but still requires an extra chip, and what even is GMII? Continue reading “Ethernet For Hackers: The Very Basics”

Friendly Flexible Circuits: The Cables

Flexible cables and flex PCBs are wonderful. You could choose to carefully make a cable bundle out of ten wires and try to squish them to have a thin footprint – or you could put an FFC connector onto your board and save yourself a world of trouble. If you want to have a lot of components within a cramped non-flat area, you could carefully design a multitude of stuff FR4 boards and connect them together – or you could make an FPC.

Flexible cables in particular can be pretty wonderful for all sorts of moving parts. They transfer power and data to the scanner head in your flat-bed scanner, for instance.  But they’re in fixed parts too.  If you have a laptop or a widescreen TV, chances are, there’s an flexible cable connecting the motherboard with one or multiple daughterboards – or even a custom-made flexible PCB. Remember all the cool keypad and phones we used to have, the ones that would have the keyboard fold out or slide out, or even folding Nokia phones that had two screens and did cool things with those? All thanks to flexible circuits! Let’s learn a little more about what we’re working with here.

FFC and FPC, how are these two different? FFC (Flexible Flat Cable) is a pre-made cable. You’ve typically seen them as white plastic cables with blue pieces on both ends, they’re found in a large number of devices that you could disassemble, and many things use them, like the Raspberry Pi Camera. They are pretty simple to produce – all in all, they’re just flat straight conductors packaged nicely into a very thin cable, and that’s why you can buy them pre-made in tons of different pin pitches and sizes. If you need one board to interface with another board, putting an FFC connector on your board is a pretty good idea.

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Human-Interfacing Devices: Packing For The Descriptor Heist

We started with figuring out HID descriptors a week ago, and I’ve shown you how to send raw HID packets using a MicroPython fork. We do still have the task in front of us – making a touchscreen device. For that, let’s give you the tools to capture an existing descriptor from a touchscreen, then show you how to tweak it and how it turns out in the end.

Packing For The Heist

When it comes to this kind of adventure, we can’t go without tools and weapons – it could be dangerous! Without them, you could even abandon your project halfway! Here’s enough high-precision tools and ammunition to last you through whatever obstacles you might encounter. Except for the web-based tools, these tools are for Linux, but please remember that you can always use a virtual machine or a Raspberry Pi. Nobody would use Windows for a heist anyway, what’s with all the telemetry and such.

The first tool is for reading descriptors – we need one to learn from, it’s just like a keycard you can flash to a security guard and scan at the vault entry. Of course, with RFID, you want to have enough examples, compare bits between a few cards and all. For now, HID descriptors don’t have authenticity checks, but it looks like that might just change in the future. Leave it to Apple and Microsoft to add them, as usual. On Linux, seeing descriptors is simple – as root, go into /sys/bus/usb/devices/, find your device by its lsusb device tree path, then follow the directory with the VID/PID in it. That directory will contain a report_descriptor file – hexdump it. The entire command could look like this:

sudo hexdump -v -e '/1 "%02X "' /sys/bus/usb/devices/3-6.2/3-6.2\:1.1/0003\:0C40\:8000.0022/report_descriptor

Again, you might need root to even find this path, so use sudo -i if you must. The format string in the hexdump command gives you parser-friendly output. Specifically, for parsing, I use this webpage – it’s wonderful, even adding tabs that delineate different sections of the descriptor, making its output all that more readable! You can also save this webpage locally, it’s a very neat tool. Other than that, you can try other local tools like this one!

Continue reading “Human-Interfacing Devices: Packing For The Descriptor Heist”

Human-Interfacing Devices: The Descriptor Heist

Today, we’ll build our own input devices. And they will be easy to create and write firmware for, they will work perfectly, and they will be cross-platform. We can do that with help of the Human Interface Device (HID) standard, and by way of introduction, so that you never get confused by what a “descriptor” means, and we’ll build our own HID device — a Human Interface Device device. The way we build them won’t require reading specifications – instead, I’ll teach your how to steal HID descriptors from existing devices, tweak them for our purposes, and use them in our devices to harness the power of HID.

For decades now, it’s been possible to build a HID mouse or keyboard by using a library or two, and it’s been a godsend for hackers all around the world. However, these libraries are typically confined to a certain template and inflexible, and we hackers often go outside of what’s expected. HID allows for much more than a simple keyboard or a mouse. That’s why today we’re building a touchscreen – something not yet covered online or by libraries.

HID lets you build devices that are friendly. They don’t need drivers, they are plug and play, and they do what you expect them to do. At its core, the HID standard is as simple as is ubiquitous. You can tunnel HID over USB, Bluetooth, I2C, and modern-day operating systems support all three of these. Today, let’s go through the basics of HID, and then build a USB touchscreen out of a SPI-connected resistive touchscreen, with help of the usual RP2040+MicroPython combo. I will also give you a toolkit for how to debug a Human Interface Device device as thoroughly as possible – specifically on Linux, showing all the HID debug and introspection capabilities that Linux gives you. But it’ll work on Windows too through the beauty of standardization.

Continue reading “Human-Interfacing Devices: The Descriptor Heist”

Ballpoint Switch Is Oh-So Satisfying

Alright, here’s your quick and dirty hack for the day. The astute among you may recall [Peter Waldraff]’s bookshelf train build of a few days ago, and the fact that he used a switch made from a dead ballpoint pen to light up the scene. Fortunately, [Peter] wrote in to give us the details of this low-voltage sub-build, which you can see in the video after the break.

Essentially, [Peter] starts by making a shortened version of the pen. He modifies nearly every bit of it, including cutting down the ink cartridge, so if you try this, make sure the thing is all dried up first. Then, as he is screwing the point holder back on the barrel, he wraps elastic cord around the inside barrel in lieu of having sewing thread lying around. This cord along with some hot glue will hold a pair of paper clips to the sides of the point holder. When the pen is clicked into the writing position, it makes a connection between the paper clips and closes the circuit on whatever is wired into it.

What types of little hacks like this have gotten you through the build? Let us know in the comments, or better yet, write it up and drop us a tip. By the way, here is that bookshelf train build in case you missed it.

Continue reading “Ballpoint Switch Is Oh-So Satisfying”

Displays We Love Hacking: Parallel RGB

You might have seen old display panels, from 3″ to 10″, with 40-pin FFC connectors where every pin seems to be used for some data signal. We call these displays parallel RGB, or TTL RGB, or DPI, and you can find them in higher-power MCU, Raspberry Pi, and other Linux SBC projects. You deserve to know what to do with those – let’s take a look.

The idea is simple – this interface requires you to constantly send a stream of pixels to the display, and you need to send those pixels through a parallel bus. You can send up to 8 bits per color channel per pixel, which makes for 24 bits, and the 24-bit mode is indeed the standard, but in practice, many parallel RGB implementations don’t bother with more than 5-6 bits of color – two common kinds of parallel RGB links are RGB565 and RGB666. The parallel RGB interface is a very straightforward approach to sending pixels to your display, and in many cases, you can also convert parallel RGB to LVDS or VGA interfaces relatively easily!

If you’re new to it, the easiest way you can drive a parallel RGB display is from a Raspberry Pi, where the parallel RGB interface is known as DPI. This is how 800 x 480 display Pi HATs like the Pimoroni HyperPixel work – they use up almost all of the GPIOs on your Pi, but you get a reasonably high-resolution display with a low power footprint, and you don’t need any intermediate ICs either. FPGAs and some higher-grade MCUs also often have parallel RGB output capability, and surely, someone could even use the RP2040 PIO as well!

Throughout the last decade, parallel RGB has been used less and less, but you will still encounter it – maybe you’re working with an old game console like the PSP and would like to put new guts into it, maybe you’re playing with some tasty display that uses parallel RGB, or maybe you’d like to convert parallel RGB into something else while treating it with respect! Let’s go through what makes parallel RGB tick, what tools you have got to work with it, and a few tips and tricks. Continue reading “Displays We Love Hacking: Parallel RGB”

Turning A 1:150 Scale Model Car Into A Real Driving Car With Lights

Closing up the remotely controlled 1:150 scale model car. (credit: diorama111)

For many people having a miniature version of something like a car is already a miracle in itself, but there’s always the possibility to take matters a bit further, as YouTube channels like [diorama111] demonstrate. In this particular case, they took a 1:150 scale model of a Nissan Micra and installed a microcontroller, battery, remote steering and front, rear and indicator lights. Considering the 24.5 x 11.4 x 10.5 mm (LxWxH) size of the scale model, this is no small feat.

The original plastic bottom and wheels are removed, and replaced with a metal frame, as well as steerable front wheels that have a neodymium magnet attached to follow a metal guidance track that can be underneath the road surface. For the brains an ATtiny1616 MCU in QFN format is used to receive commands from the PIC79603 infrared receiver module and drive the motor attached to the rear axle via a DRV8210 motor controller IC. The remaining MCU pins are mostly used for turning the LEDs on the lights and signals on or off.

In the video the miniscule RC car is driven around a course with traffic lights, which gives a good impression of how this could be used in a large scale model of a city, with a hidden rail system to determine car routes. As for keeping the 30 mAh Li-Po battery charged, there’s a charge port on the bottom, but at these low current rates you could have hidden conductive charging points throughout the route as well, assuming you can fit a small enough charging coil in this little space.

(Thanks to [Keith Olson] for the tip)

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