Easy Retro 3D Look With Voxel Displacement Renderer

Voxels are effectively like 3D pixels, and they form an integral part of what is commonly referred to as a ‘retro 3D’ look, with pixelated edges sharp enough to cut your retinas on. The problems with modeling a scene using voxels come in the form of creating the geometry and somehow making a physics engine work with voxels rather than conventional triangular (or quad) meshes.

The same scene in Blender (above) and in the voxel-based renderer (below). (Credit: Daniel Schroeder)
The same scene in Blender (above) and in the voxel-based renderer (below). (Credit: Daniel Schroeder)

The approach demonstrated by [Daniel Schroeder] comes in the form of a Voxel Displacement Renderer implemented in C++ and using the Vulkan API. Best part of it? It only requires standard meshes along with albedo and displacement maps.

These inputs are processed by the C++-based tools, which generate the voxels that should be rendered and their properties, while the GLSL-based shader handles the GPU-based rendering step. The pre-processing steps required make it a good idea to bake these resources rather than try to process it in real-time. With that done, [Daniel]’s demo was able to sustain a solid 100+ FPS on a Radeon RX 5700 XT GPU at 1440p, and 60+ FPS on a Steam Deck OLED.

In a second blog post [Daniel] goes through his motivations for this project, with it originally having been intended as a showpiece for his resume, but he can imagine it being integrated into a game engine.

There are still questions to be resolved, such as how to integrate this technique for in-scene characters and other dynamic elements (i.e. non-static scenery), but in terms of easing voxel-based rendering by supporting a standard mesh-based workflow it’s an intriguing demonstration.

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A Guide To Running Your First Docker Container

While most of us have likely spun up a virtual machine (VM) for one reason or another, venturing into the world of containerization with software like Docker is a little trickier. While the tools Docker provides are powerful, maintain many of the benefits of virtualization, and don’t use as many system resources as a VM, it can be harder to get the hang of setting up and maintaining containers than it generally is to run a few virtual machines. If you’ve been hesitant to try it out, this guide to getting a Docker container up and running is worth a look.

The guide goes over the basics of how Docker works to share system resources between containers, including some discussion on the difference between images and containers, where containers can store files on the host system, and how they use networking resources. From there the guide touches on installing Docker within a Debian Linux system. But where it really shines is demonstrating how to use Docker Compose to configure a container and get it running. Docker Compose is a file that configures a number of containers and their options, making it easy to deploy those containers to other machines fairly straightforward, and understanding it is key to making your experience learning Docker a smooth one.

While the guide goes through setting up a self-hosted document management program called Paperless, it’s pretty easy to expand this to other services you might want to host on your own as well. For example, the DNS-level ad-blocking software Pi-Hole which is generally run on a Raspberry Pi can be containerized and run on a computer or server you might already have in your home, freeing up your Pi to do other things. And although it’s a little more involved you can always build your own containers too as our own [Ben James] discussed back in 2018.

Make Your Code Slower With Multithreading

With the performance of modern CPU cores plateauing recently, the main performance gains are with multiple cores and multithreaded applications. Typically, a fast GPU is only so mind-bogglingly quick because thousands of cores operate in parallel on the same set of tasks. So, it would seem prudent for our applications to try to code in a multithreaded fashion to take advantage of this parallelism. Or so it would seem, but as [Marc Brooker] illustrates, it’s not as simple as one would assume, and it’s very easy to end up with far worse overall performance and no easy way to fix it.

[Marc] was rerunning an old experiment to calculate the expected number of birthdays in a shared group of people using brute force. The experiment was essentially a tight loop running a pseudorandom number generator, the standard libc rand() function. [Marc] profiled the code for single-thread and multithreaded versions and noted the runtime dramatically increased beyond two threads. Something fishy was going on. Running perf, [Marc] noted that there were significant L1 cache misses, but the real killer for performance was the increase in expensive context switches.  Perf indicated that for four threads, the was an overhead of nearly 50% servicing spin locks. There were no locks in the code, so after more perf magic, the syscalls taking all the time were identified.  Something in there was using a futex (or fast userspace mutex) a whole lot.

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Feast Your Eyes On These AI-Generated Sounds

The radio hackers in the audience will be familiar with a spectrogram display, but for the uninitiated, it’s basically a visual representation of how a range of frequencies are changing with time. Usually such a display is used to identify a clear transmission in a sea of noise, but with the right software, it’s possible to generate a signal that shows up as text or an image when viewed as a spectrogram. Musicians even occasionally use the technique to hide images in their songs. Unfortunately, the audio side of such a trick generally sounds like gibberish to human ears.

Or at least, it used to. Students from the University of Michigan have found a way to use diffusion models to not only create a spectrogram image for a given prompt, but to do it with audio that actually makes sense given what the image shows. So for example if you asked for a spectrogram of a race car, you might get an audio track that sounds like a revving engine.

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BASIC Classroom Management

While we don’t see it used very often these days, BASIC was fairly revolutionary in bringing computers to the masses. It was one of the first high-level languages to catch on and make computers useful for those who didn’t want to (or have time) to program them in something more complex. But that doesn’t mean it wasn’t capable of getting real work done — this classroom management software built in the language illustrates its capabilities.

Written by [Mike Knox], father of [Ethan Knox] aka [norton120], for his classroom in 1987, the programs were meant to automate away many of the drudgeries of classroom work. It includes tools for generating random seating arrangements, tracking attendance, and other direct management tasks as well as tools for the teacher more directly like curving test grades, tracking grades, and other tedious tasks that normally would have been done by hand at that time. With how prevalent BASIC was at the time, this would have been a powerful tool for any educator with a standard desktop computer and a floppy disk drive.

Since most people likely don’t have an 80s-era x86 machine on hand capable of running this code, [Ethan] has also included a docker container to virtualize the environment for anyone who wants to try out his father’s old code. We’ve often revisited some of our own BASIC programming from back in the day, as our own [Tom Nardi] explored a few years ago.

Regular Expressions Finally Come To Microsoft Excel

There are two types of people in the world: those who have no idea what a regular expression is, and those who not only know what they are but can compose them on the fly and tend to use them in situations where they’re clearly not called for. And it’s that latter camp, of which we consider ourself a proud member, that is rejoicing with the announcement that Microsoft is adding regular expression support to Excel.

Or perhaps not rejoicing so much as wondering what took so long. Yes, regular expressions have been part of VBA for a while now, but the new functions allow you to use regexes right in the spreadsheet grid. There are plenty of caveats, of course. The big one is that this is still in beta at this time, so you have to do some gymnastics to enable it, if you’re even allowed to in the first place. Second, support appears limited to three functions at the moment: REGEXTEST, which provides a logical test of pattern matching; REGEXEXTRACT, which returns a substring that matches a pattern; and REGEXREPLACE, which substitutes a string for a pattern. The video below walks through how to use these functions within spreadsheets.

What’s also unclear now is what flavor of regular expressions is supported. There are a bewildering number of entities in the regex bestiary — character classes, positional indicators, quantifiers, subexpressions, lazy and greedy matches, and a range of grouping constructs that perplex even regex pros. One hopes these new functions will support one of the existing regex standards, but Microsoft is famous for “extending and enhancing.” Then again, regex support has been in the .NET Framework for years and is pretty close to the Perl standard, so our guess is that it’ll be close to that.

If you fall into the “What’s a regex?” camp but want to change that, why not get your grep on?

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CADmium Moves CAD To The Browser

For plenty of computer users, the operating system of choice is largely a middleman on the way to the browser, which hosts the tools that are most important. There are even entire operating systems with little more than browser support, under the assumption that everything will be done in the browser eventually. We may be one step closer to that type of utopia as well with this software tool called CADmium which runs exclusively in a browser.

As the name implies, this is a computer-aided design (CAD) package which looks to build everything one would need for designing project models in a traditional CAD program like AutoCAD or FreeCAD, but without the burden of needing to carry local files around on a specific computer. [Matt], one of the creators of this ambitious project, lays out the basic structure of a CAD program from the constraint solver, boundary representation (in this case, a modern one built in Rust), the history tracker, and various other underpinnings of a program like this. The group hopes to standardize around JSON files as well, making it easy to make changes to designs on the fly in whatever browser the user happens to have on hand.

While this project is extremely early in the design stage, it looks like they have a fairly solid framework going to get this developed. That said, they are looking for some more help getting it off the ground. If you’ve ever wanted something like this in the browser, or maybe if you’ve ever contributed to the FreeCAD project and have some experience, this might be worth taking a look at.