Two goniometers sit on a table. One is an open wooden box with a long piece of plywood along the bottom. A laser distance finder rests on the front edge and a printed angle scale has been attached to the back side of the box. To the right of this box is a much smaller goniometer made from an orange pipe cap with a small strip of paper serving as the angle scale inside the interior edge. It is attached to a wooden handle that looks vaguely like a V. A laser pointer can be inserted from the bottom where a hole has been drilled through the wood.

Goniometer Gives You An Edge At Knife Sharpening

Sometimes you absolutely, positively need to know the angle of the cutting edge on a knife. When you do, the best tool for the job is a laser goniometer, and [Felix Immler] shows us three different ways to build one. (YouTube)

The underlying principle of all three of these builds is to project reflected laser light off a knife blade onto a scale going from 0-45˚. [Immler] shows a basic demonstration of this concept with a hinge toward the beginning of the video (after the break). Blades with multiple bevels will reflect light to each of the appropriate points on the scale.

The simplest version of the tool is a printed PDF scale attached to a wooden box with a hole for the blade to pass through. The next uses a large pipe end cap and a drilled-out piece of wood to create a more manageable measuring tool. Finally, [Immler] worked with a friend to design a 3D printed goniometer with differently-sized adapters to fit a variety of laser pointers.

Now that you’re ready to precisely sharpen your blades, why not sharpen this guacamole bot or try making your own knife from raw ore?

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Utility Mat Turns Waste Epoxy Into Useful Tools

Epoxy is a great and useful material typically prepared by mixing two components together. But often we find ourselves mixing too much epoxy for the job at hand, and we end up with some waste left behind. [Keith Decent’s] utility mat aims to make good use of what is otherwise waste material.

The concept is simple yet ingenious. It’s a flexible mat that serves as a mold for all kinds of simple little plastic workshop tools. The idea is that when you have some epoxy left over from pouring a finish on a table or laying up some composites, you can then pour the excess into various sections of the utility mat. The epoxy can then be left to harden, producing all manner of useful little tools.

It may seem silly, but it could save your workshop plenty of nickels and dimes. Why keep buying box after box of stir sticks when you can simply make a few with zero effort from the epoxy left from your last job? The utility mat also makes other useful nicknacks like glue spreaders, scrapers, wedges, and painter’s pyramids.

We’ve seen other great recycling hacks over the years too. Video after the break.

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Behold A Microscope That Sees By Squashing Things Into It

“Look with your eyes, not your hands” is something many of us have heard while growing up, but that doesn’t apply to the touch-sensitive microscope [Steve Mould] got to play with.

Gel pad removed, exposing lens and multi-directional lighting.

The wand-like device is made by Gelsight, and instead of an optical lens like a normal microscope, it sports a gel pad on the sensing end. By squashing an object into the gel, the device is able to carefully illuminate and image the impression created. By taking multiple images lit from different angles, a lot of information can be extracted.

The result is a high-resolution magnification — albeit a monochromatic one — that conveys depth extremely well. It’s pretty neat clearly seeing tiny specks of dust or lint present on surfaces when [Steve] demonstrates imaging things like coin cells.

Many a hacker knows that the devil is in the details when it comes to executing an idea. Even so, the basic principles of the Gelsight seem simple enough and possibly within the realm of inspired DIY in the same way that we saw a CNC gantry and USB microscope repurposed as an optical comparator.

Watch the Gelsight in action in the video below, embedded below the page break.

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Picture of the dumper board, with a ROM chip and a Pi Pico inserted

A Disposable Dumper For ROM Chips With A Pi Pico

ROM dumping is vital for preserving old hardware, and we’ve seen many hacks dedicated to letting someone dump a ROM and send its contents to some hacker stuck with a piece of technology that lost its firmware. However, that requires ROM dumping tools of some kind, and it’s often that the lucky ROM-equipped hacker doesn’t own such tools. Now, you could mail the chip to someone else, but postal services in many countries are known to be UDP-like — lossy and without delivery guarantees. The risk of leaving both hackers without a ROM chip is quite real, so, instead of mailing ROM chips or expensive devices around, [Amen] proposes a cheap and disposable flash dumping tool that you could mail instead.

The ROMs in question are 24-pin 2332 and 2364 chips, which run at 5 V and can easily be read with any microcontroller. Thus, his concept is a very simple board, with a Pi Pico and flash chip socket on it, as well as some resistors. Those are used to provide rudimentary GPIO over-voltage protection, since the RP2040 runs its GPIOs at 3.3 V. All the magic is in the software – the tool can both write the chip contents in the RP2040’s internal memory, as well as dump it over USB to the computer. Everything is open-source – if you ever need to dump a rare chip on the other side of the world, modify the design to your liking, order a few copies and then mail them to the hacker involved – losing such a package is way less significant than losing a ROM chip with last-of-its-kind firmware on it.

Old ROM chips are dying out, causing whole generations of hardware, like synths, to fade away – with tools like this one, you can lend a hand in preserving the legacy of many an industry and hobby, and many hackers do. Looking to learn about the basics of parallel flash dumping? This post from 2012 will be a good start, and then check out a more recent venture to learn how things are done with more recent parts.

Screenshot of a terminal showing the HELP command in action - outputting descriptions of other commands

Let’s Make SCPI More Helpful

The SCPI (Standards Command for Programmable Instruments) protocol is exceptionally popular in lab and workspace tools, letting you configure and fetch data from oscilloscopes and lab scales alike in a standardized way. However, when interfacing with a SCPI device, you need to use a programming guide document if you want to know the commands for any of the inevitably extended features; essentially, SCPI isn’t as human-friendly as you might want. [MisterHW] argues that SCPI could use more discoverability by proposing a HELP? command.

This proposal is so intuitive, it makes you wonder why it isn’t in the base spec. It adds a built-in command that provides information on other commands. Internally, the description is just an extra string parameter that you add to your command definition code, and you can use it to describe the parameter types and ranges it takes. The output is both human-readable and machine-parseable, and as it’s stored within your code, it’s way quicker to update the description string than it is to re-release programming guides. Which are themselves prone to being outdated as-is, so decreasing reliance on them is a win-win.

The proposal makes a lot of sense, and [MisterHW] is willing to back it up with a pull request to the most popular SCPI library, libscpi. Whenever the pull request finally goes through, you will have the option to easily add the HELP? command support to whatever SCPI-connected device you might have brewing.

While the old devices will eventually fade, SCPI is not about to die out – hackers keep building devices with SCPI as the communication protocol, as the spec is quite powerful. For instance, here’s this fancy temperature logger, or this Source Measurement Unit – both of them use SCPI for hacker-to-device data transfer, and it’s likely to be libscpi under the hood. Ever wondered what SCPI is all about? Check out our overview!

DIY Adjustable Wrench? Nuts!

What do you do if you want a tiny little adjustable wrench? If you’re [my mechanics] you build your own. Where do you get the stock metal? Well, he started with an M20 nut. A few milling operations, a torch, some pliers, and work with a vice resulted in a nice metal blank just the right size to make each part of the wrench, including a new nut for the adjustment.

Want to do this yourself? If you do, we hope you have a well-equipped machine shop. You should also be comfortable working with red-hot metal.  Overall, it is an amazing piece of work, and you can watch the whole process in the video below.

Honestly, precision metalworking is a little out of our comfort zone. Like the recent wood bending we’ve seen, we always think, “Yeah, I could so do that!” Then we realize that we really couldn’t. But still fun to watch and maybe a few ideas we might be able to apply next time we have to bend a little metal.

The wrench is a scale model of a larger one, and it looks great. We would have liked to see it in use with a tiny nut, but we imagine it would work just fine. If you get excited about making things from a single piece of metal, may we suggest a nutcracker?

Continue reading “DIY Adjustable Wrench? Nuts!”

Showing KiCanvas board viewer component inside a browser window, with a board being displayed and toggleable layers

KiCanvas Helps Teach And Share KiCad Projects In Browsers

KiCad is undeniably the hacker favourite when it comes to PCB design, and we’ve built a large amount of infrastructure around it – plugins, integrations, exporters, viewers, and much more. Now, [Stargirl Flowers] is working on what we could call a web viewer for KiCad files – though calling the KiCanvas project a “KiCad viewer” would be an understatement, given everything it aims to let you do. It will help you do exciting things like copy-pasting circuits between KiCad and browser windows, embed circuits into your blog and show component properties/part numbers interactively, and of course, it will work as a standalone online viewer for KiCad files!

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