Inside Vacuum Fluorescent Displays

VFDs — vacuum fluorescent displays — have a distinctive look, and [Anthony Francis-Jones] is generally fascinated with retro displays. So, it makes sense that he’d build a VFD project as an excuse to explain how they work. You can see the video below.

VFDs are almost miniature CRTs. They are very flexible in what they display and can even use color in a limited way. The project [Anthony] uses as an example is an indicator to show the video number he’s currently making.

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The Guanella 1:1 balun. (Credit: Steve Arar)

Using Guanella Baluns As Impedance Transformers

Guanella Impedance Transformer. (Credit: FesZ Electronics)
Guanella Impedance Transformer. (Credit: FesZ Electronics)

Even before entering the mystical realms of UHF design, radio frequency (RF) circuits come with a whole range of fun design aspects as well. A case in point can be found in transmission line transformers, which are commonly used in RF power amplifiers, with the Guanella transformer (balun) being one example. Allowing balanced and unbalanced  (hence ‘balun’) systems to interface without issues, they’re both very simple and very complex. This type of transformer and its various uses is explained in a video by [FesZ Electronics], and also the subject of an article by [Dr. Steve Arar] as part of a larger series, the latter of which is recommended to start with you’re not familiar with RF circuitry.

Transmission line transformers are similar to regular transformers, except that the former relies on transmission line action to transfer energy rather than magnetic flux and provides no DC isolation. The Guanella balun transformer was originally described by Gustav Guanella in 1944. Beyond the 1:1 balun other configurations are also possible, which [Dr. Arar] describes in a follow-up article, and which are also covered in the [FesZ] video, alongside the explanation of another use of Guanella transformers: as an impedance transformer. This shows just how flexible transformers are once you can wrap your mind around the theory.

We have previously covered RF amplifier builds as well as some rather interesting balun hacks.

Heading image:  The Guanella 1:1 balun. (Credit: Steve Arar)

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A dismantled drill on a cluttered workbench

Going Brushless: Salvaging A Dead Drill

Let’s face it—seeing a good tool go to waste is heartbreaking. So when his cordless drill’s motor gave up after some unfortunate exposure to the elements, [Chaz] wasn’t about to bin it. Instead, he embarked on a brave journey to breathe new life into the machine by swapping its dying brushed motor for a sleek brushless upgrade.

Things got real as [Chaz] dismantled the drill, comparing its guts to a salvaged portable bandsaw motor. What looked like an easy swap soon became a true hacker’s challenge: incompatible gear systems, dodgy windings, and warped laminations. Not discouraged by that, he dreamed up a hybrid solution: 3D-printing a custom adapter to make the brushless motor fit snugly into the existing housing.

The trickiest part was designing a speed control mechanism for the brushless motor—an impressively solved puzzle. After some serious elbow grease and ingenuity, the franken-drill emerged better than ever. We’ve seen some brushless hacks before, and this is worth adding to the list. A great tool hack and successful way to save an old beloved drill. Go ahead and check out the video below!

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Taylorator Makes Mischief On The Airwaves

[Stephen] recently wrote in to share his experiments with using the LimeSDR mini to conduct a bit of piracy on the airwaves, and though we can’t immediately think of a legitimate application for spamming the full FM broadcast band simultaneously, we can’t help but be fascinated by the technique. Called the Taylorator, as it was originally intended to carpet bomb the dial with the collected works of Taylor Swift on every channel, the code makes for some interesting reading if you’re interested in the transmission-side of software defined radio (SDR).

The write-up talks about the logistics of FM modulation, and how quickly the computational demands stack up when you’re trying to push out 100 different audio streams at once. It takes a desktop-class CPU to pull it off in real-time, and eats up nearly 4 GB of RAM.

You could use this project to play a different episode of the Hackaday Podcast on every FM channel at once, but we wouldn’t recommend it. As [Stephen] touches on at the end of the post, this is almost certainly illegal no matter where you happen to live. That said, if you keep the power low enough so as not to broadcast anything beyond your home lab, it’s unlikely anyone will ever find out.

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Supercon 2024: Joshua Wise Hacks The Bambu X1 Carbon

Bambu Labs have been in the news lately. Not because of the machines themselves, but because they are proposing a firmware change that many in our community find restricts their freedom to use their own devices.

What can be done? [Joshua Wise] gave a standout talk on the Design Lab stage at the 2024 Hackaday Superconference where he told the tale of his custom firmware for the Bambu X1 Carbon. He wasn’t alone here; the X1 Plus tale involves a community of hackers working on opening up the printer, but it’s also a tale that hasn’t ended yet. Bambu is striking back. Continue reading “Supercon 2024: Joshua Wise Hacks The Bambu X1 Carbon”

Paper Tape – With LASERs!

Though it is many decades since paper tape was commonly used as a data input or storage medium, it still holds a fascination for many who work with computers. Over the years we’ve featured more than one paper tape related project, and the latest to come out way is [ColemanJW2]’s 8-bit ASCII paper tape generator.

It’s natural to expect when talking about a paper tape generator that a machine of some type will emerge, probably with a large reel of tape, a whirring mechanical punch, and a big box of paper confetti. This one however is different, because it exists in software and produces an SVG file to cut the tape with a laser cutter. Common workshop equipment in 2025, but the stuff of science fiction when paper tape was current.

The software is a Python script, which has a friendly GUI. It applies 8-bit ASCII to the tape, and supports control codes and ANSI escape sequences. There’s a very short demonstration video of a tape being cut, which we’ve placed below the break.

If you make any tapes this way, see if you can find a paper tape event badge to read them.

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