Better Battery Design Through Science

Before the age of lithium batteries, any project needing to carry its own power had to rely on batteries that were much less energy-dense and affordable. In many ways, we take modern lithium technology for granted, and can easily put massive batteries in our projects by the standards of just a few decades ago. While the affordability of lithium batteries has certainly decreased the amount of energy we need to put in to our projects to properly size batteries, there’s still a lot of work to be done if you’re working on a bigger project or just want to get the maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of your DIY battery pack.

The main problem with choosing a battery, as [ionworks] explains, is that batteries can’t be built for both high energy and high power, at least not without making major concessions for weight or cost. After diving in to all of the possible ways of customizing a battery, the battery guide jumps in to using PyBaMM to perform computational modeling of potential battery designs to hopefully avoid the cumbersome task of testing all of the possible ways of building a battery. With this tool virtually all of a battery’s characteristics can be simulated and potential problems with your setup can be uncovered before you chose (or start production of) a specific battery system.

While customizing a battery pack to this extent might not be a consideration for most of us unless the project is going to be big enough to run something like an electric car or a whole-house generator, it’s a worthwhile tool to know about as even smaller projects like ebikes can benefit from choosing the right cell for the application. Some of the nuances of battery pack design can be found in this guide to building packs from the standard 18650 cells.

Header: Lead holder, CC BY-SA 3.0 .

Modeling Home Heating Systems With Circuit Simulation Software

Electricity flow is generally invisible, silent, and not something that most humans want to touch, so understanding how charge moves around can be fairly unintuitive at first. There are plenty of analogies to help understand its behavior, such as imagining a circuit as a pipe of water, with pressure standing in for voltage and flow standing in for current. But you can flip this idea in reverse and use electric circuits to model other complex phenomena instead. [Oxx], for example, is using circuit theory to model his home’s heating systems.

To build his model, he’s using LTSpice, a free circuit simulation program. Using voltage to model temperature and current to model heat flow, he’s set up a model for his home to compare the behavior of a heat pump and a propane furnace. A switch model already in LTSpice with built-in hysteresis takes the place of the thermostat. Using temperature data for a single day in January [Oxx] can see how each of his two heating systems might behave, and the model for the heat pump is incredibly close to how the heat pump behaved in real life.

The model includes all kinds of data about the system, including the coefficient of performance of the heat pump and its backup electric resistive heater, and the model is fairly accurate at predicting behavior. Of course, it takes a good bit of work to set up the parameters for all of the components since our homes and heating systems won’t be included in LTSpice by default, but it does show how powerful an electric circuit analog can be when building models of other systems. If you’ve never used this program before, we’ve featured a few guides to getting started that you can take a look at.

Thanks to [Jarvis] for the tip!

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Simulating Cellular Biology In The Browser

[Technistuff] read a paper about simulating a “minimal” cell — apparently a cell with only 493 genes. This led to a goal: reproduce the simulation in TypeScript so it can run in a web browser. Why? We don’t know, but it is an interesting look at both in-depth biology and how to handle complex simulations. The code is available on GitHub.

For a point of reference, E. Coli has over 4,500 genes. The cell in question — JCVI-syn3A — actually has seven more genes than truly necessary. The data for this bacteria is available from a research lab, again, using GitHub.

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Arduino, Virtually

While simulating an Arduino isn’t a new idea, a recent project by [LRusso] provides an open source JavaScript simulator that runs in your browser. You can try it out live or host it yourself if you prefer.

The simulator looks much like the standard IDE, so there isn’t much to learn. You can select from several targets, including a UNO R3, a MEGA 1280, a MEGA 2560, or a NANO V3. At the bottom of the screen, you’ll see the correct number of digital pins, analog pins, and the serial monitor. The code is relatively new, and we noticed that the digital and output pins seem to work only for outputs. There is no way to modify any of the values from the user interface. You can, however, enter things into the serial monitor.

You can run a canned demo that uses digital and analog output. There is also another sample that uses the serial port. Unlike some other simulators, you can’t really add much external circuitry but, for some purposes, that isn’t a problem.

If you are looking for more, there is Simulide, which is also free. Falstad can do mixed signal simulations with Arduino code. There’s also Wokwi, which we’ve covered a few times before.

Designing A PCB GPS Antenna From Scratch

These days, when it comes to GPS devices the antenna is typically part of the package. But what better opportunity for [Pepijn] to learn how to make a GPS antenna from scratch for a badge add-on?

A patch antenna is an antenna of a flat design, which [Pepijn] was going to put directly on a PCB. However, there was added complexity due to GPS being a circularly polarized signal, and that meant doing some research.

Sadly, nowhere did [Pepijn] encounter a straightforward reference design or examples, but in the end success came from going with a truncated corner patch antenna design and using simulation software to figure out exactly what dimensions were needed. (The openEMS free simulation software didn’t bring success, but the non-free Sonnet with a trial license did the trick.) The resulting PCB may not look particularly complex, but every detail matters in such designs.

KiCad handled the PCB CAD design but the prototype came from cutting the PCB on a CNC machine instead of having it fabricated and shipped; a much cheaper and faster option for those with access to the right tools. A bit more testing had the prototype looking good, but the real proof came when it successfully received GPS signals and spewed valid NMEA messages. The design files are on GitHub but as [Pepijn] says, the project was about the journey more than anything else.

QSPICE Picks Up Where LTSpice Left Us

[Mike Engelhardt] is a name that should be very familiar to the hardcore electronics nerd. [Mike] is the developer responsible for LTSpice, which is quite likely the most widely used spice-compatible simulator in the free software domain. When you move away from digital electronics and the comfort of software with its helpful IDEs and toolchains, and dip a wary toe into the murky grey waters of analog or power electronics, LTSpice is your best friend. And, like all best friends, it’s a bit quirky, but it always has your back. Sadly, LTSpice development seems to have stalled some years ago, but luckily for us [Mike] has been busy on the successor, QSpice, under the watchful eye of Qorvo.

It does look in its early stages, but from a useability point of view, it’s much improved over LTSpice. Performance is excellent (based on this scribe’s limited testing while mobile.) Gone (thankfully!) is the uncommon verb-noun usage paradigm — replaced with a more usual cut-n-paste flow. Visually it still kind of looks like LTspice in places, but nicer with a clear and uncluttered design that gets straight to the point. Internally, the simulation engine has improved in speed and accuracy, as well as adding native support for modern semiconductor types, such as wide bandgap materials like SiC. Noted is that this updated software has a particular emphasis on power integrity and noise analysis, which are sticky problems that have a big impact on modern high-power systems.

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Modeling A Guitar For Circuit Simulation

Guitar effects have come a long way from the jangly, unaltered sounds of the 1950s when rock and roll started picking up steam. Starting in large part with [Jimi Hendrix] in the 60s, the number of available effects available to guitarists snowballed in the following decades step-by-step with the burgeoning electronics industry. Now, there are tons of effects, from simple analog devices that would have been familiar to [Hendrix] to complex, far-reaching, digital effects available to anyone with a computer. Another thing available to modern guitarists is the ability to model these effects and guitars in circuit simulators, as [Iain] does.

[Ian] plays a Fender Stratocaster, but in order to build effects pedals and amplifiers for it with the exact desired sound, he needed a way to model its equivalent circuit. For a simple DC circuit, this isn’t too difficult since it just requires measuring the resistance, capacitance, and inductance of the overall circuit and can be done with something as simple as a multimeter. But for something with the wide frequency range of a guitar, a little bit more effort needs to go into creating an accurate model. [Iain] is using an Analog Discovery as a vector network analyzer to get all of the raw data he needs for the model before moving on to some in-depth calculations.

[Iain] takes us through all of the methods of figuring out the equivalent impedance of his guitar and its cabling using simple methods capable of being done largely by hand and more advanced techniques like finding numerical solutions. By analyzing the impedance of the pickup, tone and volume controls, and cable, this deep dive into the complexities of building an accurate equivalent circuit model for his guitar could be replicated by anyone else looking to build effects for their specific guitars. If you’re looking for a more digital solution, though, we’ve seen some impressive effects built using other tools unavailable to guitarists in days of yore, such as MIDI and the Raspberry Pi.