Add A Little WOPR To Your Server Rack

Like so many of us, [aforsberg] found themselves fascinated with the WOPR computer from WarGames — something about all those blinking LEDs must speak to nerds on some subconscious level. But rather than admire the light show from afar, they decided to recreate it at a scale suitable for a 1U server rack.

So what goes into this WOPR display? In this case, the recipe simply calls for three MAX7219 dot matrix LED modules and a Raspberry Pi Pico, although you could swap that out for your favorite microcontroller if you wish. You should probably stick with something that at least runs MicroPython though, or else you won’t be able to use the included Python code to mimic the light patterns seen in the film.

What we like most about this project is how simple and inexpensive it is to recreate. There’s no custom PCB, and all the parts are mass produced enough that the economies of scale have made them comically cheap. Even at Amazon prices, you’re looking at around $50 USD in parts, and quite a bit less if you’ve got the patience to order everything through AliExpress.

Critics will note that, in its current state, this display just shows gibberish (admittedly stylish gibberish, but still). But as we’ve seen with similar projects, that’s simply a matter of software.

Pulsed Deposition Points A Different Path To DIY Semiconductors

While not impossible, replicating the machines and processes of a modern semiconductor fab is a pretty steep climb for the home gamer. Sure, we’ve seen it done, but nanoscale photolithography is a demanding process that discourages the DIYer at every turn. So if you want to make semiconductors at home, it might be best to change the rules a little and give something like this pulsed laser deposition prototyping apparatus a try.

Rather than building up a semiconductor by depositing layers of material onto a silicon substrate and selectively etching features into them with photolithography, [Sebastián Elgueta]’s chips will be made by adding materials in their final shape, with no etching required. The heart of the process is a multi-material pulsed laser deposition chamber, which uses an Nd:YAG laser to ablate one of six materials held on a rotating turret, creating a plasma that can be deposited onto a silicon substrate. Layers can either be a single material or, with the turret rapidly switched between different targets, a mix of multiple materials. The chamber is also equipped with valves for admitting different gases, such as oxygen when insulating layers of metal oxides need to be deposited. To create features, a pattern etched into a continuous web of aluminum foil by a second laser is used as a mask. When a new mask is needed, a fresh area of the foil is rolled into position over the substrate; this keeps the patterns in perfect alignment.

We’ve noticed regular updates on this project, so it’s under active development. [Sebastián]’s most recent improvements to the setup have involved adding electronics inside the chamber, including a resistive heater to warm the substrate before deposition and a quartz crystal microbalance to measure the amount of material being deposited. We’re eager to see what else he comes up with, especially when those first chips roll off the line. Until then, we’ll just have to look back at some of [Sam Zeloof]’s DIY semiconductors.

The US Military’s Unsecured UFO Satellites And Their Use By Russia

Something that you generally don’t expect as a North-America-based enthusiast, is to listen in on Russian military communications during their war in Ukraine via WebSDR, or that these communications would be passing through US military satellites that are happy to just broadcast anything. Yet that’s the situation that the Saveitforparts YouTube channel recently described. As it turns out, there is a gaggle of UFOs up there, as the US DoD lovingly calls them.

Between 1979 and 1989 eight FLTSATCOM launches took place, with FLTSATCOM 7 and 8 still operating today. They were later joined by their successor UHF Follow-On (UFO) with 11 launches between 1993 and 2003. All of these operate in the UHF spectrum, with some UFO satellites also covering other bands. Their goal is to provide communication for the military’s forces, with these satellites for the most part acting as simple repeaters. Over time non-military parties learned to use these satellites too, even if it’s technically illegal in many jurisdictions.

As described in the video, if you listen in on WebSDR streams from Ukraine, you can not only find encrypted military comms, but also unencrypted Russian radio traffic. It seems that in lieu of being provided with proper (encrypted) radio systems, Russian forces are using these US military satellites for communication much like how US (and NATO) forces would have. This is reminiscent of how Russian troops were caught using Discord via Starlink for communication, before Russian command shutdown Discord.

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Homebrew CPU Gets A Beautiful Rotating Cube Demo

[James Sharman] designed and built his own 8-bit computer from scratch using TTL logic chips, including a VGA adapter, and you can watch it run a glorious rotating cube demo in the video below.

The rotating cube is the product of roughly 3,500 lines of custom assembly code and looks fantastic, running at 30 frames per second with shading effects from multiple light sources. Great results considering the computing power of his system is roughly on par with vintage 8-bit home computers, and the graphics capabilities are limited. [James]’s computer uses a tile map instead of a frame buffer, so getting 3D content rendered was a challenge.

The video is about 20 seconds of demo followed by a detailed technical discussion on how exactly one implements everything required for a 3D cube, from basic math to optimization. If a deep dive into that sort of thing is up your alley, give it a watch!

We’ve featured [James]’ fascinating work on his homebrew computer before. Here’s more detail on his custom VGA adapter, and his best shot at making it (kinda) run DOOM.

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Retrotechtacular: Yamming CRT Yokes

Those of us who worked in TV repair shops, back when there was such a thing, will likely remember the cardinal rule of TV repair: Never touch the yoke if you can help it. The complex arrangement of copper wire coils and ferrite beads wrapped around a plastic cone attached to the neck of the CRT was critical to picture quality, and it took very little effort to completely screw things up. Fixing it would be a time-consuming and frustrating battle with the cams, screws, and spacers that kept the coils in the right orientation, both between themselves and relative to the picture tube. It was best to leave it the way the factory set it and to look elsewhere for solutions to picture problems.

But how exactly did the factory set up a deflection yoke? We had no idea at the time, only learning just recently about the wonders of automated deflection yoke yamming. The video below was made by Thomson Consumer Electronics, once a major supplier of CRTs to the television and computer monitor industry, and appears directed to its customers as a way of showing off their automated processes. They never really define yamming, but from the context of the video, it seems to be an industry term for the initial alignment of a deflection yoke during manufacturing. The manual process would require a skilled technician to manipulate the yoke while watching a series of test patterns on the CRT, slowly tweaking the coils to bring everything into perfect alignment.

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Be Careful What You Ask For: Voice Control

We get it. We also watched Star Trek and thought how cool it would be to talk to our computer. From Kirk setting a self-destruct sequence, to Scotty talking into a mouse, or Picard ordering Earl Grey, we intuitively know that talking to a computer is better than typing, right? Well, computers talking back and forth to us is no longer science fiction, and maybe we aren’t as happy about it as we thought we’d be.

We weren’t able to pinpoint the first talking computer in fiction. Asimov and van Vogt had talking computers in the 1940s. “I, Robot” by Eando Binder, and not the more famous Asimov story, had a fully speaking robot in 1939. You could argue that “The Machine” in E. M. Forster’s “The Machine Stops” was probably speaking — the text is a little vague — and that was in 1909. The robot from Metropolis (1927) spoke after transforming, but you could argue that doesn’t count.

Meanwhile, In Real Life

In real life, computers weren’t as quick to speak. Before the middle of the twentieth century, machine-generated speech was an oddity. In 1779, a mechanical contrivance by Wolfgang von Kempelen, famous for the mechanical Turk chess-playing automaton, could form simple words. By 1939, Bell Labs could do even better speech synthesis electronically but with a human operator. It didn’t sound very good, as you can see in the video below, but it was certainly expressive.

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