A series of wooden rectangles are arranged vertically around the edges of a dark wooden base, reminiscent of a very tall radial fan. Light glows from the base up the slots between the vanes. a cord runs from behind the dark base to a small puck of the same color. The setup sits on a light grey table in front of a light grey wall.

A Beautiful Lamp-Inspired PC Case

Sometimes you see something super cool and think of how it would be really neat if applied in a totally different context. [MXC Builds] saw an awesome lamp from [karacreates], but decided it would be better as a PC case.

We love seeing how different techniques can be used in conjunction to make something that no one method could produce on its own, and for this build, we see [MXC Builds] use 3D printing, laser cutting, CNC, sewing, soldering, and traditional woodworking techniques.

A large part of the video is spent on the CNC process for the walnut base and power button enclosure for the build. As with any project, there are a few places requiring some creative use of the tools on hand, like the walnut piece for the base being too tall for the machine’s usual z-calibration puck or any of [MXC Builds]’s bits to do in one pass, and it’s always interesting to see how other makers solve these issues.

If you’re looking for other beautiful casemods, how about a transparent PS2 or this Art Deco number? Before you go, may we bend your ear about how PC Cases are Still Stuck in the Dark Ages?

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2024 Tiny Games Contest: Neat PCB Business Card Was Inspired By The Arduboy

The humble business card is usually a small slip of cardboard with some basic contact details on it — but as hackers know, it can be so much more. [Marian] has provided us a great example in the form of his own digital business card, which doubles as a handheld game!

Wanting to make his business card more interesting for better engagement, [Marian] was inspired by the Arduboy to give it some interactivity. He chose the STM32G030F6 microcontroller as a cheap and reliable option to run his business card. He then created a 10×9 LED matrix display using Charlieplexing to minimize the amount of I/O pins required. For controls, he went with the usual directional cross plus two action buttons. He implemented a variety of games on the card—including a Flappy Bird clone and a game similar to the classic Simon toy.

Files are on GitHub for the curious. We’ve featured some other great business cards this year, too. Indeed, we ran a whole challenge! If you’re cooking up your own exemplary little PCB to hand out at conferences, don’t hesitate to let us know!

Spiders Are Somehow Hacking Fireflies To Lure More Victims

What happens when an unfortunate bug ends up in a spider’s web? It gets bitten and wrapped in silk, and becomes a meal. But if the web belongs to an orb-weaver and the bug is a male firefly, it seems the trapped firefly — once bitten — ends up imitating a female’s flash pattern and luring other males to their doom.

Fireflies communicate with flash patterns (something you can experiment with yourself using nothing more than a green LED) and males looking to mate will fly around flashing a multi-pulse pattern with their two light-emitting lanterns. Females will tend to remain in one place and flash single-pulse patterns on their one lantern.

When a male spots a female, they swoop in to mate. Spiders have somehow figured out a way to actively take advantage of this, not just inserting themselves into the process but actively and masterfully manipulating male fireflies, causing them to behave in a way they would normally never do. All with the purpose of subverting firefly behavior for their own benefit.

It all started with an observation that almost all fireflies in webs were male, and careful investigation revealed it’s not just some odd coincidence. When spiders are not present, the male fireflies don’t act any differently. When a spider is present and detects a male firefly, the spider wraps and bites the firefly differently than other insects. It’s unknown exactly what happens, but this somehow results in the male firefly imitating a female’s flash patterns. Males see this and swoop in to mate, but with a rather different outcome than expected.

The research paper contains added details but it’s clear that there is more going on in this process than meets the eye. Spiders are already fascinating creatures (we’ve seen an amazing eye-tracking experiment on jumping spiders) and it’s remarkable to see this sort of bio-hacking going on under our very noses.

A milling machine with an attached pantograph following the various intricate patterns of a spirograph on the bench next to it. The spirograph is a series of acrylic gears and brass connecting bars mounted on a wooden base.

Taking A Spirograph Mill For A Spin

Spirographs can make some pretty groovy designs on paper, but what if you want to take it a step further? [Uri Tuchman] has used the pantograph on his milling machine to duplicate the effect in harder materials.

[Tuchman] starts with a quick proof-of-concept using an actual plastic Spirograph toy to make sure it isn’t a totally unworkable idea. Unsurprisingly, the plastic is too flexible to give a highly detailed result on the MDF test piece, so he laser cut an acrylic version as the next prototype. This provided much better stiffness, but he needed to adjust gear ratios and ergonomics to make the device more usable.

The final iteration uses a combination of laser cut acrylic and machined brass components to increase rigidity where needed. A hand-turned knob for the crank adds a classy touch, as does the “Spiromatic 2000” brass plate affixed to the wooden base of the mechanism.

This isn’t the first spirograph-related project we’ve seen. How about one made of LEGO Mindstorms, another using Arduino, or one that makes these patterns on your oscilloscope?

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Symmetrical Gear Spins One-Way, Harvesting Surrounding Chaos

Here’s a novel ratchet mechanism developed by researchers that demonstrates how a single object — in this case a gear shaped like a six-pointed star — can rectify the disordered energy of its environment into one-way motion.

5x speed video of gear in agitated water bath.

The Feynman–Smoluchowski ratchet has alternating surface treatments on the sides of its points, accomplished by applying a thin film layer to create alternating smooth/rough faces. This difference in surface wettability is used to turn agitation of surrounding water into a ratcheting action, or one-way spin.

This kind of mechanism is known as an active Brownian ratchet, but unlike other designs, this one doesn’t depend on the gear having asymmetrical geometry. Instead of an asymmetry in shape, there’s an asymmetry in the gear tooth surface treatments. You may be familiar with the terms hydrophobic and hydrophilic, which come down to a difference in surface wettability. The gear’s teeth having one side of each is what rectifies the chaotic agitation of the surrounding water into a one-way spin. Scaled down far enough, these could conceivably act as energy-harvesting micromotors.

Want more detail? The published paper is here, and if you think you might want to play with this idea yourself there are a few different ways to modify the surface wettability of an object. High voltage discharge (for example from a Tesla coil) can alter surface wettability, and there are off-the-shelf hydrophobic coatings we’ve seen used in art. We’ve even seen an unusual clock that relied on the effect.

Australia Didn’t Invent WiFi, Despite What You’ve Heard

Wireless networking is all-pervasive in our modern lives. Wi-Fi technology lives in our smartphones, our laptops, and even our watches. Internet is available to be plucked out of the air in virtually every home across the country. Wi-Fi has been one of the grand computing revolutions of the past few decades.

It might surprise you to know that Australia proudly claims the invention of Wi-Fi as its own. It had good reason to, as well— given the money that would surely be due to the creators of the technology. However, dig deeper, and you’ll find things are altogether more complex.

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Laser Art Inspired By The Ford Motor Company

Have you ever heard of Fordite? It was a man-made agate-like stone that originated from the Ford auto factories in the 1920s. Multiple layers of paint would build up as cars were painted different colors, and when it was thick enough, workers would cut it, polish it, and use it in jewelry. [SheltonMaker] uses a similar technique to create artwork using a laser engraver and shares how it works by showing off a replica of [Van Gogh’s] “Starry Night.”

A piece of Fordite on a pendant

The technique does have some random variation, so the result isn’t a perfect copy but, hey, it is art, after all. While true Fordite has random color layers, this technique uses specific colors layered from the lightest to the darkest. Each layer of paint is applied to a canvas. Only after all the layers are in place does the canvas go under the laser.

The first few layers of paint are white and serve as a backer. Each subsequent layer is darker until the final black layer. The idea is that the laser will cut at different depths depending on the desired lightness. A program called ImagR prepared the image as a negative image. Adjustments to the brightness, contrast, and gamma will impact the final result.

Of course, getting the exact power settings is tricky. The best result was to start at a relatively low power and then make more passes at an even lower power until things looked right. In between, compressed air cleared the print, although you have to be careful not to move the piece, of course.

There are pictures of each pass, and the final product looks great. If art’s not your thing, you can also do chip logos. While the laser used in this project is a 40-watt unit, we’ve noted before that wattage isn’t everything. You could do this—probably slower—with a lower-powered engraver.

Fordite image By [Rhonda]  CC BY-SA 2.0.