500cc Of 4-Wheel Off-Road Fun

Who among us hasn’t at some point thought of building a little vehicle, and better still, a little off-road vehicle for a few high-octane rough-terrain adventures. [Made in Poland] has, and there he is in a new video with a little off-road buggy.

The video which we’ve paced below the break is quite long, and it’s one of those restful metalworking films in which we see the finished project take shape bit by bit. In this case the buggy has a tubular spaceframe, with front suspension taken from a scrap quad and a home-made solid rear axle. For power there’s a 500cc Suzuki two-cylinder motorcycle engine, with a very short chain drive from its gearbox to that axle. The controls are conventional up to a point, though we’d have probably gone for motorcycle style handlebars with a foot shift rather than the hand-grip shift.

The final machine is a pocket drift monster, and one we’d certainly like to have a play with. We’d prefer some roll-over protection and we wonder whether the handling might be improved were the engine sprung rather than being part of a huge swing-arm, but it doesn’t appear to interfere with the fun. If you fancy a go yourself it’s surprisingly affordable to make a small vehicle, just build a Hacky Racer.

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Custom Pneumatic Cylinders Lock This Monitor Arm In Place

Few consumer-grade PCs are what you’d categorize as built to last. Most office-grade machines are as likely as not to give up the ghost after ingesting a few too many dust bunnies, and the average laptop can barely handle a few drops of latte and some muffin crumbs before croaking. Sticking a machine like that in the shop, especially a metal shop, is pretty much a death sentence.

And yet, computers are so useful in the shop that [Lucas] from “Cranktown City” built this neat industrial-strength monitor arm. His design will look familiar to anyone with a swing-arm mic or desk light, although his home-brew parallelogram arm is far sturdier thanks to the weight of the monitor and sheet-metal enclosure it supports. All that weight exceeded the ability of the springs [Lucas] had on hand, which led to the most interesting aspect of the build — a pair of pneumatic locks. These were turned from a scrap of aluminum rod and an old flange-head bolt; when air pressure is applied, the bolt is drawn into the cylinder, which locks the arm in place. To make it easy to unlock the arm, a pneumatic solenoid releases the pressure on the system at the touch of a button. The video below has a full explanation and demonstration.

While we love the idea, there are a few potential problems with the design. The first is that this isn’t a fail-safe design, since pressure is needed to keep the arm locked. That means if the air pressure drops the arm could unlock, letting gravity do a number on your nice monitor. Second is the more serious problem [Lucas] alluded to when he mentioned not wanting to be in the line of fire of those locks should something fail and the piston comes flying out under pressure. That could be fixed with a slight design change to retain the piston in the event of a catastrophic failure.

Problems aside, this was a great build, and we always love [Lucas]’ seat-of-the-pants engineering and his obvious gift for fabrication, of which his wall-mount plasma cutter is a perfect example.

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This Week In Security: GhostWrite, Localhost, And More

You may have heard some scary news about RISC-V CPUs. There’s good news, and bad news, and the whole thing is a bit of a cautionary tale. GhostWrite is a devastating vulnerability in a pair of T-Head XuanTie RISC-V CPUs. There are also unexploitable crashes in another T-Head CPU and the QEMU soft core implementation. These findings come courtesy of a group of researchers at the CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security in Germany. They took at look at RISC-V cores, and asked the question, do any of these instructions do anything unexpected? The answer, obviously, was “yes”.

Undocumented instructions have been around just about as long as we’ve had Van Neumann architecture processors. The RISC-V ISA put a lampshade on that reality, and calls them “vendor specific custom ISA extensions”. The problem is that vendors are in a hurry, have limited resources, and deadlines wait for no one. So sometimes things make it out the door with problems. To find those problems, CISPA researchers put together a test framework is called RISCVuzz, and it’s all about running each instruction on multiple chips, and watching for oddball behavior. They found a couple of “halt-and-catch-fire” problems, but the real winner (loser) is GhostWrite.

Now, this isn’t a speculative attack like Meltdown or Spectre. It’s more accurate to say that it’s a memory mapping problem. Memory mapping helps the OS keep programs independent of each other by giving them a simplified memory layout, doing the mapping from each program to physical memory in the background. There are instructions that operate using these virtual addresses, and one such is vs128.v. That instruction is intended to manipulate vectors, and use virtual addressing. The problem is that it actually operates directly on physical memory addresses, even bypassing cache. That’s not only memory, but also includes hardware with memory mapped addresses, entirely bypassing the OS. This instruction is the keys to the kingdom. Continue reading “This Week In Security: GhostWrite, Localhost, And More”

Fixing A Busted Fluke While Fighting A Wonky Schematic

Fluke meters have been around for a long, long time. Heck, we’ve got a Fluke 73 that we bought back in 1985 that’s still a daily driver. But just because they’ve been making them forever doesn’t mean they last forever, and getting a secondhand meter back in the game can be a challenge. That’s what [TheHWCave] learned with his revival of a wonky eBay Fluke 25, an effort that holds lessons for anyone in the used Fluke market.

Initial inspection of the meter showed encouragingly few signs of abuse, somewhat remarkable for something built for the military in the early 1980s. A working display allowed a few simple diagnostics revealing that the ammeter functions seemed to work, but not the voltmeter and ohmmeter functions. [TheHWCave]’s teardown revealed a solidly constructed unit with no obvious signs of damage or blown fuses. Thankfully, a service schematic was available online, albeit one with a frustrating lack of detail, confusing test point nomenclature, and contradictory component values.

Despite these hurdles, [TheHWCave] was able to locate the culprit: a bad fusible power resistor. Finding a direct replacement wasn’t easy given the vagaries of the schematic and the age of the instrument, but he managed to track down a close substitute cheap enough to buy in bulk. He searched through 40 units to find the one closest to the listed specs, which got the meter going again. Fixing the bent pin also gave the meter back its continuity beeper, always a mixed blessing.

If you’re in the market for a meter but can’t afford the Fluke name, picking up a busted meter and fixing it up like this might be one way to go. But are they really worth the premium? Well, kinda yes.

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A black device with a monochrome LCD sits on a wooden table. It's keyboard extends below the frame. On the screen is the "Level 29" BBS service login.

Internet Appliance To Portable Terminal

Few processors have found themselves in so many different devices as the venerable Z80. While it isn’t powerful by modern standards, you can still use devices like this Cidco MailStation as a terminal.

The MailStation was originally designed as an email machine for people who weren’t onboard with this whole computer fad, keeping things simple with just an adjustable monchrome LCD, a keyboard, and a few basic applications. [Joshua Stein] developed a terminal application, msTERM, for the MailStation thanks to work previously done on decoding this device and the wealth of documentation for Z80 assembly.

While [Stein] designed his program to access BBSes, we wonder if it might be a good way to do some distraction-free writing. If that wasn’t enough, he also designed the WiFiStation dongle which lets you communicate over a network without all that tedious mucking about with parallel ports.

If you’d like something designed specifically for writing, how about an AlphaSmart? Wanting to build your own Z80-based project? Why not start with an Altoids-sized Z80 SBC, but don’t wait forever since Z80 production finally ended in June.

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A Smart LED Dice Box Thanks To The Internet Of Things

If there’s one thing humans love, it’s dancing with chance. To that end, [Jonathan] whipped up a fun dice box, connecting it to the Internet of Things for additional functionality.

Expect dice roll stat tracking to become a big thing in the D&D community.

The build is based around Pixels Dice. They’re a smart type of IoT dice that contains Bluetooth connectivity and internal LEDs. The dice are literally capable of detecting their own rolls and reporting them wirelessly. Thus, the dice connects to the dice box, and the dice box can literally log the rolls and even graph them over time.

The project was built in a nice octagonal box [Jonathan] picked up from a thrift store. It was fitted with a hidden battery and ESP32 to communicate with the dice and run the show. The box also contains integrated wireless chargers to recharge the dice as needed, and a screen for displaying status information.

The dice and dice box can do all kinds of neat things, like responding with mood lighting and animations to your rolls—for better or worse. There are some fun modes you can play with—you can even set the lights to sparkle if you pass a given skill check in your tabletop RPG of choice!

If you play a lot of tabletop games, and you love dice and statistics, this is a project well worth looking into. Imagine logging every roll so you can see how hot you are on a given night. Or, heck—whether it was the dice’s fault you lost your favorite player character in that foreboding dungeon.

We see a few dice hacks now and then, but not nearly enough. This project has us questioning where smart dice have been all our life! Video after the break.
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Tulip Is A Micropython Synth Workstation, In An ESP32

We’re not sure exactly what Tulip is, because it’s so many things all at once. It’s a music-making environment that’s programmable in Python, runs on your big computer or on an ESP32-S3, and comes complete with some nice sounding synth engines, a sequencer, and a drum machine all built in. It’s like your dream late-1980s synthesizer workstation, but running on a dev board that you can get for a song.

And because Tulip is made of open-source software and hardware, you can extend the heck out of it. For instance, as demonstrated in this video by [Floyd Steinberg], you can turn it into a fully contained portable device by adding a touchscreen. That incarnation is available from Makerfabs, and it’s a bargain, especially considering that the developer [Brian Whitman] gets some of the proceeds. Or, because it’s written in portable Python, you can run it on your desktop computer for free.

The most interesting part of Tulip for us, as programmer-musicians, is that it boots up into a Micrypython REPL. This is a synth workstation with a command-line prompt as its primary interface. It has an always-running main loop, and you make music by writing functions that register as callbacks with the main loop. If you were fast, you could probably live-code up something pretty interesting. Or maybe it wants to be extended into a physical musical instrument by taking in triggers from the ESP32’s GPIOs? Oh, and did we mention it sends MIDI out just as happily as it takes it in? What can’t Tulip do?

We’ve seen some pretty neat minimalist music-making devices lately, but in a sense Tulip takes the cake: it’s essentially almost entirely software. The various hardware incarnations are just possibilities, and because it’s all open and extremely portable, you can freely choose among them. We really like the design and sound of the AMY software synthesizer engine that powers the Tulip, and we’re sure that more synthesizer models will be written for it. This is a music project that you want to keep your eyes on in the future.