Redbox Is Dead, But The Machines Are Kind Of Hanging On

Redbox was a service for renting DVDs from automated kiosks. The business was going well until it wasn’t anymore, and then the company went bankrupt in July this year. And yet… the machines live on. At least, that’s according to YouTuber [Smokin’ Silicon], who spotted some remaining Redbox kiosks out and about. Including at his local Walmart!

Here’s the thing. There’s not one big switch at Redbox that turns all the machines off, and even if there was—nobody hit it the moment the company declared bankruptcy. Thus, when [Smokin’ Silicon] rocked up to Walmart, he was able to flick through the movies and even add one to cart for purchase. However, trying to complete the transaction failed—the kiosk eventually reported itself as out of service. That makes sense—you’d expect payment processing to be the first thing to go down.

However, other Redbox kiosks were different. A kiosk at a Food Lion location actually still worked—and [Smokin’ Silicon] was able to complete the transaction and walk away with a Black Adam disc! On a second trip, he was able to walk away with even more!

The rest of the video dives into Redbox lore and other posts online about the status of the company, software, and hardware. Apparently, someone on Reddit was claiming they had the Redbox kiosk OS available. Meanwhile, some users have had trouble returning their discs because the company is now defunct. However, [Smokin’ Silicon] was able to return his without issue. Ultimately, though, he recommends his viewers to go out and score as many DVDs and Blu Rays as possible from the machines since soon enough, they’ll be gone forever.

The fact is, businesses are big and Kafkaesque, the kiosks are scattered all over the country, and so it’s anybody’s guess if and when they stop working. Back when this website began, a redbox was something different entirely. Video after the break.

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Tiny LoRa GPS Node Relies On ESP32

Sometimes you need to create a satellite navigation tracking device that communicates via a low-power mesh network. [Powerfeatherdev] was in just that situation, and they whipped up a particularly compact solution to do the job.

As you might have guessed based on the name of its creator, this build is based around the ESP32-S3 PowerFeather board. The PowerFeather has the benefit of robust power management features, which makes it perfect for a power-sipping project that’s intended to run for a long time. It can even run on solar power and manage battery levels if so desired. The GPS and LoRa gear is all mounted on a secondary “wing” PCB that slots directly on to the PowerFeather like a Arduino shield or Raspberry Pi HAT. The whole assembly is barely larger than a AA battery.

It’s basically a super-small GPS tracker that transmits over LoRa, while being optimized for maximum run time on limited power from a small lithium-ion cell. If you’re needing to do some long-duration, low-power tracking task for a project, this might be right up your alley.

LoRa is a useful technology for radio communications, as we’ve been saying for some time. Meanwhile, if you’ve got your own nifty radio comms build, or anything in that general milleu, don’t hesitate to drop us a line!

How To Make Conductive Tin Oxide Coatings On Glass

Glass! It’s, uh, not very conductive. And sometimes we like that! But other times, we want glass to be conductive. In that case, you might want to give the glass a very fine coating of tin oxide. [Vik Olliver] has been working on just that, in hopes he can make a conductive spot on a glass printing bed in order to use it with a conductive probe.

[Vik’s] first attempt involved using tin chloride, produced by dissolving some tin in a beaker of hydrochloric acid. A droplet of this fluid was then dropped on a glass slide that was heated with a blowtorch. The result was a big ugly white splotch. Not at all tidy, but it did create a conductive layer on the glass. Just a thick, messy one. Further attempts refined the methodology, and [Vik] was eventually able to coat a 1″ square with a reasonably clear coating that measured an edge-to-edge resistance around 8 megaohms.

If you’re aware of better, easier, ways to put a conductive coating on glass, share them below! We’ve seen similar DIY attempts at this before, too. If you’ve been cooking up your own interesting home chemistry experiments (safely!?) do let us know!

C64 Gets A Graphics Upgrade Courtesy Of Your Favorite Piano Manufacturer

The Commodore 64 was quite a machine in its time, though a modern assessment would say that it’s severely lacking in the graphical department. [Vossi] has whipped up a bit of an upgrade for the C64 and C128, in the form of a graphics expansion card running Yamaha hardware.

As you might expect, the expansion is designed to fit neatly into a C64 cartridge slot. The card runs the Yamaha V9958—the video display processor known for its appearance in the MSX2+ computers. In this case, it’s paired with a healthy 128 kB of video RAM so it can really do its thing. The V9958 has an analog RGB output that can be set for PAL or NTSC operation, and can perform at resolutions up to 512×212 or even 512×424 interlaced. Naturally, it needs to be hooked directly up to a compatible screen, like a 1084, or one with SCART input. [Vossi] took the time to create some demos of the chip’s capabilities, drawing various graphics in a way that the C64 couldn’t readily achieve on its own.

It’s a build that almost feels like its from an alternate universe, where Yamaha decided to whip up a third-party graphics upgrade for the C64. That didn’t happen, but stranger team ups have occurred over the years.

[Thanks to Stephen Walters for the tip!]

Easily Program RP2040 Boards With Your Android Device

You could write your microcontroller code on your desktop PC, or you could do it on your laptop on the go. Or, if you want to get really portable about things, you could write your embedded code on your phone. Enter DroidScript.

Basically, DroidScript is a JavaScript and Python IDE for Android phones and tablets. Simple enough. You can use it to write apps for your phone or tablet. But its party piece? You can now also use it to program for embedded devices—namely, a range of those based on the RP2040 microcontroller. For example, the Adafruit QT-Py RP2040, the Pimoroni TinyFX, or the Pimoroni Yukon. They run MicroPython and CircuitPython, and you can program them from DroidScript. Easy.

A decade ago, this would have been a royal pain in the butt. But today? It’s easy, because the smartphones and devboards both use USB-C connectors. All you need is a regular USB-C cable and you can hook straight up to the board and burn your code.

You can get the app on the Google Play Store if you’re so inclined. We’ve seen some other neat smartphone programming projects over the years, too. Meanwhile, if you’ve found any other nifty ways to get your code on to a dev board, don’t hesitate to let us know!

Symbolic Nixie Tubes Become Useful For Artistic Purposes

When it comes to Nixie tubes, the most common usage these days seems to be in clocks. That has people hunting for the numerical version of the tubes, which are usually paired with a couple of LEDs to make the colon in the middle of the clock. However, other Nixie tubes exist, like the IN-7, which has a whole bunch of neat symbols on it instead. [Joshua] decided to take these plentiful yet less-popular tubes and whip them up into a little art piece. 

The IN-7 is a tube normally paired with the numerical IN-4 tube in instrumentation, where it displays unit symbols relevant to the number being displayed. It can display omega, +, M, pi, m, A, -, V, K, and ~.

[Joshua]’s build is simple enough. It spells the word “MAKE” in Nixie tubes as a neat sign for a makerspace. It uses “M” for Mega, “A” for Amps, “K” for Kilo for the first three letters. The fourth letter, “e”, is achieved by turning the tube 90 degrees, so the “m” for milli approximates that character. Two rows spelling “MAKE” (or “MAKe”) are assembled, powered via a small circuit which [Joshua] assembled on a custom-etched board using the toner transfer process. The electronics are all wrapped up in a neat laser-cut acrylic enclosure which was designed in Inkscape.

It’s a neat little project which makes good use of a Nixie tube that is, by and large, unloved. It also recalls us of a misspent youth, writing silly words on scientific calculators using only the available Greek characters. Meanwhile, if you’re working on your own Nixie builds, we’ve featured some neat drivers that you might just find valuable.

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A Power Supply With Ultra High Resolution Current Measurement Built In

Need to do some real fine power consumption measurements? [Gero Müller] was in that exact situation, and wasn’t happy with the expensive off-the-shelf tools for doing the job. Thus, he built his own. Meet nanoTracer.

nanoTracer measures small current draws in very high resolution.

The concept of the device is simple. It’s a power supply that measures current on a nanoampere scale, and on microsecond intervals. It can deliver from 0 to 5.125 volts in 256 steps, and up to 100 mA of current. It has a sampling bandwidth of 1 MHz, at 2 million samples per second, with effective dynamic range from 100 mA all the way down to 100 nA. For capturing microscopic changes in current draw, that’s invaluable. The device also features a UART for talking to an attached project directly, and additional pins for taking further ADC measurements where needed.

Right now, it’s at an early prototype stage, and [Gero] tells us the software is “very basic” right now. Still, it’s easy to see how this device would be very useful to anyone working to optimize power consumption on low-power projects. One wonders if there are some applications in power-based side-channel attacks, too.

We’re hoping to learn more about nanoTracer from [Gero] soon—how it was built, how it works, and what it’s really like to use. Perhaps one day down the line, the design might even become available for others that could use such a nifty tool. There’s no mucking about when you get down to nanoamps, after all. If you’ve cooked up something similar in your own lab, don’t hesitate to let us know!