Over the years we’ve featured many projects which attempt to replicate the feel of physical media when playing music. Usually this involves some kind of token representation of the media, but here’s [Bas] with a different twist (Dutch language, Google Translate link). He’s using the CDs themselves in their cases, identifying them by their barcodes.
At its heart is a Raspberry Pi Pico W and a barcode scanner — after reading the barcode, the Pi calls Discogs to find the tracks, and then uses the Spotify API to find the appropriate links. From there, Home Assistant forwards them along to a smart speaker for playback. As a nice touch, [Bas] designed a 3D printed holder for the electronics which makes the whole thing a bit neater to use.
We this approach for its relative simplicity, and because the real CDs ad the retro touch it’s a real winner. You can find all the resources in a GitHub repository, should you wish to make your own. Meanwhile, it’s certainly not the first barcode scanner we’ve seen.