Soundproofing A CNC Mill Conversion

The Proxxon MF70 is a nice desktop sized milling machine with a lot of useful add-on accessories available for it, making it very desirable for a hacker to have one in his or her home workshop. But its 20000 rpm spindle can cause quite the racket and invite red-faced neighbors. Also, how do you use a milling machine in your home-workshop without covering the whole area in metal chips and sawdust? To solve these issues, [Tim Lebacq] is working on Soundproofing his CNC mill conversion.

To meet his soundproof goal, he obviously had to first convert the manual MF70 to a CNC version. This is fairly straightforward and has been done on this, and similar machines, in many different ways over the years. [Tim] stuck with using the tried-and-tested controller solution consisting of a Raspberry Pi, an Arduino Uno and a grbl shield sandwich, with stepper motor drivers for the three NEMA17 motors. The electronics are housed inside the reclaimed metal box of an old power supply. Since the Proxxon MF70 is already designed to accept a CNC conversion package, mounting the motors and limit switches is pretty straightforward making it easy for [Tim] to make the upgrade.

Soundproofing the box is where he faced unknown territory. The box itself is made from wooden frames lined with particle board. A pair of drawer slides with bolt-action locks is used for the front door which opens vertically up. He’s also thrown in some RGB strips controlled via the Raspberry-Pi for ambient lighting and status indications. But making it soundproof had him experimenting with various materials and techniques. Eventually, he settled on a lining of foam sheets topped up with a layer of — “bubble wrap” ! It seems the uneven surface of the bubble wrap is quite effective in reducing sound – at least to his ears. Time, and neighbours, will tell.

Maybe high density “acoustic foam” sheets would be more effective (the ones similar to “egg crate” style foam sheets, only more dense)? Cleaning the inside of the box could be a big challenge when using such acoustic foam, though. What would be your choice of material for building such a sound proof box? Let us know in the comments below. Going back many years, we’ve posted about this “Portable CNC Mill” and a “Mill to CNC Conversion” for the Proxxon MF70. Seems like a popular machine among hackers.

Diablo Drive Appears To Be Cursed

[CuriousMarc] didn’t think it would be a big deal when a former Xerox employee sent him an Alto Diablo drive for service. Turns out the drive was cursed — it would destroy everything it touched including a set of heads and an alignment cartridge. [Marc] and a partner spent two months trying to get the drive operable and the video of their process is pretty interesting.

We were interested in the troubleshooting, but we were really envious of their lab, full of HP workstations, an IBM mainframe, and even a Selectric. We kept having to rewind the video because we had tuned out while we were staring at some of the equipment in the background.

The guys got a lot of practice aligning the heads on the drive. Because the crashed head was bent, it actually dug into the alignment cartridge so on subsequent attempts they had to manually load the disk past the damage. They learned to leave the disk a little out of alignment because tightening the assembly will move it a little bit. If you were already aligned, the heads would be off after you did the tightening.

They used a custom FPGA-based tester that [Carl] developed after reverse engineering the disk format. It is amazing to watch the big drive in action and realize that a standard cartridge for this machine was 2.5 megabytes. There was another controller and disk system called the Trident that would get you a whopping 80 megabytes, but we don’t think this is one of those.

Did they succeed in exorcising whatever demons lived in the drive? Watch the video and find out. Even if you never have to fix a Diablo drive yourself, you’ll be entertained. Especially when they work out how to do a current adjustment on the drive by simulating the circuit in Spice.

We’ve seen a lot about the Alto which is surprising considering how few of them were built. We’ve seen a restoration and even an odd use for a light bulb related to the Alto’s CRT.

Continue reading “Diablo Drive Appears To Be Cursed”

GPS synchronized Nixie tube clock from kit

3D Printed Tool Tips To Straighten DIP Chips And Unstraighten Resistors

Watching someone assemble a kit is a great way to see some tools you may have not encountered before and maybe learn some new tricks. During [Marco Reps’] recent build of a GPS synchronized Nixie clock kit we spied a couple of handy tools that you can 3D print for your own bench.

Fresh from the factory Dual Inline Package (DIP) chips come with their legs splayed every so slightly apart — enough to not fit into the carefully designed footprints on a circuit board. You may be used to imprecisely bending them by hand on the surface of the bench. [Marco] is more refined and shows off a neat little spring loaded tool that just takes a couple of squeezes to neatly bend both sides of the DIP, leaving every leg the perfect angle. Shown here is a 3D printed version called the IC Pin Straightener that you can throw together with springs and common fasteners.

Another tool which caught our eye is the one he uses for bending the metal film resistor leads: the “Biegelehre” or lead bending tool. You can see that [Marco’s] tool has an angled trench to account for different resistor body widths, with stepped edges for standard PCB footprint spacing. We bet you frequently use the same resistor bodies so 3D printing is made easier by using a single tool for each width. If you really must copy what [Marco] is using, we did find this other model that more closely resembles his.

As for new tricks, there are a lot of small details worth appreciating in the kit assembly. [Marco] cleans up the boards using snips to cut away the support material and runs them over sandpaper on a flat surface. Not all Nixie tubes are perfectly uniform so there’s some manual adjustment there. And in general his soldering practices are among the best we’ve seen. As usual, there’s plenty of [Marco’s] unique brand of humor to enjoy along the way.

We have a warm spot in our heart for simple tools you can whip up on the ‘ole 3D printer. Check out the PCB vise, a set of ball and socket helping hands, and a collection of toolbag essentials.

Continue reading “3D Printed Tool Tips To Straighten DIP Chips And Unstraighten Resistors”

Duplex technology for Google Assistant

Google’s Duplex AI Has Conversation Indistinguishable From Human’s

First Google gradually improved its WaveNet text-to-speech neural network to the point where it sounds almost perfectly human. Then they introduced Smart Reply which suggests possible replies to your emails. So it’s no surprise that they’ve announced an enhancement for Google Assistant called Duplex which can have phone conversations for you.

What is surprising is how well it works, as you can hear below. The first is Duplex calling to book an appointment at a hair salon, and the second is it making reservation’s with a restaurant.

Note that this reverses the roles when talking to a computer on the phone. The computer is the customer who calls the business, and the human is on the business side. The goal of the computer is to book a hair appointment or reserve a table at a restaurant. The computer has to know how to carry out a conversation with the human without the human knowing that they’re talking to a computer. It’s for communicating with all those businesses which don’t have online booking systems but instead use human operators on the phone.

Not knowing that they’re talking to a computer, the human will therefore speak as it would with another human, with all the pauses, “hmm”s and “ah”s, speed, leaving words out, and even changing the context in mid-sentence. There’s also the problem of multiple meanings for a phrase. The “four” in “Ok for four” can mean 4 pm or four people.

The component which decides what to say is a recurrent neural network (RNN) trained on many anonymized phone calls. The input is: the audio, the output from Google’s automatic speech recognition (ASR) software, and context such as the conversation’s history and the parameters of the conversation (e.g. book places at a restaurant, for how many, when), and more.

Producing the speech is done using Google’s text-to-speech technologies, Wavenet and Tacotron. “Hmm”s and “ah”s are inserted for a more natural sound. Timing is also taken into account. “Hello?” gets an immediate response. But they introduce latency when responding to more complex questions since replying too soon would sound unnatural.

There are limitations though. If it decides it can’t complete a task then it hands the conversation over to a human operator. Also, Duplex can’t handle a general conversation. Instead, multiple instances are trained on different domains. So this isn’t the singularity which we’ve talked about before. But if you’re tired of talking to computers at businesses, maybe this will provide a little payback by having the computer talk to the business instead.

On a more serious note, would you want to know if the person you were speaking to was in fact a computer? Perhaps Google should preface each conversation with “Hi! This is Google Assistant calling.” And even knowing that, would you want to have a human conversation with a computer, knowing that it’s “um”s were artificial? This may save time for the person whom the call is on behalf of, but the person being called may wish the computer would be a little more computer-like and speak more efficiently. Let us know your thoughts in the comments below. Or just check out the following Google I/O ’18 keynote presentation video where all this was announced.

Continue reading “Google’s Duplex AI Has Conversation Indistinguishable From Human’s”

Build Your Own Android Smartphone

Let’s get this out of the way first – this project isn’t meant to be a replacement for your regular smartphone. Although, at the very least, you can use it as one if you’d like to. But [Shree Kumar]’s Hackaday Prize 2018 entry, the Kite : Open Hardware Android Smartphone aims to be an Open platform for hackers and everyone else, enabling them to dig into the innards of a smartphone and use it as a base platform to build a variety of hardware.

When talking about modular smartphones, Google’s Project Ara and the Phonebloks project immediately spring to mind. Kite is similar in concept. It lets you interface hacker friendly modules and break out boards – for example, sensors or displays – to create your own customized solutions. And since the OS isn’t tied to any particular brand flavor, you can customize and tweak Android to suit specific requirements as well. There are no carrier locks or services to worry about and the bootloader is unlocked.

Hackaday Show-n-Tell in Bangalore

At the core of the project is the KiteBoard – populated with all the elements that are usually stuffed inside a smartphone package – Memory, LTE/3G/2G radios, micro SIM socket, GPS, WiFi, BT, FM, battery charging, accelerometer, compass, gyroscope and a micro SD slot. The first version of  KiteBoard was based around the Snapdragon 410. After some subtle prodding at a gathering of hackers in Bangalore, [Shree] moved over to the light side, and decided to make the KiteBoard V2 Open Source. The new board will feature a Snapdragon 450 processor among many other upgrades. The second PCB in the Kite Project is a display board which interfaces the 5″ touchscreen LCD to the main KiteBoard. Of Hacker interest is the addition of a 1080p HDMI output on this board that lets you hook it up to external monitors easily and also allows access to the MIPI DSI display interface.

Finally, there’s the Expansion Board which provides all the exciting hacking possibilities. It has a Raspberry Pi compatible HAT connector with GPIO’s referenced to 3.3 V (the KiteBoard works at 1.8 V). But the GPIO’s can also be referenced to 5 V instead of 3.3 V if you need to make connections to an Arduino, for example. All of the other phone interfaces are accessible via the expansion board such as the speaker, mic, earpiece, power, volume up / down for hacking convenience. The Expansion board also provides access to all the usual bus interfaces such as SPI, UART, I²C and I²S.

To showcase the capabilities of the Kite project, [Shree] and his team have built a few phone and gadget variants. Build instructions and design files for 3D printing enclosures and other parts have been documented in several of his project logs. A large part of the BoM consists of off-the-shelf components, other than the three Kite board modules. If you have feature requests, the Kite team is looking to hear from you.

When it comes to smartphone design, Quantity is the name of the game. Whether you’re talking to Qualcomm for the Snapdragon’s, or other vendors for memory, radios, displays and other critical items, you need to be toeing their line on MOQ’s. Add to this the need to certify the Kite board for various standards around the world, and one realizes that building such a phone isn’t a technical challenge as much as a financial one. The only way the Kite team could manage to achieve their goal is to drum up support and pledges via a Kickstarter campaign to ensure they have the required numbers to bring this project to fruition. Check them out and show them some love. The Judges of the Hackaday Prize have already shown theirs by picking this project among the 20 from the first round that move to the final round.

Continue reading “Build Your Own Android Smartphone”

Simple Ethereum Vending Machines With NodeMCU

Recently, we covered how to use the Etherscan API to query data (a wallet balance) from the Ethereum blockchain with NodeMCU. It’s a very useful method for retrieving information from a blockchain on embedded systems where storage and memory are an issue.

It has some limitations though. Most notably, it’s polling the API at some interval to retrieve information whether it has changed or not. I would like to be able to receive data more efficiently than this, and quickly enough to make simple vending machines possible. While we’ve seen videos of Bitcoin-based Red Bull vending machines before, they required an NFC card to use.

If we could receive information about Ethereum transactions quickly and reliably enough, we could build a similar vending machine without requiring an NFC card as an intermediary. Simply send to an address via some method, and receive goods!

It turns out we can do exactly that with NodeMCU using WebSocket. Like HTTP, WebSocket is a communications protocol that uses TCP connections (typically over port 80), but it allows full-duplex communication. In other words, you can establish a connection to a server, and send/receive messages without needing to poll the server.

As in the previous example, we’ll use a NodeMCU running Lua. You may wish to refer to it for compile options and information about the screen, which will be the same in this case. Unlike the previous article, you will not need an API key from Etherscan to use this service (not yet, anyway). As usual, we’ll start off by connecting to WiFi:

station_cfg.ssid="Your SSID"
station_cfg.pwd="Your Password"

Connecting to a server with WebSockets is easy, but since we’re not using HTTP, we’ll have to remove the https:// and replace that with ws://. (Note: not wss:// because we’ve not enabled encryption yet.)


Next, we need to report back when the connection is established as the trigger to run additional code. It will return an error code if the connection fails to be established. Handling these error codes in a sensible way is an excellent feature, but we’ll handle that later:

ws:on("connection", function(ws)
    print('got ws connection')

Now, we need to extend the above to subscribe to an Eth address, and add some new code to do something when a transaction occurs. Note that the API requires that you subscribe to an address within 60 seconds of connecting. It also states that you have to send a ping event to the server every 20 seconds to keep the connection alive, so we’ll need to set a recurring timer for that.

If you’re using ESPlorer, you can send the ping request manually by entering =ws:send('{"event": "ping"}') and pressing Send. This is a useful way to test the connection status.

The address I used seems to have frequent transactions so is reasonable for testing. Be advised though that sitting and waiting for a transaction to happen to test the code creates a slow development cycle so some patience is necessary here.

ws = websocket.createClient()
ws:on("connection", function(ws)
    print('got ws connection')
    ws:send('{"event": "txlist", "address": "0x2a65aca4d5fc5b5c859090a6c34d164135398226"}')

ws:on("receive", function(_, msg, opcode)
    print('got message:', msg, opcode)

You should see something like what follows below. The first message is a simple confirmation of connection, the second confirms your subscription to an address, and the third is what you get sent when a transaction occurs. You can subscribe to up to 30 addresses with a single connected device! Note that the data is all in JSON format, which is something we’ll take advantage of later.

got message: {"event":"welcome"} 1
got message: {"event":"subscribe-txlist", "status":"1", "message":"OK, 0x2a65aca4d5fc5b5c859090a6c34d164135398226"} 1
got message: {"event":"txlist","address":"0x2a65aca4d5fc5b5c859090a6c34d164135398226","result":[{"blockNumber":"5532531","timeStamp":"1525098009","hash":"0xe5ec497cb5b38811e8bf5db67a056a2bdd4aa9b68df5c8e8225cb300cbcfa413","nonce":"3363391","blockHash":"0xf446f77d92ed29c221e8451b8048113969ed305a7dd49177e10b422e8e2c4bda","transactionIndex":"172","from":"0x2a65aca4d5fc5b5c859090a6c34d164135398226","to":"0xec5fdfba35c01c6ad7a00085e70e8f30cd121597","value":"24418350000000000","gas":"50000","gasPrice":"4000000000","input":"0x","contractAddress":"","cumulativeGasUsed":"7896403","gasUsed":"21000","confirmations":"1"}]} 1

That’s quite a mess of transaction data, and unfortunately the datum of interest is in the ‘result’ field – which is nested JSON. In the last article, we converted simple JSON to a Lua table using the excellent sjson module. We’ll do the same here after verifying the message type is a transaction (txlist).

ws:on("receive", function(_, msg, opcode)
    print('got message:', msg, opcode)
    ok, ethdata = pcall(sjson.decode, msg)
    if ok then
        msgtype = (ethdata["event"])
        if msgtype == "txlist" then

The NodeMCU documentation specifically notes that nested JSON can cause out-of-memory errors. For that reason we use pcall (protected call) to contain any such errors when decoding our JSON message. Next, we extract the contents of the ‘value’ field, nested within the ‘result’ field:

if msgtype == "txlist" then
    wei = ethdata.result[1].value
    print (wei)
    eth = wei/1000000000000000000
    print (eth)

It took me a few hours to figure out how to deal with nested tables, but in the end it was actually quite clean and easy — I was just being dense. Now, we need to add a basic provision to handle errors when the websocket is closed:

ws:on("close", function(_, status)
    print('connection closed', status)
    ws = nil -- required to Lua gc the websocket client
    tmr.alarm(0,4000,tmr.ALARM_SINGLE,transact) -- This reconnects after 4 seconds

To wrap it all up, we encase the code in a couple of functions — first, one to establish a connection, subscribe to the right address, and notify when there is a transaction. Next we need one to display the amount of Eth transferred. Finally, we need a ‘ping’ function to call every 20 seconds or less to keep the connection alive. Overall this turned out to be more robust than expected and has yet to encounter an error. Check out the full code listing here. Note that I’ve also added a little code above to interface with a 128×32 OLED screen, the same one we used previously.

Now that it works, let’s consider im/practical applications. It’s a neat way to display Ethereum transactions in real-time, say if you do livestreaming and accept Eth donations and want them to trigger something fancy. Or, you could make a somewhat insecure vending machine. Clearly, getting a secure WebSocket up and running is the next order of business.

You could also set a timer where the length depends on the amount of Eth received. This would allow for things like public advertisements that go away for a while if someone pays a fee. (Please don’t do this!) Maybe a conference room for rent with the power controlled this way? Hackerspace membership payment? An electric bicycle that charges you for power used?

In any case, it’s not legal to use cryptocurrency as a form of payment in my country so I can’t implement any of the above examples at this time. If you’ve got a better application, please share it in the comments!

VCF East XIII Is Right Around The Corner

The middle of May is a very special time at the Jersey Shore. It’s finally warm enough that business owners decide they might as well unlock their doors, but still cool enough that you can go on the boardwalk without having to bump into sweaty strangers. It’s a time for saltwater taffy without the risk of skin cancer, for hot dogs without seagulls trying to steal them from you. You get the idea.

This year it’s also when the Vintage Computer Festival East will be held in Wall, New Jersey. Running from May 18th to the 20th, VCF East XIII will play host to talks, workshops, and demonstrations focusing on the storied days before we all started carrying supercomputers in our pants. Of course it wouldn’t be a computer festival without vendor tables, and there’s even a consignment area where VCF staffers will sell your old gear while you peruse the show.

Here’s hoping that [Don Eyles] brings his hardcopy of the lunar module source code with him. Our own [Greg Charvat] got a close look at this incredible piece of history.
A trio of keynote speakers will help set the tone of VCF East. On Friday [Bill Dromgoole] will discuss the ongoing restoration of a UNIVAC 1219-B military mainframe. Once designed to handle the radar on a Navy destroyer, thanks to the tireless efforts of [Bill] and his merry band, it’s currently on the hunt for the Wumpus. Saturday will see NASA contractor [Don Eyles] explain how he hacked his way around a stuck “Abort” button on Apollo 14, deftly avoiding the kind of problems the previous guys had in getting to the Moon. Finally on Sunday [Dave Walden] will talk about his work in Ye Olden Days of the Internet: programming the very first routers, known as “Internet Message Processors” or IMPs.

If you’re looking to get up close and personal with tech of yesteryear, you’ll definitely want to check out the exhibit area. Arguably the largest single draw of VCF, this is where you’ll see everything from 1980’s robots to software defined radio on the MITS Altair 8800. In previous years we’ve seen WWII Enigma machines, as well all the cool toys that kids had back in the day.

As usual we’ll be there to take plenty of pictures and dive into the sundry amusements offered by the show and the InfoAge Museum which plays host to it. Hackaday is once again a proud sponsor of VCF East and their continuing efforts to preserve technology history for future generations. We’d love to see you there and we’re always looking for the inside scoop on interesting hardware so don’t be shy about tracking me down with your story!