“Some Assembly Required” Makes Us Love Things More

For the maker looking to turn their project into a business, trying to price your widget can be a bit of a conundrum. You want to share your widget with the world without going broke in the process. What if you could achieve both, letting the end user finish assembly? [PDF]

While over a decade has passed since Harvard Business School released this study on what they dub “The IKEA Effect,” we suspect that most of it will still be relevant given the slow pace of human behavior change. In short, when you make someone become part of the process of manufacturing or assembling their stuff, it makes them value it more highly than if it was already all put together in the box.

Interestingly, the researchers found “that consumers believe that their self-made products rival those of experts,” and that this is true regardless of whether these people consider themselves to be DIY enthusiasts or not. This only holds if the person is successful though, so it’s critical to have good instructions. If you have a mass market item in the works, you probably don’t want to require someone with no experience to solder something, but as IKEA has shown, nearly anybody can handle some hex screws and Allen wrenches.

If you’re looking for more advice on how to get your invention in people’s hands, how about this Supercon talk by Carrie Sundra about manufacturing on a shoestring budget or this video from Simone Giertz on her experiences with manufacturing from idea to finished product. You might want to steer clear of people promising patents for pennies on commercials, though.

Retrotechtacular: Soldering The Tek Way

For a lot of us, soldering just seems to come naturally. But if we’re being honest, none of us was born with a soldering iron in our hand — ouch! — and if we’re good at soldering now, it’s only thanks to good habits and long practice. But what if you’re a company that lives and dies by the quality of the solder joints your employees produce? How do you get them to embrace the dark art of soldering?

If you’re Tektronix in the late 1970s and early 1980s, the answer is simple: make in-depth training videos that teach people to solder the Tek way. The first video below, from 1977, is aimed at workers on the assembly line and as such concentrates mainly on the practical aspects of making solid solder joints on PCBs and mainly with through-hole components. The video does have a bit of theory on soldering chemistry and the difference between eutectic alloys and other tin-lead mixes, as well as a little about the proper use of silver-bearing solders. But most of the time is spent discussing the primary tool of the trade: the iron. Even though the film is dated and looks like a multi-generation dupe from VHS, it still has a lot of valuable tips; we’ve been soldering for decades and somehow never realized that cleaning a tip on a wet sponge is so effective because the sudden temperature change helps release oxides and burned flux. The more you know.

The second video below is aimed more at the Tek repair and rework technicians. It reiterates a lot of the material from the first video, but then veers off into repair-specific topics, like effective desoldering. Pro tip: Don’t use the “Heat and Shake” method of desoldering, and wear those safety glasses. There’s also a lot of detail on how to avoid damaging the PCB during repairs, and how to fix them if you do manage to lift a trace. They put a fair amount of emphasis on the importance of making repairs look good, especially with bodge wires, which should be placed on the back of the board so they’re not so obvious. It makes sense; Tek boards from the era are works of art, and you don’t want to mess with that.

Continue reading “Retrotechtacular: Soldering The Tek Way”

Faster Integer Division With Floating Point

Multiplication on a common microcontroller is easy. But division is much more difficult. Even with hardware assistance, a 32-bit division on a modern 64-bit x86 CPU can run between 9 and 15 cycles. Doing array processing with SIMD (single instruction multiple data)  instructions like AVX or NEON often don’t offer division at all (although the RISC-V vector extensions do). However, many processors support floating point division. Does it make sense to use floating point division to replace simpler division? According to [Wojciech Mula] in a recent post, the answer is yes.

The plan is simple: cast the 8-bit numbers into 32-bit integers and then to floating point numbers. These can be divided in bulk via the SIMD instructions and then converted in reverse to the 8-bit result. You can find several code examples on GitHub.

Continue reading “Faster Integer Division With Floating Point”

Unexpectedly Interesting Payphone Gives Up Its Secrets

Reverse engineering a payphone doesn’t sound like a very interesting project, at least in the United States, where payphones were little more than ruggedized versions of residential phones with a coin mechanism attached. Phones in other parts of the world were far more interesting, though, as this look at the mysteries of a payphone from Israel reveals (in Hebrew; English translation here.)

This is a project [Inbar Raz] worked on quite a while ago, but only got around to writing up recently. The payphone in question was sourced from the usual surplus market channels, and appears to have been removed from service by Israeli telecommunications company Bezeq only shortly before he found it. It was in pretty good shape, and was even still locked tight, making some amateur locksmithing the first order of the day. The internals of the phone are surprisingly complex, with a motherboard that looks more like something from a PC. Date codes on the chips and through-hole construction date the device to the early- to mid-1990s.

With physical access gained, [Inbar] turned to the firmware. An Atmel flash chip seemed a good place to look, and indeed he was able to pull code off the chip. That’s where things took a turn thanks to the CPU the code was written for — the CDP1806, a later version of the more popular but still fringe CDP1802. This required [Inbar] to fall down the rabbit hole of writing a new processor definition file for Ghidra so that the firmware could be reverse-engineered. This got him to the point of understanding 1806 assembly well enough that he was able to re-flash the phone to print debugging messages on the built-in 16×2 LCD screen, which allowed him to figure out which routines were being called under various error conditions.

It doesn’t appear that [Inbar] ever completed the reverse engineering project, but as he points out, what does that even mean? He got inside, took a look around, and made the phone do some cool things it couldn’t do before, and in the process made things easier for anyone working with 1806 processors in Ghidra. That’s a pretty complete win in our books.

Using AI To Help With Assembly

Although generative AI and large language models have been pushed as direct replacements for certain kinds of workers, plenty of businesses actually doing this have found that using this new technology can cause more problems than it solves when it is given free reign over tasks. While this might not be true indefinitely, the real use case for these tools right now is as a kind of assistant to certain kinds of work. For this they can be incredibly powerful as [Ricardo] demonstrates here, using Amazon Q to help with game development on the Commodore 64.

The first step here was to generate code that would show a sprite moving across the screen. The AI first generated code in all caps, as was the style at the time of the C64, but in [Ricardo]’s development environment this caused some major problems, so the code was converted to lowercase. A more impressive conversion was done in the next steps, as the program needed to take advantage of the optimizations found in the Assembly language. With the code converted to 6502 Assembly that can run on the virtual Commodore, [Ricardo] was eventually able to show four sprites moving across the screen after several iterations with the AI, as well as change the style of the sprites to arbitrary designs.

Although the post is a bit over-optimistic on Amazon Q as a tool specifically for developers, it might have some benefits over other generative AIs especially if it’s capable at the chore of programming in Assembly language. We’d love to hear anyone with real-world experience with this and whether it is truly worth the extra cost over something like Copilot or GPT 4. For any of these generative AI models, though, it’s probably worth trying them out while they’re in their early stages. Keep in mind that there’s a lot more than programming that can be done with some of them as well.

Seven New Street Fighter 2 Arcade Rom Hacks

[Sebastian Mihai] is a prolific programmer and hacker with a particular focus on retrocomputing and period games, and this latest hack, adding new gameplay elements to Capcom’s Street Fighter II – Champion Edition, is another great one. [Sebastian] was careful to resist changing the game physics, as that’s part of what makes this game ‘feel’ the way it does, but added some fun extra elements, such as the ability to catch birds, lob barrels at the other player, and dodge fire.

The title screen was updated for each of the different versions, so there is no doubt about which was being played. This work was based on their previous hacks to Knights of the Round. Since both games shared the same Capcom CPS-1 hardware, the existing 68000 toolchain could be reused, reducing the overhead for this new series of hacks. Continue reading “Seven New Street Fighter 2 Arcade Rom Hacks”

Quake In 276 KB Of RAM

Porting the original DOOM to various pieces of esoteric hardware is a rite of passage in some software circles. But in the modern world, we can get better performance than the 386 processor required to run the 1993 shooter for the cost of a dinner at a nice restaurant — with plenty of other embedded systems blowing these original minimum system requirements out of the water.

For a much tougher challenge, a group from Silicon Labs decided to port DOOM‘s successor, Quake, to the Arduino Nano Matter Board platform instead even though this platform has some pretty significant limitations for a game as advanced as Quake.

To begin work on the memory problem, the group began with a port of Quake originally designed for Windows, allowing them to use a modern Windows machine to whittle down the memory usage before moving over to hardware. They do have a flash memory module available as well, but there’s a speed penalty with this type of memory. To improve speed they did what any true gamer would do with their system: overclock the processor. This got them to around 10 frames per second, which is playable, but not particularly enjoyable. The further optimizations to improve the FPS required a much deeper dive which included generating lookup tables instead of relying on computation, optimizing some of the original C programming, coding some functions in assembly, and only refreshing certain sections of the screen when needed.

On a technical level, Quake was a dramatic improvement over DOOM, allowing for things like real-time 3D rendering, polygonal models instead of sprites, and much more intricate level design. As a result, ports of this game tend to rely on much more powerful processors than DOOM ports and this team shows real mastery of their hardware to pull off a build with a system with these limitations. Other Quake ports we’ve seen like this one running on an iPod Classic require a similar level of knowledge of the code and the ability to use assembly language to make optimizations.

Thanks to [Nicola] for the tip!