Retro computing enthusiasts, rejoice! HIDman, [rasteri]’s latest open source creation, bridges the gap between modern USB input devices and vintage PCs, from the IBM 5150 to machines with PS/2 ports. Frustrated by the struggle to find functioning retro peripherals, [rasteri] developed HIDman as an affordable, compact, and plug-and-play solution that even non-techies can appreciate.
The heart of HIDman is the CH559 microcontroller, chosen for its dual USB host ports and an ideal balance of power and cost-efficiency. This chip enables HIDman’s versatility, supporting serial mice and various keyboard protocols. Building a custom parser for the tricky USB HID protocol posed challenges, but [rasteri]’s perseverance paid off, ensuring smooth communication between modern devices and older systems.
Design-wise, the project includes a thoughtful circuit board layout that fits snugly in its case, marrying functionality with aesthetics. Retro computing fans can jump in by building HIDman themselves using the files in the GitHub repository, or by opting for the ready-made unit.
A spare monitor and keyboard are handy things to have around, but they’re a bit of a hassle. They are useful for hardware development, plugging in to headless servers, or firing up a Raspberry Pi or similar single-board computer (SBC). If that’s something you do and portability and storage space are important to you, then you may be interested in the CrowView Note.
I got an opportunity to test and provide feedback on an early version of this unusual device, which is functionally a portable spare monitor plus keyboard (and touchpad) without the bulk and extra cables. Heck, it’s even giving me ideas as the guts of a Cyberdeck build. Let’s take a look.
What It Is
It really looks like a laptop, but it’s actually a 14″ 1920 x 1280 monitor and USB keyboard in a laptop form factor.
There is also an integrated trackpad, speakers and mic, and a rechargeable battery. That makes it capable of providing its own power, and it can even function as a power bank in a pinch. There’s an HDMI input on one side, and on the other is a full-featured USB-C port that accepts video input via the DisplayPort altmode.
Pictured here is a Raspberry Pi 5 with optional PCB adapter to eliminate cables. The three ports (HDMI in, USB-C 5 V out, and USB-A for peripherals) provide all the board needs.
The CrowView Note is a pretty useful device for a workbench where one is often plugging hardware in for development or testing, because there’s no need to manage a separate monitor, keyboard, and mouse.
It is not a laptop, but attaching an SBC like a Raspberry Pi makes it act like one. The three ports conveniently located on the left-hand side (HDMI in, USB-C out for power to the SBC, and USB-A in for peripherals like keyboard and trackpad) are all that are needed in this case. Elecrow offers a “cable eliminator” PCB adapters to make the process of connecting a Raspberry Pi 5 or a Jetson Nano as simple as possible. The result is something that looks and works just like a laptop.
Well, almost. The SBC will still be a separate piece of hardware, whether connected by cables or by one of Elecrow’s PCB adapters. The result is OK for bench work, but especially in the case of the PCB adapter, not particularly rugged. Still, it’s a nice option and makes working on such boards convenient and cable-free.
Few consumer-grade PCs are what you’d categorize as built to last. Most office-grade machines are as likely as not to give up the ghost after ingesting a few too many dust bunnies, and the average laptop can barely handle a few drops of latte and some muffin crumbs before croaking. Sticking a machine like that in the shop, especially a metal shop, is pretty much a death sentence.
And yet, computers are so useful in the shop that [Lucas] from “Cranktown City” built this neat industrial-strength monitor arm. His design will look familiar to anyone with a swing-arm mic or desk light, although his home-brew parallelogram arm is far sturdier thanks to the weight of the monitor and sheet-metal enclosure it supports. All that weight exceeded the ability of the springs [Lucas] had on hand, which led to the most interesting aspect of the build — a pair of pneumatic locks. These were turned from a scrap of aluminum rod and an old flange-head bolt; when air pressure is applied, the bolt is drawn into the cylinder, which locks the arm in place. To make it easy to unlock the arm, a pneumatic solenoid releases the pressure on the system at the touch of a button. The video below has a full explanation and demonstration.
While we love the idea, there are a few potential problems with the design. The first is that this isn’t a fail-safe design, since pressure is needed to keep the arm locked. That means if the air pressure drops the arm could unlock, letting gravity do a number on your nice monitor. Second is the more serious problem [Lucas] alluded to when he mentioned not wanting to be in the line of fire of those locks should something fail and the piston comes flying out under pressure. That could be fixed with a slight design change to retain the piston in the event of a catastrophic failure.
Problems aside, this was a great build, and we always love [Lucas]’ seat-of-the-pants engineering and his obvious gift for fabrication, of which his wall-mount plasma cutter is a perfect example.
Switching inputs between desktops seems like something that should be simple but can prove to be a pain in reality. [Hrvoje Cavrak] decided to take matters into his own hands and build a better keyboard and mouse switch.
DeskHop is built from two Raspberry Pi Pico boards connected via UART and separated by an Analog Devices ADuM1201 dual-channel digital isolator. Through the magic of Pico-PIO-USB these RP2040s can be both host and device. To keep things simple, the PCB is single-sided, and the BOM only has five distinct components.
Once hooked up to your Windows, Mac, or Linux device, your mouse pointer “magically” goes from one screen to the other when dragged across the screen edge. Keyboard LEDs can be reprogrammed to indicate which device is active, and the real beauty of the device is that since it’s a hardware solution, you don’t have to install any software on a computer you might not have admin access to.
A KVM is a great tool for administering a number of different computers without cluttering one’s desk with extra peripherals, or for having to re-connect the keyboard, video, and mouse to each new machine as needed. For local administration this can save a ton of time and headache. For remote administration, though, a virtual KVM is needed, and although these solutions are pricey it’s possible to build one around a Raspberry Pi for a fraction of the cost. This one adds even more functionality by also switching the ATX signals from the motherboard and simplifying cable management to boot. Continue reading “Pi-Cast Adds ATX Signalling To KVM”→
Many of us will have the problem of several computers on the same desk, and to avoid clutter we’ll use a KVM switch to share the peripherals. [The Turbanned Engineer] has an interesting solution to this problem in the form of a USB triplexer. It’s a device that routes USB data lines depending upon which of its connections is powered up.
The circuit is simple enough: a CMOS analogue multiplexer does the routing, and a set of opto-couplers do the selecting based on the power inputs. A set of USB A sockets connect to the computer, and a USB B socket connects to the peripheral.
We’re not entirely sure whether an analogue multiplexer chip would be good for the higher-speed USB data rates, but since keyboards and mice talk at the slowest data rates, we think he’ll get away with it. Either way making a USB switch however basic with such mundane components has something of the hack about it. What he does with the display we’re not so sure about, but at least his keyboard and mouse woes are dealt with.
[Michael Lynch] has been a solo developer for over three years now, and has been carefully cataloguing his attempts at generating revenue for himself ever since making the jump to being self-employed. Success is not just hard work; it is partly knowing when the pull the plug on an idea, and [Micheal] has been very open about his adventures in this area. He shares the good news about a DIY project of his that ended up becoming a successful product, complete with dollar amounts and frank observations.
About a year ago, we covered a project he shared called TinyPilot, which is an effective KVM-over-IP device, accessible over the web, that could be built with about $100 worth of parts. [Micheal] found it to be a fun and useful project, and decided to see if he could sell kits. However, he admits he didn’t have high expectations, and his thoughts are probably pretty familiar to most hardware types:
I questioned whether there was a market for this. Why would anyone buy this device from me? It was just a collection of widely available hardware components.
Well, it turns out that he was onto something, and the demand for his device became immediately clear. He’s since given TinyPilot more features, an attractive case, and even provides a support plan for commercial customers. This is an excellent reminder that sometimes, what is being sold isn’t the collection of parts itself. Sometimes, what’s being sold is a solution to a problem people have, and those people are time-poor and willing to pay for something that just works.
It’s great to see [Michael] find some success as a solo developer, but his yearly wrap-up covers much more than just the success of TinyPilot as a product, so be sure to check it out if you’re at all interested in the journey of working for yourself.