There’s No Lower Spec Linux Machine Than This One

It’s not uncommon for a new distro version to come out, and a grudging admission that maybe a faster laptop is on the cards. Perhaps after seeing this project though, you’ll never again complain about that two-generations-ago 64-bit multi-core behemoth, because [Dimitri Grinberg] — who else! — has succeeded in booting an up-to-date Linux on the real most basic of processors. We’re not talking about 386s, ATmegas, or 6502s, instead he’s gone right back to the beginning. The Intel 4004 was the first commercially available microprocessor back in 1971, and now it can run Linux.

So, given the 4004’s very limited architecture and 4-bit bus, how can it perform this impossible feat? As you might expect, the kernel isn’t being compiled to run natively on such ancient hardware. Instead he’s achieved the equally impossible-sounding task of writing a MIPS emulator for the venerable silicon, and paring back the emulated hardware to the extent that it remains capable given the limitations of the 1970s support chips in interfacing to the more recent parts such as RAM for the MIPS, an SD card, and a VFD display. The result is shown in the video below the break, and even though it’s sped up it’s clear that this is not a quick machine by any means.

We’d recommend the article as a good read even if you’ll never put Linux on a 4004, because of its detailed description of the architecture. Meanwhile we’ve had a few 4004 stories over the years, and this one’s not even the first time we’ve seen it emulate something else.

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Mechanical Logic Gates With Amplification

One of the hardest things about studying electricity, and by extension electronics, is that you generally can’t touch or see anything directly, and if you can you’re generally having a pretty bad day. For teaching something that’s almost always invisible, educators have come up with a number of analogies for helping students understand the inner workings of this mysterious phenomenon like the water analogy or mechanical analogs to electronic circuits. One of [Thomas]’s problems with most of these devices, though, is that they don’t have any amplification or “fan-out” capability like a real electronic circuit would. He’s solved that with a unique mechanical amplifier.

Digital logic circuits generally have input power and ground connections in addition to their logic connection points, so [Thomas]’s main breakthrough here is that the mechanical equivalent should as well. His uses a motor driving a shaft with a set of pulleys, each of which has a fixed string wrapped around the pulley. That string is attached to a second string which is controlled by an input. When the input is moved the string on the pulley moves as well but the pulley adds a considerable amount of power to to the output which can eventually be used to drive a much larger number of inputs. In electronics, the ability to drive a certain number of inputs from a single output is called “fan-out” and this device has an equivalent fan-out of around 10, meaning each output can drive ten inputs.

[Thomas] calls his invention capstan lever logic, presumably named after a type of winch used on sailing vessels. In this case, the capstan is the driven pulley system. The linked video shows him creating a number of equivalent circuits starting with an inverter and working his way up to a half adder and an RS flip-flop. While the amplifier pulley does take a minute to wrap one’s mind around, it really helps make the equivalent electronic circuit more intuitive. We’ve seen similar builds before as well which use pulleys to demonstrate electronic circuits, but in a slightly different manner than this build does.

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This Week In Security: Open Source C2, Raptor Trains, And End To End Encryption

Open Source has sort of eaten everything in software these days. And that includes malware, apparently, with open source Command and Control (C2) frameworks like Sliver and Havoc gaining traction. And of course, this oddball intersection of Open Source and security has intrigued at least one security researcher who has found some interesting vulnerabilities.

Before we dive into what was found, you may wonder why open source malware tools exist. First off, trustworthy C2 servers are quite useful for researchers, who need access to such tools for testing. Then there is Red Teaming, where a security professional launches a mock attack against a target to test its defenses. A C2 is often useful for education and hobby level work, and then there are the true criminals that do use these Open Source tools. It takes all types.

A C2 system consists of an agent installed on compromised systems, usually aiming for stealth. These agents connect to a central server, sending information and then executing any instructions given. And finally there’s a client, which is often just a web interface or even a command line interface.

Now what sort of fun is possible in these C2 systems? Up first is Sliver, written in Go, with a retro command line interface. Sliver supports launching Metasploit on compromised hosts. Turns out, it accidentally supported running Metasploit modules against the server’s OS itself, leading to an easy remote shell from an authenticated controller account.

Havoc has a fancy user interface for the clients, and also a command injection flaw. A service name field gets used to generate a shell command, so you’re only a simple escape away from running commands. That’s not quite as useful as the API that failed open when a bad username/password was given. Oops. Continue reading “This Week In Security: Open Source C2, Raptor Trains, And End To End Encryption”

Inside A Portable Satellite Dish

Like many of us, [Gabe] has things he just can’t stop buying. In his case, it is portable satellite dishes. You’ve seen these. They look like a dome or maybe a hard hat on some kind of motorized base. What’s in them? What can you do with them? Watch the video below and find out.

As [Gabe] points out, you can often find these on the surplus market for very little money. You can sometimes find them on the side of the road for free, too. Although we’ve never been that lucky.

The video shows three generations of Winegard antennas. It shows what’s inside and how to command them. Of course, the obvious use for these is as an antenna. But we also were thinking they’d make a fair motion base for something, too.

Some of the antennas lack any limit switches. On startup, the system spins until it grinds the plastic gears to find its travel limits. We expect that’s not good for the gears, but it does work. [Gabe] mentions it might be a bit of planned obsolescence, but we imagine it is more of a cost-saving measure.

Junkyards are a frequent source for satellite gear, apparently. Dishes have lots of other uses, too.

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Is That A Coaster? No, It’s An LED Matrix!

I’m sure you all love to see some colorful blinkenlights every now and then, and we are of course no exception. While these might look like coasters at a distance, do not be deceived! They’re actually [bitluni]’s latest project!

[bitluni]’s high-fidelity LED matrix started life as some 8×8 LED matrices lying on the shelf for 10 years taunting him – admit it, we’re all guilty of this – before he finally decided to make something with them. That idea took the form of a tileable display with the help of some magnets and pogo pins, which is certainly a very satisfying way to connect these oddly futuristic blinky coasters together.

It all starts with some schematics and a PCB. Because the CH32V208 has an annoying package to solder, [bitluni] opted to have the PCB fab do placement for him. Unfortunately, though, and like any good prototype, it needed a bodge! [bitluni] had accidentally mirrored a chip in the schematic, meaning he had to solder one of the SMD chips on upside-down, “dead bug mode”. Fortunately, the rest was seemingly more successful, because with a little 3D-printed case and some fancy programming, the tiny tiles came to life in all of their rainbow-barfing glory. Sure, the pogo pins were less reliable than desired, but [bitluni] has some ideas for a future version we’re very much looking forward to.

Video after the break.
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Reverse Engineering A Keyboard Driver Uncovers A Self-Destruct Code

Should you be able to brick a keyboard just by writing a driver to flash the lights on it? We don’t think so either. [TheNotary] got quite the shock when embarking on a seemingly straightforward project to learn C++ on the x86-64 architecture with Windows and sent it straight to Silicon Heaven with only a few seemingly innocent USB packets.

The project was a custom driver for the XVX S-K80 mechanical keyboard, aiming to flash LED patterns across the key LEDs and perhaps send custom images to the integrated LCD. When doing this sort of work, the first thing you need is the documentation of the communications protocols. Obviously, this was not an option with a closed-source project, so the next best thing is to spy on the existing Windows drivers and see how they worked. Using Wireshark to monitor the USB traffic whilst twiddling with the colour settings, it was clear that communications were purely over HID messages, simplifying subsequent analysis. Next, they used x32dbg (now x64dbg, but whatever) to attach to the existing driver process and trap a few interesting Windows system calls. After reading around the Windows API, a few candidate functions were identified and trapped. This gave them enough information to begin writing code to reproduce this behaviour. Then things got a bit odd.

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Lathe Outfitted With Electronic Gearbox

Running a metal lathe is not for the faint of heart. Without proper knowledge and preparation, these machines can quickly cause injury or destroy expensive stock, tools, or parts. The other major problem even for those with knowledge and preparedness is that some of their more niche capabilities, like cutting threads with a lead screw, can be tedious and complicated thanks to the change gear system found on some lathes. While these are useful tools for getting things done, [Not An Engineer] decided that there was a better way and got to work building an electronic gearbox to automate the task of the traditional mechanical change gear setup in this video.

What makes change gears so tricky is that they usually come as a set of many gears of different ratios, forcing the lathe operator to figure out the exact combination of gears needed to couple the spindle of the lathe to the feed screw at the precise ratio needed for cutting a specific thread pattern. It is possible to do this task but can be quite a headache. [Not An Engineer] first turned to an Arduino Nano to receive input from a rotary encoder connected to the shaft of the lathe and then instruct a motor to turn the feed screw at a set ratio.

The first major problem was that the Arduino was not nearly fast enough to catch every signal from the encoder, leading to a considerable amount of drift in the output of the motor. That was solved by upgrading to a Teensy 4.1 with a 600 MHz clock speed. There was still one other major hurdle to cross; the problem of controlling the motor smoothly when an odd ratio is selected. [Not An Engineer] used this algorithm to inspire some code, and with that and some custom hardware to attach everything to the lathe he has a working set of electronic change gears that never need to be changed again. And, if you don’t have a lathe at all but are looking to get started with one, you can always build your own from easily-sourced parts.

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